Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jack Cashill's one small step

Jack Cashill is one of World Net Daily's best investigative reporters as this blog has judge correctly, but in many ways he is a flat worlder in if you showed him "God sits on the circle of the world" in the Bible, he could never make the leap of faith Columbus did.........but instead come back with, "The horizon ends where I can see it".

In that arrogance, Mr. Cashill has limited his scope constantly in he just does not comprehend there is a Dwight Eisenhower warning out there of a shadow government operating in the grey shadows, and the world is, one small step for Cashill and one giant leap for Obama staying ahead of all.

This is a problem in Mr. Cashill did monumental work on finding evidence in the linguistic markers of Bill Ayers all over Dreams of my Obama. Yet Cashill can not afford to see Obama stole the 2008 elections nor can Cashill see the real Bill Ayers in this web of what Obama is.

I will state plainly that if the blogger Ulsterman does indeed have Deep Tutu in Rahm Emanuel as his source for the White House Insider, his blog has proven the majority of posts here in the profiling and condition of Barack Hussein Obama.
I state that again, everything Deep Tutu and other Democrats report about the real Obama, in the Obamachurian candidate this blog exposed in being a mind conditioned stage act, was posted here years ago, and exactly how Mr. Obama was so programmed by the initiative of Stanley Ann Dunham with intelligence operatives carrying out the task.

This is what Mr. Cashill misses, and his latest attempt at "Why Obama went to war" is quite juvenile in he does not explain the reason for the title, but the main thrust of the posting was to try and goad Bill Ayers into admitting he wrote Dreams of my Obama to teach Obama a lesson for being a colonial imperialist.

As a note to Mr. Cashill, Bill Ayers is not going to be goaded at anything. He in fact has proven the control he is in daring to spout off to someone he met in an airport "admitting" he wrote Dreams, just to flip the right wing bloggers the bird.
Exclusively here, this blog exposed who Bill Ayers is, in he was an FBI control, for the radical achemdic left..........he was like others designed to keep Charlie Manson from happening in the University system.

When you do not have control, you create controls like Jesse Jackson to handle the black radicals. The patterns are present from Tim McVeigh's operation was run by the FBI, to Hutatree was staged to the Jared Loughner event in that mysterious second shooter who disappeared and his being protected by liberal Tucson PD.

These are things Jack Cashill small steps up to, as he just can not comprehend that the father who owns nuclear power plants in Chicago and has a radical son who never has been prosecuted for murder nor rape of a Jewish girl by a black man, is the Industrial part of the Military Industrial complex of the intelligence shadow government of these United States.
This is why CBS, NBC and ABC were turned over to the industrial complex as the money flowed from the US Government directly then into the coffers of the conglomerates who made things easier to control in the 'way things ought to be'.

Bill Ayers was a control for the Weather Underground. He and the wife were the assets and the rest of these dupes couldn't do anything but salute Marx like Obama.
When it spun out of control, Ayers neutralized his own terrorists, instead of allowing the attack on the military at Columbia University, which would have been a nasty mess considering all that Columbia has going on there.........including the mysterious undocumented Obama.

So unless one takes the leap of faith, one thinks like Jack Cashill, that he is going to bait Bill Ayers into admitting something. Bill Ayers is one of the brightest, gifted and devious assets to ever come out of the complex. He ran terrorists, he experimented with rape, sodomy, dope and this Charlie Manson not only walked away, but is so protected inside the Government that they gave him a retirement package which included imprinting his tought patterns onto B. Hussein Obama and playing with other minds as he attempts to lock into that hundreds of billions of dollars in education dollars.
It does not matter if you like Bill Ayers in the blood on his hands, but you have to appreciate that he survived with unbalanced people. That requires natural talent and Ayers has that, so much that he didn't have to crawl into some French whore and disappear, but he got a high profile job in Chicago, as he was that adept at what he did.

Bill Ayers project was the mould young black extremists. Obama was his project to control the black vote. I know that Obama was never meant to be in the White House, but for retribution on the Clintons as was explained here in Bill selling uranium not his to China, Obama was the humiliation of the Clintons several times over.
Hillary seems to have finally gotten the message her zenith has set as she has been made a fool of deliberately as the cartel played the Clintons then swatted them down.

For that reason, Bill Ayers if he ever would bother with Jack Cashill's column would simply have his eyes twinkle and he would smirk at how juvenile Cashill is in being this obvious.
Ayers is someone who plays with terrorists, plays with bombs, plays with women's minds in raping them, and he is someone chosen by the elite to mould an idiot into a Manchurian for their use.........while imprinting his thought structure on the dolt Obama so he is a puppet on the teleprompter.
That makes Bill Ayers a quite high ranking intelligence political officer in this and it was an insult of Jack Cashill to do what he did. Ayers though would not be bothered by it as you do not gain his position and keep your mouth shut about things in being emotionally vain.
Ayers might swat at the subject for annoying fun, but his projects are so far above what the thoughts of the mob are, that you just do not get bothered by the ants.

Cashill is too arrogant to listen, but if you are going to bait Bill Ayers, the way to the flash point would be to insult the thought patterns of Obama, as those are Ayers. In a weak moment of security, Bill Ayers would respond to that insult in an obscure way to toy with Cashill.......but you do not manipulate the manipulators as they have seen it all.
The only way Ayers would admit to things is being an old man to clear the script........but then it might matter to Jack Cashill that Ayers wrote Dreams, but no one else cares, as Obama is cemented in place and a mountain of plagiarism just does not matter in Obama's everest of crimes.

This is what keeps Obama leaps ahead of the reporters on the right, because his controls are setting backfires and doing the thinking for Obama.

As I have always lectured, it is easier to know how the to play the game if you know the rules and players of the game. Until Jack Cashill leaves arrogance behind, and stops wasting opportunities to bait Bill Ayers or anyone else, he is keeping the Obama regime leaps ahead of the pack.

Mr. Cashill, these are the people who assassinate Presidents, steal national treasuries, overthrow governments, start world wars, stick undocumented peasants for jokes into the White House.
They have shut down the Republican leadership to keep Obama really have no idea the game you are in, because of your not being bribed to be on FOX to steer you.

One small step leaves you miles behind in no time.
