Monday, April 25, 2011

The Gerbil

What is it Rush Limbaugh says............

Oh yes that he is the canary in the coal mine in setting the cutting edge on what is happening.

Strange how Limbaugh, even when I slow down this blog by a week that he still is a week behind and often months........must not have gotten the Karl Rove talking points to that half of his brain or is it more..........

Rush Limbaugh is not the canary in the coal mine, but the gerbil up Karl Rove's ass.

In case you missed it in all the Jerome Corsi and The Devil in Ann Coulter books, there was a memoir by B. Hussein Obama's dictator for Egypt, who instigated with al Jazeera the bloodbath of the Obama Club Meddling in Mo ElBaradei is advocating WAR CRIME PROBES for the George W. Bush Administration.

Now baby sister, I want you to pull up a chopping block here, because this is useful as it is part karma, part what goes around comes around and part of a Rush Limbaugh cutting edge revelation which NPR skirts will swoon over, so Limbaugh will play a clip of these nattering bags saying how great Limbaugh is.

Karl Rove, I'm knocking on the closet there boy, so stop what you're doing to that Reagan doll and listen up as this involves you.

As an exclusive here, do you think that maybe Val-erie Jarrett pays attention to the things this blog posted on Newsbusters?
Something about Andrew Jackson hounding of the Obama regime when Sarah Palin is President?

If not, we have the Alaska hounding of Gov. Sarah Palin, the Hutatree set up, Rod Blagojevich payback, Lawrence Sinclair in the abuse of power by the Obama regime............I will stop there, as we see a pattern in Obama uses the courts to smear, intimidate and ruin Americans for his political purposes............
Ok you Obamatrons need more information, so do you recall how Obama stole his Illinios Senate Seat? Something about Axelrod illegally using sealed court records on the Republican nominee?

So now you can see what is obvious, and I will lay out what Despot ElBaradei is up to in this "memoir".

This memoir is Obama's outside Muslim communist voice, of UN authority to plant the seeds of that old promised tree of Bush impeachment which Alberto Gonzales saved President Bush from and was ruined...........ruined because Karl Rove wanted the Plamegate coup to et tu Brute Dick Cheney as that is what it was all about.

This is about Obama 2012 in Obama is not going to put the pooch of Eric Holder to dry hump on George W. Bush's leg, but is going to set World Court investigators on George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and yes...............Karl Rove.

I have to pardon the pause here, as I'm always a John Wayne hero for damsels in distress, and I hear the faint call of the good looking brunette Bush twin who blubbers on sometimes like a liberal twit, that this alert is for the Bush family in what is being plotted.
So George and Laura, you can thank your good looking twin for this, as your Granny Barbara should have kept her clampett shut in attacking Sarah Palin..........and Karl Rove almost getting Gov. Palin in a grave in the Giffords affair after Rove destroyed everyone on the Conservative movement from George Allen to Christine O'Donnell, really was squat assassin in the lowest, dirtiest and cowardliest form to quote John Wayne in True Grit.

So thank the brunette for what I lay out here as while she needs a good dose of reality to get over her stuck on Karl Rove stupid, I will win this one for the Gipper, and you Bush folks better damn well not forget this.

See Obama is going to internationally criminalize the entire Bush Administration, which means Obama is going to criminalize the Republican party.........hence the Republicans in Congress led by Bonehead Boehner and that stagnant Mitch McConnell, as it becomes Campaign 2012 in running against George W. Bush again...........instead of the Republican nominee.

Now I desire George W. for you to get this man to superior woman, as your Karl Rove has f*cked the pooch on this one. You screwed Sarah Palin over in so smearing her that even Charlie Sheen is taking cheap shots at her. Your Karl Rove screwed up the 2010 elections for the Limbaugh GRIDLOCK which is dragging America down to the Obama abyss as planned, so all you patricians can parade about in 2016 after Obama's victory in your establishment Karl Rove GOP free of Reagan.

Are you getting this Mark Levin and Sean Hannity or do you want me to type slower as your are stuck on Limbaugh stupid in your buddy the gerbil did all of this shit.

What you Bush folks didn't figure out in your pompous ass nature is the know the ones who punished your asses for ousting Saddam and you took it for the blackmailing they were doing..........had no inkling that they read your playbook as they keep you under surveillance, and they told Val-erie Jarrett what to proceed Mo ElBaradei is laying the foundation for a United Nations smear campaign to destroy the Bush legacy.........and oh wait, maybe George W. you should repeat this for you patrician mouthed mother who ............

What was it Barbara Bush said?

Oh yes, Barbara said Sarah Palin didn't belong down here with the normal folk.

That really put the burr under the saddle there George and as King David noted that political assaults only come because God is balancing things...........well let us examine the world to come.

Let us see, if you had a Republican super majority they would be already impeaching Obama.......but thanks to Karl Rove, they are bowing to Obama.

