I'm not playing around any more.
I have had it with the city kids who mouth off the loudest in the Coulters, Limbaughs, Boehners, Cantors, Roves, Bush boys and yes even Mark Levin, who has started acting like David Horowitz and Daniel Pipes in censoring Americans from speaking about things which do not fit their prejudice.
It is most disappointing in Mark Levin in smearing Birthers and discounting Donald Trump, because he does not fit the clique.
Therefore just like..............
Well put it this way children, in the American days, once upon a time, there were men and women like Wild Bill Hickok and Annie Oakley.........and America was a place where the Great Westerner like Kit Carson were the will which set America.
Here is a story about Wild Bill which says it all. Bill was with Col. Cody in a Wild West Show which went into Pennsylvania. In those days the oil roughnecks were working there drilling and thought themselves pretty tough.
It became voiced that the oil drillers were going to run those damn plainsmen out of town in the roughest sort of way.
Buffalo Bill was doing his show and noticed that Will Bill was nowhere around. He started asking questions and one kid finally said, "Well, Wild Bill heard that the oil rowdies were going to come over here and clean us out, so Bill went over to pay them a visit."
Col. Cody got a few men together and went looking for Wild Bill pronto. He entered a bar soon enough and there sat James Butler Hickok surrounded by a pile of broken chairs, tables and bottles............sipping some whiskey.
Wild Bill simply said, "I found them oil rowdies and convinced them".
You have to realize these oil men were tough, there was a mob of them, and Wild Bill went in and beat the hell out of all of them alone.
In that, I have had it with the biggest mouths dictating to everyone in how we should all be behaving. It ain't gonna ride that way any more.
It doesn't matter to me if it is Bill Cosby attacking Donald Trump on the Birther issue or Mark Levin. Flat ass wrong is flat ass wrong, and no one is going to be telling me that Banana Republic Obama or some Mark Rubio is going to be the choice in 2012.
Cosby talks a good line in black family stewardship, but he turns a blind brain when it comes to tan guy Obama in making excuses for this crook. The same is with Levin in spouting off about more in the primary the better, and when a Conservative sounding Donald Trump surges ahead, Levin goes out and trashes him.
That is pure bullshit with a horseshit flavor.
So I'm going to inform folks the way it is going to be and you children can ponder on it as this is a Westerner thing now, the same Reagan Westerner mentality all these skirt hiders are pretending to be about as they foam at the mouth like petty tyrants.
I have eluded to this previously, but it is now Lame Cherry Doctrine. I don't give a rats ass if Obama steals the election in 2012. The reason is the line is in the prairie gumbo that we are going to Birther that bastard one way or the other.
By that I explain as I have eluded to previously, let it be known that John Boehner and Eric Cantor are toast. They ain't getting a second go round in this rodeo.
The entire Conservative Agenda is as follows in Michele Bachmann will use her Conservative Presidential exploratory run to cement her place to be Speaker in 2012 with the entire Tea Party working their asses off to get real Conservatives and not Boehnerite Republicans elected. If we can bust Boehner in the primary.....good riddance, but the point is to rid the GOP of these in the gay ear Obamites and Rovians.
That stated, Michele Bachmann is our failsafe. This means she will be convinced to speak about federally arresting Obama under a Judge Parker mandate in 2013, January 1st, with full control of the House and Senate in Conservative hands.
No impeachment nonsense, no appeals, just Judge Parker cuffing Obama and his regime if he steals the election again and throws his ass with Bidens into Gitmo with their terror friends.
Same case in Sarah Palin is convinced to do the American thing if Obama does not steal the election from her in 2012, that she will as I have advocated for years, turn the entire Justice Department under a Mark Levin loose as President Andrew Jackson did, and by prosecutorial means destroy all of the enemies of America by Judge Parker.
