Abstract Obama should have released this birth certificate on April Fools Day instead of April 25th, but apparently Obama is too cheap to buy a good Dan Rather forgery.
Problem 1: Why does a doctor not know it is PHD and not Ph.D.
Problem 2: Why has this document been photoshopped hiding what is on the left margin?
Problem 3: Why is the register a little guitar?
Problem 4: Why is the MD checked, X'd and scratched out?
Problem 5: Why is the time font in the M different from rest of the M's?
Problem 6: Why is Obama X'd as a single, twin and triplet?
Problem 7: When did African become a race?
Problem 8: How does a "9" in code mean African race and occupation of Univesity for Barack sr.?
Problem 9: Why do the three handwritten zero's not match?
Problem 10: Why do the code numbers become a letter W breaking designation only on the place of birth?
Problem 11: Why does Kenya, East Africa designate the same in a "2" in where the father is born and designates as a "2" in the residence where Stanley Ann Dunham Obama lives?
Nope a dozen wrongs don't make a right, but they do make an Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama deliberately released this abstract to create even more turmoil for his racial motives. THIS DOCUMENT IS DESIGNED TO CREATE A RACIAL DIVIDE. It is a politically engineered "spin" to pit blacks against whites for the Obama 2012 campaign.
Black Americans you had better wake up to how Obama is jerking you around psychologically. I will post more on this in a Tavis Smiley commenatry coming in a week.