Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fruits of one's Labor

My Mom loves strawberry shortcake, but I have often found it disappointing in the strawberry is so sour that it is what Obama voters now have in the sweetness of his tanness pretending to not be racist, but the sour of his cherry making you pucker over this.............Ben Stiller Focker.

My grocery is run by kids I went to school with.......well both of them are, but I prefer the Catholics who smile at me to the Catholics who act superior to me.
The smiling Catholics though have started a unique way of trying to save every penny in they don't throw out expired things, they mark them down.

This is fine by me as sour cream works just as well as sweet cream in my recipes and instead of 6 dollars a quart, 2 dollars is a good deal.

In that, I have been experimenting with their pound boxes of fruit in blueberry and strawberry.

I bought a 3 dollar food processor two years ago in a thrift store which was new, but the edge on it gave me a ghastly cut, which I filed down, and knew that is why it was new is some old gal tried it and got cut.
These things are wonderful for the puree of fruit and I really like them for turning out dated fruit into things that are very French cooking.

I simply make certain all rotten fruit are not included, put in 1 cup of sugar per pound, and I have a beautiful sauce that is sweet and tastes of fresh berries. I use this stuff in kuchens, coffee cakes and toppings for ice cream.......and for angel food strawberry shortcake.
Yes this would work on pancakes and waffles too.

The majority of people do not realize that the finest things in life you pay for were rotten food by accident and necessity.
Cheese is because someone forgot to take care of the sour milk. Nutmeg is used to cover up rotten meat..........and garlic is put into fresh meat to make it taste rotten as some people like that.

All French cooking is about peasant food in taking poor cuts of meat and turning it into something one can stomach....old wine is forgotten wine that turned out pretty good, and wine is fresh grapes that self fermented in a vat which the person was too stingy to throw out and got drunk off of.

This is the reality of the food in dumpsters in raw form which my store now sells at a cheap price to poor people........which most will not purchase as they think there is something wrong with it.

I do not recommend this if you are able to afford things, but place this here as a method for poor people to enjoy the better things in life at an affordable price, as Obama inflation in this stagnant economy, no matter if FOX says this Obama Super Depression is a "recovery", all has people eating thee worst types of poisons in wholesale prepared foods.

Your grandparents all made sauces from bird picked apples to rhubarb. People have to comprehend with a very little labor they can eat like the Obama's with their bus loads of chefs and Kobe beef.

You will find as I do in my grocery that my girl in there who handles produce is acting on orders from her boss who is my friend to Boaz the field. By this I note that in the rotten fruit, like apples, there are numbers of very good apples in there.
In the Bible, we are not to glean the corners of the fields, but leave them for the poor to live on so they don't have to be burden on welfare and go begging. It gives them self worth and teaches them austerity. America has gotten away from this, but this guy is doing this........and I doubt anyone but me has any idea what he is up to.

There are ways to cut corners, and this helps the grocer too in not having to eat the costs of expired product. I experiment on this, because you are not going to hear rich Rush Limbaugh ever mention a thing in how poor people can get by, as all these Limbaugh Leaners have never had a slave period where they had to not get by with things and try by God's Inspiration find a way to get out of their Laura Ingalls Wilder brown bread existence.

The problem is the peasant foods of our parents which were Niggerhead Oysters, crackers, Norway sardines, Alaska salmon, hambuger etc.... is now so damned expensive that the poor are stuck eating those processed canned foods which are killing them at a dollar a can.

There are ways though in using chicken and beef bones for soups as the marrow inside is pure protein, while you dine on the meat in another meal.
My Grandmother who was a shrewd old midwife, traditional doctor had this ditty.......

Dip and deal
Save a bit
For every meal.

It certainly was better than starving.

Kit Carson once noted he rarely had the three staples of flour, coffee and meat all in one meal in his wilderness life........fasting is what squaws did then not for waistlines, but to save food so everyone did not starve.

It seemed that the poor used everything but the squeal in pigs and they had to. One of my favorite things in the world is a German breakfast "meat" which is called Scrapple in Pennsylvania, but in my Grandparents world it was Gristwurst, or as they pronounced it in high German, Gritvoosch.
It is jowls, head meat, tongue, heart, liver, all boiled and then ground up, and thickened not with corn by oatmeal.
Seasoned with salt and pepper, and then fried in hog lard to a deep brown to be eaten on toast, it is absolutely heaven to me.

It is though a way of turning few meals of poor meat and innards into dozens of meals of high octane fuel to keep you from starving as you worked yourself to death in farming.

A few pieces of fruit processed with a little sugar, maybe some flour for thickening, sometimes a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice in blueberries and you can turn mundane into something which will make you smile.
I had to rely on food as a narcotic for numbers of years to brighten my dreary times. I love food. I love cooking and eating something delightful always has made life better.

This is something for the poor people please though, as rich people do not need to stealing food from the poor as they have it hard purchase your fruit in the bin, and leave the bargain counter alone.
Nothing pisses me off more in life than to see these Christmas and various drawings for gift certificates and turkeys to be won by some a**hole who has more money than brains.

I NEVER register for anything free, because I always presume there are hundreds of other people who would appreciate whatever it was being raffled. Just because something is free, you don't have to take it or put your name down........if you have the money buy the damn thing and if you are an intellectual thief like Rush Limbaugh then buy a dozen and find a way for them to be given to some poor people who would appreciate it.......without making them feel like dirt.

That is about enough of this. God put poor people on this earth to be a witness against the rich.

You look down on the poor, handicapped, sickly, mentally retarded and ugly and you just wait until Jesus looks down on you in he tallies up what you stole from them.

I hope this helps the destitute in these Obama Super Depression times..
