I take up packs and enjoy being in the brier patch as I was born there in the wastes and wilds, and am at home there in my best loved nativity.
That is why from my perch of an eye in the sky........no not Google Planet, but seeing real things the Holy Ghost points out to me, that I witness things which puzzle me, because when I'm on location I see things no one else does.
God has provided me with many gifts. One is a photographic memory and a memory which has a catalogue of recall which is plain idiot savant, as I'm like a woman walking into a room in noting everything as the female niche is wired to do...........in my case I store in my archives vast amounts of information which might sit for years until it all compiles into some Final Jeopardy answer.
You know Dana Milbank, liberal who jousted with Obama at the Washington Post, until the cartel told him to shut his damn mouth or they would shut it............just as they told the Clintons?
I have mentioned Dana as he is quite the liberal fabrication, as his namesake is one Jeremiah Milbank, a friend of mine you might say from the old war days, the Civil War to be exact.
As I have stated, Mr. Milbank was a bright boy in he joined up with Borden, of the canned milk fame, and together in war contracts they made a fortune.
Milbank invested part of his money into railroads which built the American interior after the war and into the next century.
This railroad became the Milwaukee Road, which was a well run system in the northern tier with pretty red rust colored cars.
Stick with this children, as I will provide you a pissed off moment soon.
The Milwaukee Road was purchased a few years ago by Burlington Northern which ..........well from my perch did not please me, as their rail cars were full of Obama city graffiti and looked quite unprofessional, as they milked their lines for their bucks............until they were bought out by the namesake of BSNF, or Warren Buffett.
Nation Rapist Buffett had all those billions to buy up things cheap during the Obama Super Depression, by betting against America like George Soros and looting American's savings accounts.
What caught my attention today was the grubby BSNF employees, are not quite the match of the pretty new rail engine and shipping cars of oil tankers and freight.
Think about this for a second children, in how many businesses have you noticed have been buying up tons of new things costing a fortune when the rest of America is Obama imploding?
Recall now that Buffett was Obama's guru. Recall it was Buffett in Obama's White House speech of April 13th who Obama praised.
Recall now that it was Buffett who bet on China and bet on coal and rail, when Obama was destroying the coal industry, coal plants and the things trains were hauling.
Doesn't it seem odd in this economic depression that Warren Buffett would have the funds to be investing all those pretty new railroad toys?
You do know don't you in business like in Rush Limbaugh's private jet, that all of those things are tax deductions which allows them to live like kings, while the rest of America eats sawdust for supper.
Those new trains Buffett purchased were tax deductions. As he is astute, and Obama is assisting him........which is the case, Buffett got you to pay for all his new trains, by his tax deduction subsidies.
It might be a conglomerate mode of Buffett's looting branch of stocks and commodities earning billions, require a business offset in new toys at the railroad or it might be some Obama crime yet undiscovered in the country, but I was amazed how Buffett no longer pulls a caboose in his trains, but certainly has a great deal of new property in an industry which everyone else seemed to think was failing.
So all of you poor people, I hope you like the new trains you bought for nation rapist Warren Buffet as Barack Hussein Obama provided him absolute carte blanche, and an absolute profit as Buffett never puts money in unless he is assured absolute Ponzi type profits.
Even if you are not pissed, at least now you know something which the people in bunkers, beaches and tennis courts in their urbania never see as their satellites tune into programs about themselves while mine has a special feature which points things out to a mind beyond belief.
Oh yes....
nuff said.