Friday, April 8, 2011
Limbaugh's Frostbite Finger to the Wind.
I sure hope that Rush Hudson Limbaugh doesn't have his blondeberry finger catch frostbite as his licking it and sticking it into the wind over Birthers now is one more step in plagiarism in which he doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.
This blog salutes Donald Trump in his demanding what no other leader in America has in Obama documentation. I will not speak to Mr. Trump's motives, but this man has bravely gone where the Rovians have threatened everyone to silence including Sarah Palin on Obama's undocumented status, and for that Mr. Trump deserves full credit.
We know this is an American issue as Mr. Trump rocketed to number two in New Hampshire polling, by simple addressing and issue on every real American's mind.
This is telling, because now Caboose Limbaugh after that huge sucking sound on his finger decided this Birther thing needed to be he has addressed it previously on an episode of Falcon Crest when Chase and Angela were smashing grapes..........sorry wrong CBS television series, but that Ana Alicia was quite the liberal babe in her day.
Meanwhile back to the huge blovenous sucking sound of Limbaugh "explaining" why he was suspicious like all the other asses over Obama not being documented, and hiding under Muchelle's bed while the rest of us were out here catching hell, Napolitano surveillance, Obama contractors spying and other phishing operations.
Limbaugh's explanation is a Larry Johnson 'first' floated the Birther idea in being a Democratic operative.
I have an answer to that in what a load of sh*t from el Rushbo.
I can attest that this blog is not Democrat run. This blog is one of the few Conservative blogs online and speaking for Conservatives. The entire Larry Sinclair defenders are not Democrat run and it was this group which took up the Birther issue on it's own. It sure as hell was not Democrat, and this was the first I ever heard of Larry Johnson.......who Limbaugh is so scared of that Johnson once wrote a piece that Muslim terrorists were not to be feared a month before 9 11.
Yes that is why Limbaugh for three years discounted Birthers and Obama not being documented.......he says.
Apparently ole Rush doesn't know how to run a search engine and all the things he stole from my blogs and emails never once in his Obama colored glasses had an vision of BIRTHER in them.
Of course Limbaugh's explanation is an excuse and it is a damned lie. The people who spearheaded this originally were Phil Berg, who is a Democrat and Orly Taitz. There was no manufactured conspiracy in any of them, nor in those that followed.
Joseph Farah who has been pounding this in his plan certainly isn't a left wing Obamite, even if his "none of the above" did get Obama elected.
As this blog exclusively pointed out, the entire Tea Party movement started at base in the Larry Sinclair defenders, a man who Obama made the first Political Prisoner in America. This melded into the Birthers as the early bloggers all hammered Obama's undocumented status and did work on the ACORN fraud, which Hannah Giles broke wide open.
This group is the core which took the beach at Normandy and took a hell of a pounding for months in being stalked and still are by Obama's Brown Recluse girl gang.
It was not until the massive spending of Obama and that commentator on NBC started screaming about it, that this entire group became the Tea Party. These people are Reagan Americans as much as the right is as myself, as Rahm Emanuel if he would get off his ass in Chicago and expose Obama are on the left.
Limbaugh couldn't give a damn about Rod Blagojevich and that entire set up. Nor about Hutatree which was a Naps Napolitano and Eric Holder operation to smear the Tea Party, and Limbaugh sure doesn't give a sh*t about Lt. Col. Terry Lakin. All of these issues are the backbone of the Birthers, while Limbaugh was too pansy closet in Chicago rub downs to actually cover the stories.
Yes Rush Limbaugh is a coward. He is the prick who hid in his cellar as Paul Revere rode by, gave tea to the British and after George Washington kicked their asses at Yorktown......well then Limbaugh printed up fliers stating how he knew all along this was going to be an American victory, so please by my newspapers as doncha know I been with you folks all along.
Oh yes, one more thing to the Limbaugh Leaners..............ALL OF THIS GRIDLOCK which means high fuel, food, insurance, electric prices is Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove. Limbaugh said he wanted GRIDLOCK and not Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle victories.
Limbaugh didn't do one damn thing to save Norm Coleman from Al Franken stealing that Minnesota Senate seat no more than he did for any Conservative.
So it is a shame that Donald Trump had to lead on this, because it exposes how cowed the rest of the field is........and it left that Mike Huckabee stooge for Karl Rove in making Birthers look crazy as is the Rovian Limbaugh Limbaugh just called Birthers nuts just a few weeks ago as exposed here.
It is just amazing that Ann Coulter can see Obama documents which do not exist.......and Limbaugh could not see a story, because he had Larry Johnson phobia. The greatest fraud in world history in the Obamachurian candidate and the biggest traitors to America were those on the right starting with Peggy Noonan and ending with Rush Limbaugh.
You can't expect Godless Emanuel to not figure out Obama is a political bastard, but you sure as hell expect the people who claim to be the leader on the right to at least protect America and not their asses.
Limbaugh thinks he has this covered now as he crawls up the Birthers asses, because when Obama produces another bogus document, Limbaugh will say, "See I told you so"......the problem is Limbaugh that this blog by God's Inspiration has ONE ANSWER FOR THAT IN, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, whose life was ruined over this issue, because if Obama has withheld documents so it ruined an innocent man's life and his family..........Obama is as big as pariah as ever walked the earth.
That is called checkmate Doc of the Mob.
Makes one wonder about all the graft sponsors for these folks that they don't figure out Limbaugh isn't giving them their money.......they should be funding this free blog, as in two days, this blog does more for America than the entire combination of Obama heads on the right have done in the entire Obama plot hatching.
nuff said.