Let us see, oh yes if you had not ripped Sarah Palin to shreds, she would easily be President, which means no Barack Obama to be hauling all of your asses into international courts, after 2012 is used as an Obama show trial in presenting all the evil of the Bush Administration.

So George and Laura, you are bare ass naked in this, as you scorched the earth, and now Obama is coming after you..........and to make it sweet, the first prick he is going to cut off and nail to the Jesse Jackson wall is the hated Karl Rove who has been your hatchet man.

Drag Karl Rove up to the fall, and the rest of you Bush dominoes fall one by one as it gets easier and easier to knock you down with the MSM just begging for this.

Now this is all lost on Rush Limbaugh has he doesn't have the talking points. Mark Levin is busy with Donald Trump and Sean Hannity is...............who knows what Hannity and the devil in Ms. Coulter are cuddling about..........but the point is you Bush folks have been so busy plotting your own King Richard III scenarios that you had no idea your murdering all the protection leaves you open to the Lion in Winter about to eat you all alive.

It is a fit meal, as 2012 will have the GOP not giving a damn about you Bushites as they like the Boehner cowards they are will run for the woods again in distancing themselves as only Susan Collins could............and I wonder what John McCain will chirp in with as his vengeance?

See baby this is not for the Bush folks who are about now getting that kicked in the ovaries feeling as this sinks in, this is what it is like in God's Grace to be the le homme buisson going where no Limbaugh cutting edge has traced. Limbaugh is that little speck months away trying to take credit for what others have revealed in their past.

Now for the Bush family......and the good looking twin as it dawns on her that daddy is going to meet a Serbian end before the Nazi World Kangaroo Courts.

Oh did you know that kangaroo means, "What do you mean in Aboriginee"?

Is neat in the English upon seeing roo's asked the blacker than Obama natives of Oz what those animals were. The natives not speaking English replied, "KAN GA ROO", which means, "What do you mean?"

Do you think George and Laura comprehend what this all means now......without wacky Sorcha Faal weaving bits together? I don't really care as they are responsible for this shit pit and giving this warning should really make the old gerbil hole clinch up.

I do have some advice though for George W. before he becomes Slovidan Bushovtich imprisoned and awaiting Obama trials in better forget about that loser brother of yours who let Terri Schiavo be murdered............and turn your attention to building Sarah Palin up, so she has a wide enough margin that Obama can not steal the 2012 election in flipping votes the way he did with McCain in 2008.

Oh yes George, we know all about those missing 10 million votes you had Karl Rove explain away as "moving Republicans who never registered".

You start this George by ordering Karl Rove to confess all he did in smearing Gov. Palin and others.........which he will swear was not known by you. I allow this as this is the Presidency of America and while your dynasty is over, America does not need in these times having your ass hauled around to an Obama court and who would want to marry your pretty twin with you a pariah?

The Old Man knows where the skeletons are buried and you better start unleashing them skulls and bones for Sarah Palin.........and you know buster that means using them on the soap dropping press.

You save your Bush asses by working to elect a real American in Sarah Palin or Obama has your ass in a sling George and I promise for all what you did to Conservatives, they are not going to lift a finger as ridding the right of these Rovian assassins only helps the Tea Party.

That is your Bush Catch save yourself and walk away in Sarah Palin by offering up the gerbil dispenser or you get your Obama who ruins you to stay in power.

Well it is boots and saddles children and all I can do is issue the clarion call. Be dawn in a few hours, got the diamond hitch on the mule and the American Horse has me traveling light.

It takes a Scout to make the Indians nervous enough to change their tactics.

Now you know where I was 3 days ago on Good Friday and hinting at Inspired things months ago.

agtG 247

ElBaradei suggests war crimes probe of Bush team

Apr 22, 3:25 PM (ET)

(AP) In this Nov. 4, 2009 file photo, Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International...
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NEW YORK (AP) - Former chief U.N. nuclear inspector Mohamed ElBaradei suggests in a new memoir that Bush administration officials should face international criminal investigation for the "shame of a needless war" in Iraq.

Freer to speak now than he was as an international civil servant, the Nobel-winning Egyptian accuses U.S. leaders of "grotesque distortion" in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq invasion, when then-President George W. Bush and his lieutenants claimed Iraq possessed doomsday weapons despite contrary evidence collected by ElBaradei's and other arms inspectors inside the country.

The Iraq war taught him that "deliberate deception was not limited to small countries ruled by ruthless dictators," ElBaradei writes in "The Age of Deception," being published Tuesday by Henry Holt and Company.

The 68-year-old legal scholar, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from 1997 to 2009 and recently a rallying figure in Egypt's revolution, concludes his 321-page account of two decades of "tedious, wrenching" nuclear diplomacy with a plea for more of it, particularly in the efforts to rein in North Korean and Iranian nuclear ambitions.

What's that damn gerbil doing up your ass Karl Rove???? Hell it's got a collar that says "Limbaugh" on it!

Is this Obama's 2012 campaign slogan?

deliberate deception was not limited to small countries ruled by ruthless dictators