Explaining, the central Europeans embarked after Allan Greenspan stuck them with the Dotcom bust on a series of economic attacks upon America to weaken and turn her into a 3rd world economy with a nuclear arsenal.
While the 9 11 Truthers have the facts too simplified, the fact is it was not George W. Bush, but Bush's naivety and his later cover ups not of involvement, but of necessary diplomatic needs which caused further blackmail of his Administration.
Meaning, the cartels knew the Towers and surrounding buildings were wired to safeguard against the known al Qaeda operation of the Domino Effect in which they desired hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers dead in buildings falling on them.
This is why Sheik bin Laden was stunned when the buildings came down, as he knew they would not come down, so indeed the Twin Towers and another building were pulled for safety considerations.
It was not lost on the cartel that the Towers were home to an array of American intellience. There were many events taking place on 9 11 from this well orchestrated operation by the global elite of Europe.
It was they who were selling short and caught doing so, but the Bush Administration covered this up.........as stated like Lincoln, "One war at at time", for how do you fight terrorism when you have Russia removing all of Saddam's WMD's and you have most of central Europe involved in this 9 11 attack on the financial side. In that, how does President Bush accuse them, then have to invade Europe, when the cartels who have the entire press structure revealing that Greenspan initiated this in this bubbles in his economic act of war of looting the Rothschild banks as had been done to Japan and Korea.
The second wave set up by the European cartel was the Obama 2008 economic implosion as kicked off by George Soros commodity inflation and the derivatives selling which was brilliant as this was tested in Iceland and expanded to England, and under their puppet, B. Hussein Obama.
Trillions were looted in this operation which divested American retirement accounts of their funds, and ended up in the palms of stooges like nation rapist Warren Buffett who used part of his piracy to buy up American railroads, knowing from being in the Obama inner circle that Obama was going to explode energy prices, making rail a profit structure.
The third economic terror wave of the central Europeans was the installation of Barack Hussein Obama as an undocumented to initiate strangling the American recover which President Bush 43 has stabilized by January 2009.
This was a first in a series of Obama creating a feudal state inside America.
Warren Buffett knowing Obama policy invested in Chinese green cars and railroads. The Obama policy was the sabotage of the British Petroleum drilling in the Gulf, which in turn set off a record rise in fuel prices.
B. Hussein invested his first two years to looting trillions from the American Treasury. His advent in year three was the establishment of the battle of the Persian Caliph to the Roman Empire reborn, all once again using American and Western European resources, as the central Europeans will stand mutely on the sidelines to reap the benefits.
Do not think this will end in feudal states, as this is about the re establishment of the world feudal slave state, without America standing in the way.
There are coming fourth waves in Islamic and Latino revolutionary marches. There are coming WMD events and there will in this be a designed pitting of America and the western Europeans, the Caliph, the Bolsheviks and the Chicoms in a quadruple elimination war whereby these anti Christ led beasts of the empire reformed will under plan rule the world in ashes.
Consider this from a feudal mindset, in what competition will there be with biological, radioactive, chemical and billions of dead bodies on the landscape for a central European order?
It will be the thousand year reich, as it will take a thousand years for the people existing in huts and dying of war diseases to form any kind of threat...........and if you recall the Terminator methodology, it is going to be a simple task of hunting down the straggler humans so they never are able to form any threat.
It would be possible with robotics to thin the heard as part of the feudal lords everlasting rule.
The reality is Mr. Obama as this blog exclusively reported, has his mission complete already, as the scenarios are in place and falling which can not now be thwarted. Chaos to chaos, upheaval to upheaval, disruption of food, fuel and water......and the old scenario of what brings the Four Horsemen in war has been initiated.
Barack Hussein Obama is the 3rd Wave. He is not a traitor to America as he is not an American, but a envahisseur, an infiltrator, for he is not American in heart, but a cosmopolitan mix of the international socialist.
He is a hero to Marx, but a genocidal Hitler to the west.
He is the 3rd wave and there is no way of stopping the coming waves.