I have some advice for the Ron Paulonians and it is simple advice that even they can comprehend.
As of late, Jesse Ventura, has been prowling about in discovery of things conspiratorial with his television program and on George Nouri's Coast to Coast Obama AM.
Mr. Ventura has indicated that he will not run on the Republican ticket as he says he enjoys killing babies, so the GOP will not have him............never mind why the GOP will not really have him as that will be explained later, but suffice it to say, before there was a twinkle of Obama in the eye of Nancy Pelosi, there was a Jesse Ventura in Minnesota.
How this conflicts with Ron Paul is Mr. Ventura has been indicating he wants to run with Ron Paul as a Libertarian...........a sort of Obama usurper for the Paulonians as Ventura wants to flip a coin and be on top......of the ticket that is.
So Paulonians, you can run your man Ron Paul, but Jesse Ventura is going to be running him.
That is your warning for your guy, and you had better pay attention as well as the regular children as this affects you to in defeating Obama.
I recall three bitches from Minnesota ranting at me in a card game they were playing online in the early days of Jesse Ventura. Ventura was one of these Minnesota crooked election things in which he swept in and was elected Governor to the idiots of that state.
These cows just did not want to hear the reality of Ventura, but soon found out what a complete ass he was and is.
Ventura first started reffing pro wrestling for a fortune involving the Governor's office, then he bankrupted that rich state, and when he figured out Minnesota was going to kick his ass out of office, this thug ran for the border to cash in again in media.
The only thing Ventura did which was good was walk out of that Paul Wellstone nuttery funeral when it went insane.
The only good thing about Jesse Ventura is his wife, who I can not fathom why this gal is with him, but she is a wonderful person, so Ventura must have something in him in private which is lost as he tries to bully his way through life.........tis what weak and scared children do, join the tough military, engage in tough mock wrestling, be a bouncer and then run around threatening people smaller than you.
Threatening Sean Hannity is one thing.........never do see Ventura threatening someone his own size.
That is why Republicans would have nothing to do with Ventura as he is a nightmare on Obama street. He actually took a prosperous Minnesota and imploded it.....that even tops Obama's Super Depression as Obama only strangled a recovering economy...........Ventura killed a vibrant economy.
So Jesse Ventura can exist in his own propaganda, but you Pauloonians or Paulonians depending on how much kook aid you suck off of Professor Paul's shoes, had better be aware what a disaster Jesse Ventura is.
Imagine Ron Paul's incorrect gold standard which would make Russia and China economic superpowers in their reserves combined with bankruptcy Ventura. Ventura would absolutely in his Obama record of cashing in on the system, abusing power and bankrupting Minnesota wipe Ron Paul off the map in the very issues he stands on.
That is your warning Ron Paul and your followers. There are many self serving folks like Glenn Beck intent on splitting the GOP, when what is needed is more Libertarian or Ron Paul people driving the GOP.
Look, Ron Paul is wrong on the gold standard due to empowering American enemies. Ron Paul is wrong on his 1930's Republican isolationism which drags America into world wars, as much as the Bush41 and Obama I, nation building garbage.
This is what is important though Ron Paul and followers, your ideas melded into sound policies like Ronald Reagan and Caspar Weinberger are exactly what the GOP requires. America needs the Fed reigned in as Ron Paul advocates and America must stop jumping into these Muslim tribal wars of Obama.
Those are Reagan and Weinberger doctrines, and if Ron Paul gets involved with an ignorant Jesse Ventura or splinters off Libertarians, then the worst thing occurs in B. Hussein Obama is in office in 2013.
Would it not be better Ron Paulonians to construct yourself as a power base? Reach out, use your organizing ability politely and use your fund raising extensively and BACK REAL CONSERVATIVES who are in the same direction as Libertarians.
Become a force and convince all the Constitutionalists and Libertarians to come back to the GOP in making it your party, and send the Rovians packing to the Rockefeller hills.
This is how you best achieve power as Ron Paul even elected would be like Ventura so marginalized in Minnesota that he did nothing, but bankrupt a state.
Maybe Ron Paul won't be Vice President on a Palin ticket, but given enough pressure, Ron Paul could be Fed Chairman or even Treasury in a vice versa with Donald Trump.
You Ron Paul people are rude too often, and want things so much you delude yourself too often. This is the reality and this blog reaches out in trying to save you from yourselves and attempting to bring your necessary ideals into practice according to proven doctrines in Reagan and Weinberger which do work for America and our allies.
Join the Christians, Veterans, Ladies and the rest of the groups the Boehnerite Rovians have told to shut up and go home. Change the GOP the way Ronald Reagan did from that Rockefeller sect. This is how this works.........and if Jesse Ventura wants to come along, he is more than welcome, but he is not going to attach to anyone from a personal power play nor is he going to be allowed to Obama thug his way to a position.
Come up with real solutions like Paul Ryan has. A better idea leads a party.
nuff said.