Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Faustian Fix

I once had a prostitute offer to have sex with me for nothing.

I state that as I doubt even Charlie Sheen can get his money for nothing and his whore for free while playing his guitar on MTV.
Now I know that this prostitute wanted something, and the something was from satan in the Spirit in me, as the adversary has done a great deal to destroy me in numerous ways, means and surprising things which show up into my life.

Some might have been flattered that someone who makes the rest of the world pay for sex, would offer it to me for free, but I was actually quite insulted and filled with righteous fury at that offer, because I knew what was behind it.
Worse yet, I was not in the least tempted.........worse for satan as it invested a great deal of effort to snare me, but the offer of sex with a person where everyone had gone before has no appeal to this person.

I realize that all people have sell out points. Fortunately for me Jesus purchased my price before I was, so God saves me from myself.........but baby sister I been across that line in this work and once lost myself in a soul rape, so I know the score and I know forever that I'm my worst problem and Jesus with the Holy Ghost has saved me from the unsavable.

In that, I'm quite a virgin in all of this that while I can have empathy, can be Inspired, I just do not have it in me to be Barack Hussein Obama. I can't be Darrell Issa, John Boehner, Eric Cantor or in the gay ear Lindsey Graham. I just can't sell my soul nor can I fathom the cartel enticers approaching me with anything which would make me give up my principles for anything in this world.

When B. Hussein traveled to Chicago and stood on the stage with Rahm Emanuel, it was Faust standing with the devil saying the purchase had been made. There is not going to be any Democrat nor Republican who is going to reveal Obama's crimes nor is going to challenge him literally.
I'm not saying that some red kremlin kipper is not going to be conjured up to be a straw man or woman for Obama to knock down if it suits his benefactors, but the fact is when the Clintons got their nuts handed to them in their coup and Dana Milbank has been told to shut his damn mouth or lose it all..........well the Rothschilds have bribed, threatened and warned off every person in this........and that is why Obama was on stage with Rahm Emanuel.
Emanuel was there to state, "I have taken Chicago. The Obama crimes here are sealed with the Daley boys........and in exchange for my soul, I will be Senator Emanuel in the next election".

In case you missed it children, it was not Rod Blagojevich who just stole the next Illinois Senate seat in auctioning it off, it was the Barack Obama benefactors and Obama showed up to hand Emanuel the seat........and to rub the world's nose in it by bringing up this anti messiah does not have horns and that he was born in Hawaii.

Obama just can not help hisself in bringing up who he serves in illuminated thought nor what a political bastard he is.

It really bothers Obama that he is not an American and never will be, even if his entire purpose is to destroy America so she will never be.

It is not in the normal sane mind to call yourself a messiah, to have halos pictured around your head or to allow others to call yourself a "god". Normal souls cringe at such things as they know God is watching and they will have to answer for such things.
That is what is so poignant about the numerous faustians who Obama has carrying his water for him to the extent they are being made to be like Ann Coulter, absolutely exposed as idiots.

Ann Coulter has invested a greater portion of her days to appear intelligent, but just like Mike Huckabee, when the faust bell rang, the sold something, and boy howdy did that sale have them thinking not with what was between their ears.
The stupid things these people were sent out to say from Huckabee saying Obama was raised in Kenya to smear the Birthers to Coulter nattering on about "certifying" Obama without a birth certificate, just makes one wonder how scared these folks are of the people who gave them all they they have to know what fools they are being made of and still look in the mirror in the morning.

The power behind this is beyond comprehension for this broad spectrum of Limbaugh Leaners......and yes it is most of the people on the right who are assisting Barack Hussein Obama, and the left like Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Pelosi simply take the bribe and remain silent.

I honestly could not deal with such dishonesty in taking a bribe or being blackmailed into silence while America was led to the slaughter. That is the reason this blog is not featured nor mentioned by the elite as it is something too powder keg to deal with. No bribes would work and threats certainly do not work, so the failed souls are the objects of the cartel propping up B. Hussein by all these sleep number bedlings.

It should be amusing in these folks hiding their sins to keep all their worldly goods, but somehow it isn't as there comes a Judgment with a Judge Who will bring all of this fraud to Light.

Where were you when the Virgin Daughter was raped and murdered? Why I was behind my golden microphone paying a sodomite Jesus basher a million dollars, as I pretended to be in the Tea Party.

Doesn't sound very good in the final tally, no more than Rahm Emanuel selling his soul for a Senate seat.

Say didn't Rod Blagojevich get arrested for that? Sure Rahm was the deal maker, Obama was the pimp and the ho was Val-erie Jarrett. I guess the criminals do return to the scene of the crime and by badness repeat the act.

I do not want to leave the impression that this is without hope, because all it means is the logical operation now requires a different protocol.

God is still the God who takes little shepherd boys and makes them King and takes little girls and makes them Empress of Persia. That is the point in this is God does not take bribes and He knows all of what is taking place........the Scripture states He laughs at this and I believe He enjoys catching these sinners in their sins to bring them to ruin.

There must be an emptiness in Rahm Emanuel and for that matter a Rush Limbaugh which never can be filled, because how can you ever be anything but an furious Muchelle Obama at the end of the day knowing you didn't work for what you have, but were just picked to play a role.

A robin pulling a worm for her chicks has more accomplishment than these enablers of Obama.

So Rush Limbaugh props up Donald Trump as both try to hijack the Tea Party as Mark Levin screams about Trump, but never Limbaugh and the real operation taking place.
So Rahm Emanuel props up Obama by governing the information flow in Chicago, so he can wear his girl underwear in Harry Reid's senate.

So it's Ann Coulter, so it's Karl Rove, so, so, so Keith Olbermann, so Ed it is Faust.

Even when Able is in the ground and Cain has his mark, God still brings along a Seth to bring the Godly line along.

And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

Honor, Righteousness, Truth are often slaughtered, but we will witness what God has for the worst laid plans of mice and men.

It is not over when the fat gal sings. It is over when God says it is done.

agtG 273

Matthew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?