Sunday, April 24, 2011

Obama's Birtherism Whore

I just had to post this Daily Caller segment in quoting Ann Coulter........

Oh and by the way the DC was not allowing my comments as it stated I was posting one every 15 seconds, which I was not.......and then on the Coulter comment I did post it was awaiting moderation again.

The Quote:

Coulter also dismissed Trump’s claims that President Obama may have been born in Kenya. The “birther conspiracy,” she said, was “started by the Hillary Clinton campaign,” and subsequently disproved by conservatives who looked into it. If anything, she said, it’s distrust of the news media that keeps birtherism alive. “I think there are some people who’ve been lied to so many times by the media about whether John Edwards was having an affair, whether the kid was John Edwards’.

I have to say, HUH??????????? WTF HUH?

This Limbaughitis excuse of just because something was "started" with Hillary Clinton on the Birther issue is so damned bogus that it begs Ann Coulter to be outed as a liar.

This blog is not with Hillary Clinton, is not Democrat and exposed first the real issue in Obama is British under international law in the British Nationality Act of 1948 due to his old man being British and his statuatory raped mother was under age.

Coulter originally started out with SHE LOOKED INTO IT AND CERTIFIED OBAMA AS her story has changed to "conservatives".
I personally am a Conservative, and I have yet to find one Conservative who has certified Obama. Ann Coulter is a liar as Obama can NOT be certified as his documents are all HIDDEN by Obama.

This would be like stating Ann Coulter is really Ann Cherry my sister in law, because I certify she has wed my brother and posted a green goo certificate online...........doesn't matter if Coulter denies it, she is certified by me without proof, so that is all that matters.

If that is only how ludicrous this Obamatron is, I might put up with her wanting to be spanked by a real man to get the twist out of her tail, but when she starts sticking up for the MSM in being distrusted is what keeps Birtherism alive............this is Twilight Zone meeting Obama's teleprompter.
Coulter is so vacuous like Bruce Chilton that she DID NOT EVEN KNOW THAT OBAMA SPENT 2 MILLION DOLLARS HIDING HIS PAPERS.

The worst of this is she then starts jabbering about the reason Birthers make their sound judgments which they do is because John Edwards cheated and had a bastard.

What the hell in that? The MSM for Obama, under David Axelrod's direction to keep the story off of Lawrence Sinclair's sexual union with Barry Obama plastered Edwards affair and child as fact.
There never was any questioning on this and Ann Coulter knows this so she is a liar. If she doesn't know this she is the biggest moron since Joan Rivers sucking on the ghetto green kook aid.

As all of my comments are worthy..........

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Why shouldn’t Ann Coulter be obsessed with homosexuals as her closeted Karl Rove talking points have done nothing but trash people on the right from the Birthers which make up the majority of the Tea Party and now Donald Trump.

Ann Coulter hooks up with Al Sharpton and Geraldo Rivera as her sidekicks. If you study her she is nothing but the patrician socialite of the Letterman cocktail crowd, a Keith Olbermann with less flesh.

This group is the reason the Obama regime came to power, the reason Conservatives have been destroyed in their leadership in Reagan ideology and the reason they are the Cassius Class.

Final talking point:

If Donald Trump is a clown, then Ann Coulter must be Obama’s whore in waiting as she sells her wares to the right, but is in bed with liberals.

There are so many other talented Ladies on the right that Conservatives do not need this Coulter woman.

nuff said.