You start speaking of this as this is the way it WILL BE, and those blacks who will riot will get the message that their tan pimp is done who has been throwing them under the bus. Charles Schumer thinking his mouth will be protected by the Senate will find hisself on a steel bracelet line with other orange jumpsuits in Gitmo.
I'm not playing around any more. Ann Coulter is going to be made to answer as Peggy Noonan, as Rush Gridlock Limbaugh, as Karl Rove.........and I would suggest old man and old lady Bush41's to take a French holiday for the rest of their days, as the political rape and threatened assassination of Sarah Palin in the Giffords affair was over the line, and they damn well know it as that is why this ilk has been skulking in their brush patch since then.
In President Andrew Jackson terms, this sh*t is going to be made to answer, and when this American nation by legal means has finished with them, it starts with Holder, Napolitano and all these other festooned traitors on the right who have been in bed with B. Hussein Obama.
The time is now to start preparing the patrician for what is coming, and that includes the Rockefellers of America and Rothschilds of Europe. You Ashkenaz secularist have raped the American economy and people in 9 11 attacks. You and Obama have stolen trillions of that nation's wealth, and buddy you are going to be giving that back with interest or it will be President Palin or Bachmann who is going to be feeding you nuclear missiles in a real war declared for your economic terrorism.
America has had war declared on it, and this fifth column in the Democrat and Republican parties have with their talking heads betrayed the entire American people.
The sooner the Obama backers and the elite patricians figure out law and order is going to be implemented and their hiding behind American laws to rape this nation is not going to continue, the better it will be when the medicine of Justice is handed out in the Parker court.
I offer one compromise in this and it is to the Rothschild elite who put this Obama in place and have been pulling Pelosi's and Boehners strings, and that is, you dump Obama now and make certain your puppy press is on board in electing Conservative super majorities in the House and Senate, with Sarah Palin as President...........and these United States will let you run your evil empire for the good of people in the world. These United States will be content to prosecute Obama and his regime, and flush out the Coulter traitors in all their Rovian talking points..........and you Rothschilds will turn over the 25 trillion dollars in a settlement to America.
Otherwise America is going to implement this doctrine, and what you have had Obama doing in the Middle East, America is going to be doing that in your enclaves in Europe to let the mobs dig you out to the tap root.
That is the deal and you are not dealing with the coastal urban brats you funnel money to on the right and left. Westerners can not be bought no matter which brier patch they are inhabiting.
It is going to be Birther that Bastard, and if it comes to that, the tide is going to roll like a tsunami and all the Obama supporters and benefactors in the ivory towers will be next.
So Pastor Manning, I suggest you do an exploratory run for the President as your voice belongs in the GOP. I suggest Lt. Col. Terry Lakin run for President in the GOP primaries as Obama's first American Prisoner of War. I suggest that Democrat Lawrence Sinclair run in the GOP primaries as Obama's first political prisoner.
Join Donald Trump and really piss these Coulterites off in being exposed for the frauds they are, and give Americans the sexy issues they desire to focus on............and this schooling will educate the Obamites great and small that a new Sheriff is in town with Deputy Law and Deputy Order, and the law of America is arresting Obama in 2013 no matter what and America is going after the order which did not heed this warning.
How is that Mark Levin? Makes you look middle of the road now doesn't it when you come up against the real immigrant pioneer stock who signed their names to the Declaration of Independence and broke out into the frontier to claim it as their Promised Land.
Ain't any of you right or left who crossed that big river to the border. You are all city kids sucking up to the coast. Ed Schultz is a dude and Sean Hannity thinks pounding nails in New York is a job.
2012 is settled and it is time to settle this in the American people's mind and the Rothschilds mind. The Rothschilds already stole the election for Obama, and it ain't going to happen that way. Obama will be Birthered and all those who do not heed the law and order coming will find it dispensed by a Congressionally mandated Judge.
What's that?
Doesn't say that in the Constitution? Well pilgrim, it sure as hell doesn't say there can't be one appointed now either does it.
nuff said.