What is this blog going to do............
First Jerome Corsi confirmed the exclusives here that Hawaii was registering the dead to inflate their Congressional and Welfare numbers.........which is what B. Hussein Obama jr. is all about....
And now some creature popping keyboard propaganda, named Janny Scott in Obama worship has confirmed that Obama learned wife beating from Lolo Soetoro..........I know, I know it is blame the guy with these skirts, but what if Stanley Ann Dunham was experiencing rough sex with the lesbian maid in Bondage Sadomasochism?
The lesbian hooters really can wail on the kitty with the belt.
Speaking of belts, little Barry got the full military belt treatment from Stan Ann. She literally beat this boy, because as this blog has noted this sloven little brat would not do his homework. That is why she was getting the kid up in the dark before school to make him work.
Say isn't that just like the vacationing Obama in the White House. You betcha it is.
What really was interesting in this book was what was psychologically revealed. Stanley Ann Dunhma was a human behaviorist........you know the liberal who goes to half naked savages, and watches them get ate by tigers, because to interfere would be upsetting the balance of things?
Well we have two examples of the parenting of Stan Ann.
The first was a nice walk in racist Indonesia. Stan is out parading little Barry around, when the kids start pelting him with rocks calling him a nigger.
The woman telling the story seemed upset, but as Obama danced around the rocks being pelted at him like dodge ball, Stan said, "On he is used to it".
Used to being called nigger and having rocks thrown at him?
I don't think I ever saw that on Cosby, The Jeffersons or Good Times in Theo, George or JJ enjoying being called a nigger and practicing as Mr. Bojangles in having rocks thrown at you as the parent looked on.
As is exclusive here, Stan Ann was raising this kid in what appears a lab experiment.
The second point in this, was Barry the brat, learned early to beat the damn wogs. The Soetoro's employed a "house boy" and one night boy Obama and house boy were apparently sleeping in the living room, and Barry ordered the kid to shut the light off.
Barry ordered the slave.........er servant to do it again........the kid did not obey.
So Barry punches the kid in the chest..............and then punches the kid the second time.
Frederick Douglas at this point, having enough of massah Obama beating on him, rose up and emancipated himself and punched the little tyrant back.
Obama's response?
Why he stood there bawling like the bully he was.
Stan Ann's response?
Why she came in upon hearing the wailing.........apparently the kids turn off the lights and lock up the houses in Dunham land as the adults are too busy acting like royalty, and upon seeing what a brat her Barry was didn't do anything.
This woman never could handle this lab experiment........so the wog was intiated to beat the hell out of the kid.
Now do you see why Obama sends Egyptians to rape Lara Logan.........is what you do when the uppity bitch can't be handled........you send in the wogs.
Stan Ann really sucked as a wife. Lolo the husband would expect her to appear with him at functions to which she refused........that is really a losing face aspect in the third world, so Lolo got out the fist and beat on Stan.........unless of course it was the lesbian maid playing rough in sex.
The main point is low self esteem Stan Dunham screwed colored males to dirty up her sex life to make her feel superior, and after being degraded she didn't apparently like it..........Noel Sheppard are you getting this with Camille Paglia?
This though is what America has in the White House........a sloven lab experiment a liberal mother could not handle who inflated this idiots ego to make him think he had to be some leader to mean something in life......the net result the little tyrant beat on the wogs and in turn got beat on by his mother with a leather belt.
Not exactly the folks you want having their fingers on nuclear weapons or caretakers of your American future.
Janny Scott does her best to make this nut house sound progressive. Sounds more like Barry's poetry about yellow stained underwear and smelling like Uncle Frank Davis or Bill Ayers raping Jewish girls with black men.
Just wait until time judges this time America, the judges will conclude how disgusting this all was.
*Ms Scott wrote: 'Saman said that when Barry failed to finish homework sent from Hawaii by his grandmother, Ann "would call him into his room and would spank him with his father's military belt".
*Miss Scott wrote: 'After lunch, the group took a walk, with Barry running ahead. A flock of Indonesian children began lobbing rocks in his direction. They ducked behind a wall and shouted racial epithets.
'He seemed unfazed, dancing around as though playing dodge ball "with unseen players", Bryant said.
'Ann did not react. Assuming she must not have understood the words, Bryant offered to intervene. "No, he's O.K.," Ann said. "He's used to it".'
*On this occasion, Barry, who was eight or nine at the time, asked Saman to turn out the light.'When Saman did not do it, he said, Barry hit him in the chest. When he did not react, Barry hit him harder, and Saman struck him back. Barry began to cry loudly, attracting Ann's attention.
'According to Saman, Ann did not respond. She seemed to realize that Barry had been in the wrong. Otherwise, Saman would not have struck him.'