Sunday, April 3, 2011

It is about time

This blog applauds the Republicans, and yes this includes Sen. Hatch of Utah in the progression of the Balanced Budget Amendment, which while it will not will draw a line in the sand for Conservatives to run on in 2012, and beyond, in getting away from the bait and switch of sodomy, socialism and sedition which has been the gambit of the liberals to tear apart the Reagan GOP.

This is a very good political action, as it requires a balanced budget without raising taxes in basing it on 20% GDP, which I know is too high and should only be 10% on the Biblical model, but anything that puts curbs on spending and sets balance is a start for all.

The caveats in this are real war, and not what liberals would have done in declaring war on Iceland every year to blow the budget and spend on entitlements.

The far ranging qualities of this are the vision this will pit entitlements against each other, which will tear liberals apart. When the question of caring for old people and the national defense are fused, and then pitted against NPR and these Mexican border busters plundering America, the real necessities will have priority and the rest of these Democratic fraud voters will fade away as the cow will have dried up the milk of vote buying.

I would counsel two things to Kyl, Toomey and the group though to include a provision which would first not allow a transfer of a federal mandate onto the states to shed spending and second would not allow a federal mandate on corporations like Ford to pick up the welfare slack as was the Teddy Kennedy Kremlinization of America which brought Detroit her ruin.

Otherwise I could not be more pleased to see for the first time from this Congress an intelligent political gambit which the GOP can run on for the next few years. It will change the entire debate and when one has Trillion Dollar Obama painting everything in red ink, he can not run as a balanced budget proponent as he has already shown his pinko communist colors.

For those who think the GOP has then given up on right to life, understand that once this passes and the Nation figures out that these Amendments are a pretty good thing to settle the Supreme Court dictatorship, then a Right to Life Amendment will follow, as you know very well that the same balanced budget Congressional proponents will be the same group who would be for pro family issues.

This is what Ronald Reagan based one half of his campaign on in balancing the budget, with the other being a strong defense. This is getting back to Reagan, and it could not happen soon enough as the day of John Boehner, Darrell Issa and Eric Cantor has passed in the fog of an Obama night.

Let America run forward to that shining light of that city on the hill of a balanced budget. It will be the boundaries the children in Washington will learn responsibility by.

Do you realize how much money America will have when the government is not in competition with banks and corporations in spending trillions?

That alone will bring a recovery by not spending one cent.

A recovery by not spending money. Now is that not novel?
