The following is a different view of the archives found buried in Jordan which are now being heralded as "christian" writings.
I do not believe that the experts always, comprehend what they have here, as this is not what they elude to, but what these lead plates elude to are the "mystery".
By Inspiration, I explain.
If one examines these plates, they were cast and not etched. Casting is a completely different form as this type dates back to Hiram, as in the artist employed by King Solomon for the Temple of God.
The area these casts were found, is in proximity to the area which the "investment castings" were made out of the clay and sands of Israel specific to this purpose.
In investment casting, one moulds an object out of pressed clay or sand, and then pours molten metal into them. This is old as antiquity and is still used today in industry. When Savage was still making the wonderful 99 Model, it was investment castings in Spain which gave that unique firearm it's character.
This must be understood as these plates were cast, in raised projections and not etched in reliefs. What is being missed here, is while most archives were of paper or calf skin, as in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the person behind this was part of an organized effort of not creating something for use, but this was an archive of knowledge meant to be preserved for a future date.
The person thought to be behind this was Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, or translated teacher Simon son of Yochai.
He was part of a revolt led by another false messiah of Simon Bar Kokhba. The reason the Rabbi matters is he developed, or more to the reality, he set apart the mystery which was from Babylon exile in the Babylonian Mystery Religion, held in the Talmud expansive writings and in the teaching which became Kaballah.
While the Talmud is a horrid piece of hatred which calls the Virgin Mary a whore and Jesus a bastard and is of the same rise of 'christian identity' and Islamists who speak of mud people and lesser peoples.........yes the same hatred Hitler's mystery religion of rites embraced, as it is all the same source, the kaballah in what it touches upon in form is the sacred geometry.
King Solomon and it was said Enoch comprehended this science. DaVinci exposed part of it as Euclid did. I will explain what this is simply in, it is the wheels within wheels of Ezekiel's vision, by that I explain, it is God's Light which is photonic physics, the vibrational Thought of Life, in codex transformed to the workings of geometric patterns placed into motion by Will.
Take original Light, activate Will, and reflective Genesis light will be created and made into all things which was made.......and when those forms are out of sink with Original Order, they will in this demention of physical reality where time will conclude, they will be regenerated to original source.
It is the motion of the geometric form which is the sound of Life. As I have exposed here, Metatron's Cube, which is a diagram of the Tree of Life is thee exact measure of the immortal become eternal......providing one activates God as Source.
If in Metatron's model which is demonic, which the globalists are involved in finishing, it becomes eternal death.
These plates are made for teaching, but are the diametric picture and not word. They are symbolic and are a treasure map of knowledge, which if inked were meant to imprint on paper that which was in metal.
The mystery would know this as the magic of linking the metal of symbolic picture transformed into wood or skin by the ink or fluidity of thought.
The teachers delve into all forms of the mystery as in it is the wisdom knowledge which reveals the mystery of the hidden knowledge of the Great Architect.
The experts have no idea what this was created for and why it was hidden with such effort to be an oracle. This is a human form of crop circles. It is the grid of Washington, DC in matrix. It is the puzzle of the Temple in human form. It is the riddle of the pyramids as a way map obvious.

nuff said.
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