Friday, April 8, 2011

Col. Klink's Shutdown

This blog applauds B. Hussein Obama in his gambit of shutting down the United States Regime and using the United States military in this in politicizing it to use it against the GOP.

This is more than Mark Levin and others have said about in phone calls to Congress to pressure them. This is the exclusive only here.

It would be easy to call Obama the Col. Klink of commanders in chief, if it were not for the patterns involved in Mr. Obama's policies which have been quietly directed at the military from day one.

Only this blog has catalogued this, from Mr. Obama degrading the military in Predator strikes to a Murder Inc. This was followed by the murdering of US Soldiers by Muslims in theater, literally placing Soldiers into shooting pits with the enemy on the high ground.
Obama left the military dangling as he deliberately dithered all of 2009 before dumping more, but not enough Soldiers into Afnamistan..........after Obama flushed terrorists out of Pakistan to more readily murder US Soldiers.

We saw murder from Fort Hood at home to murder in Afgahnistan fire bases abroad.

Barack Hussein Obama literally has Lt. Col. Terry Lakin as a POW inside America, because the Lt. Col. demanded what the Constitution, and now Donald Trump are demanding in Obama documentation proving he is an American.

There was Obama fondling tan skinned girls in uniform in Iraq and then there was Obama sending United States Soldiers into Libya to steal Khadaffi oil.

These patterns are real and not by chance. This is deliberate Obama policy coming from Val-erie Jarrett on the Saul Alinsky protocols of effect these are the Marxist doctrines of the central European cartel in how to turn a military into a junta.

This might sound odd that Obama would be attempting to accomplish this, as the military literally becomes a right wing apparatus of policy, which in Argentina weeded out an entire group of leftist wackos.......but not enough, as the globalists have stuck in a communist she thing there to manage that once proud nation.

One must comprehend that Obama is bent on not just destroying America economically, but the more nefarious plan is to destroy the US military.
The political officers as this blog has noted like Colin Powell and Wes Clarke have always been utilized like Valerie Plame to make war on Americans. This is the KGB protocol minders based on the Soviet system. One puts in political puppets to control the military, so as to degrade it and keep it from overthrowing the government.

Always remember, the military has the guns, weapons, howitzers, bombers and nuclear weapons.........not the guy in the White House.

That if one is a Eurasian Empire on the ascendency with your Berlin Boy Barack in power, is exactly what you leverage for. You want theater commanders to be cut off, and actually an Alexander the Great divided empire in each ruling there.
As it happens when Caesar crossed the Rubicon, one has the political intrigue of civil war as there are always a Marc Antony to challenge and the regime of Obama has numerous political officers who will take bribes and back the regime as others are assassinated off like an Admiral Jeremy Bourda.

So one can realize this gambit fully in how it can spiral in the US military literally fighting amongst themselves, not trusting each other, and different branches literally at war with each other.
The globalists would absolutely love to see a day that the US Air Force was bombing an advancing Marine division attempts to secure Washington, DC from the regime.

That is the wicked game which the Obama regime has unleashed. In simple terms, Obama is setting the US military against a political party. Literally, Barack Hussein Obama is attempting to set the United States military against the Republican party.
That is a high crime and treason.
In complex terms, communist organizer Obama would cherish a time when the US military was literally attacking itself, all to preserve the Obama in the bunker basketball court.

I celebrate all of this for the reason that the sooner Americans comprehend the levels Obama will drive America into an abyss, the better.
I still would bet the US military would wake up at this and throw Mr. Obama into Leavenworth.

Do not celebrate this though, because there are war games involved in this, that Mr. Obama and Mum Jarrett would in the scenario invite in NATO to attack Americans to preserve his regime, and if NATO to even Muslim Turkey begged not think for a second that Mr. Obama would not invite in a Mr. Khadaffi has the Russian and Chicom storm troopers to slaughter Americans.

Col. Klink is quite dangerous is he not as this is projected out in the protocol he has initiated. Today it is phone calls shot at the GOP and a year from now it is the PLA raping Chris Matthew's cat.

Once again while the experts are talking level one, only here is Obama policy projected out to the reality they have been provided marching orders for.
