Readers here are already ahead of the curve as this blog has been explaining from the start of this what is going on...........and the start of this is the Clinton coup on Barack Hussein Obama.
Now that I have surprised you, I will be blunt in stating that Donald Trump is the Democratic candidate who has stepped forward as only a Howard Hughes could in a last ditch attempt to do an end run around on the Rothschilds who installed Obama out of Europe, and baby sister the Clintons are so hemmed in with threats that this is the only way they can get Obama as their last chance.
I have not come forward with this as as I have stated before, sometimes God does not explain things to me and sometimes I keep things from the public as operations are running which are so discreet that it does not do well to inform the cartels what is taking place nor the public as it ruins the operation.
I place this here now, because Mark Levin for all the good he does, is out of his element in this in being blind with one world view and not seeking as I tried to inform him a week ago to leave Trump alone for reasons he is useful.
The Indians used to ride the hell out of their worst horse while leading their best horse to the war........dump the worst horse to the boys to hold them, while they rode the best horse fresh into battle.
Donald Trump is the horse to get us to the battle and Mark Levin does not comprehend this and Sarah Palin is the war horse we get on when the real battle takes place.
The key to this is the Democratic contacts Donald Trump has from Chuck Schumer, Anthony Wiener, Harry Reid and as of late Rahm Emanuel.
I was the first and only to explain that Rahm Emanuel was sent into Chicago to control the Obama information control flow as the Bill Daley was sent to attempt to keep Obama under control in DC.
Emanuel was the right leg of the Clintons to the Abercrombie left leg in Hawaii as the gatekeeper of information.
Donald Trump donated a huge sum to Rahm Emanuel's campaign to get him installed in Chicago. Mr. Trump is good friends with Rahm's brother........the main point is information flow from the key anti Obama Democrats was going directly to Donald Trump and he became the stealth Democratic candidate to take on Obama on the issues that a frontal assault could not be mustered now in a Democrat proper challenging Obama for the nomination.
There are many actions taking place in this in Donald Trump for Emanuel and the Clintons could hijack the Tea Party and the GOP in the nomination, away from Karl Rove who wants Obama in power so Jeb Bush will run in 2016 and be President.
This is what is behind this infighting which is massive in the Rovians smearing Trump and Trump getting the backing of the Democratic machine.
As a note to Mr. Levin in your venting about Trump in your reasoning, you blew it as what I just placed here will ruin Donald Trump once people figure out what he is up to. Mr. Trump is sincere about stopping Obama, but his loyalties are divided and is being put up to this by the notorious Rham Emanuel who is a better poker player than Karl Rove ever will be...........because that Clinton bunch handed Bush 41 his nut sack in defeat.
I have weighed making this public in about a few seconds, as the reasoning is making this public has advantages such as really making Obama squirm and the Rothschilds will have to deal with someone not under their control.
This is going to get extremely uncomfortable in Bill and Hillary Clinton have been humiliated by the Rothschilds and told to back off in no uncertain terms or they will find prison in their future with political ruin. This though is the operation being run, and it is quite sweet and amusing to see there is fight left in this razorback pig litter.
I make it a game again in this........but I will post later what I would suggest, and one thing they better get on the ball with is having Mr. Trump and Mrs. Pelosi have a set down about certain documents of certification.
I have nothing telling in the COLB, but it is puzzling, as I'm certain that in 2009 Joseph Farah obtained a digital copy of the original. Donald Trump is now stating that the birth certificate is missing. That is inside the vault information coming from Abercrombie via Emanuel.
A number of people have that document in digital copy, including the Clintons........the problem is now that someone apparently like Obama's known associates FBI files have been destroyed.
No this is not a problem that it is has been destroyed as you might think.........the problem is Obama's as one of his folks went in and destroyed that record of birth sometime between June 2009 and April 2011..........that children is conspiracy in the RICO Act in covering up a crime and destroying evidence.
So while Mark Levin incorrectly states the Supreme Court can not remove Obama, as there is a case of the North Dakota Supreme Court removing a Minnesota resident elected Governor of that State...........this information if it is played correctly by Donald Trump will get Mr. Obama arrested and removed immediately.
The fluidity of this is that Donald Trump as a Reformed Republican taking this on using Emanuel's insider information is going to put Obama in deep tutu...........which then opens the door for Hillary Clinton without rival to take the nomination of the Democrats in 2012.
Donald Trump is doing the dirty work. He is the plug to ride Mr. Levin to get us to the war. Stop attacking him and make Obama shudder at this all when Axelrod, Jarrett and Plouffe figure out where this is coming from.....and when the reality sinks in, Mr. Trump will have the right's gratitude, but a Conservative who is not converted will have their vote.
Big picture...easier to see when not in the dark.
Do you need a friend
Would you tell the lies
Would you take me in
Are you lonely
In the dark............
once again and exclusive by God's Grace............easier to understand when you know the players.
agtG 301Y
Once was in love
And it was a gas
Soon turned out
To be a pain in the ass
Seemed like the real thing........
*This was posted two days before Obama released his "abstract birth recording", but I do not change what is posted as there is more going on here than meets the eye.