Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lazy N*gger Syndrome

colonial obama's future for the black race

As an exclusive here, this is an appeal to all the black brothers and sisters to rise up and give a good talking to Barack Hussein Obama, as he has literally gone out of control.

I state this in the warning that blacks should not tie their entire identity to Mr. Obama, the tan foreigner, because in 2008 I warned of the disaster he would be for black people.
The reason is this is going to take an all out effort from the black community is there is no longer on black leader in America who could grab Mr. Obama the boy child, designer negro, by the collar and shake him up to adulthood. The fact is on the right the black leaders like Clarence Thomas have been electronically lynched........those in the center like Colin Powell and Condi Rice have gone so Obama that their leniency discredits them, and Mr. Obama has so utterly either corrupted blacks on the left like Eric Holder to criminal status or made criminals out of Charles Rangel that there is no longer an American black community as back in the day to speak to the reality of the situation.

I had presumed that with the appointment of Chicago Democratic thug, Bill Daley that Mr. Obama would literally be made to do his job. This though is not the case in the least in the government shutdown, and Val-erie Jarrett is so desiring to be mummy in control, that she willingly is shipping out the Obama's in the most ludicrous of places in COLONIAL Williamsburg.

For those who do not realize, colonialism is what Mr. Obama's image problem is, and yet there he goes off to the place of slavery institutionalized and people without rights. Any political leader would realize this is insane, and yet Val-erie Jarrett who is either a slave holder wannabe or is incapable of handling child Obama, has just allowed this situation to happen again as Bearick is an out of control deviant.
Jarrett has has this boy on vacation non stop to try and control him, but in each step without supervision, he simply becomes a more obtuse example of what blacks have worked a generation to be rid of.

Back in the day, this was the poem often recited.

More rain More rest More n*ggers in the nest. "WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY MAMMY?" Massah, more rain More grass Makes massah's hay grow fast.

What do you think the entire image of the black male in moving from servants to Jack Benny to George Jefferson of Jefferson Dry Cleaners, to John Amos on Good Times in the hardworking black man was about?
Richard Roundtree in Shaft was monumental in making a black character who was handsome, tough and could take care of himself.

This is what Martin King was speaking about to Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek in her necessary place in putting forward a black character America could relate to in all races.

The punks who followed in Spike Lee, Whoopie Goldberg, Eddie Murphy and kook aid drinker Danny Glover, had no talent. They were tokens placed there whose main avarice in life was screwing white people literally as their 'movin' on up'.
Glover was not that talented, but he believed the leftist hype like Harry Belefonte, and all of these started this fast track downward which brought about Barack Hussein Obama, who smashed the Jesse Jackson clan into smithereens, routed black leadership, threw blacks off the bus and ran them over, and in disgrace with Colin Powell trampled in Martin King Day which liberals just had to have to prove they were not get at Obama' 2009 Inauguration.

I have never been in favor of race holidays in Dr. Kings, because they divide and are intended to, but I still am repulsed by the way the entire left stampeded over Dr. King's holiday and the way Obama took it all in leading the foot stomping to get one more adoring applause from Dr. King.

For that reason, blacks have been after all of their leader's efforts placed into this stereotype again which under Obama has become a psychotic syndrome of the Lazy N*gger Syndrome. The very sloven of every race become a racist focal point for another race, and Obama has now painted with the national white media an image of Obama, that he can not handle the job, he does nothing but pimp for a party and when he is not shooting hoops he is off on another vacation.

I honestly feel for all black people, because they can't afford the kinds of things Obama spends billions on, with chefs to 747's which is built on their taxpayer money, and while Obama gets the plantation house, they get to look in Ebony magazine or some fashion site for Michelle, pretending they are a part of it all, when all they are is being stereotyped into the world which everyone worked to get out of in the past century.

The buffalo soldiers died for that right in the 1800's. Sports athletes bridged the gap in boxing and baseball in Cassius Clay and Tony Oliva. The images of entertainers like Sammy Davis and Bill Cosby set a standard of brotherhood with other peoples.
Now all Obama has are these minstrels like Chris Rock and Whoopie Goldberg chanting racism, as they cover up Obama crimes like the damn dope dealer whoring your neighbor's kids on the street.

When one has Louis Farrakhan exposing Obama's demons, one has a voice which is speaking literally. Tavis Smiley is someone who could grab Obama by the collar, but he is not a Martin King in stature. Mr. Smiley after all his work in life, and knowing the past black efforts has to be livid in private about the kinds of stereotypes Barack Hussein Obama is ushering in again.
Frankly, I'm surprised that Mr. Obama has not had some watermelon and chicken thing Muchelle is promoting as the worst of stereotypes keep being initiated by Mr. Obama from his superior tan color which changes with Michelle on who they are meeting to use blackness or passing white to impress, to this absolute modern minstrel like Eddie Murphy's debauchery of not having enough clubs to go to.

The America black has to save themselves from Barack Obama and his punks. Mr. Obama is no Herman Cain, and the reality is America is in this syndrome now viewing the black American as someone who never works, spends money like a crack whore on credit, can't murder enough people and doesn't give a damn that he just run over your kid, your cat and your dog with his ride as he flicks cig ashes out the window.

Barack Obama and the wife, have dug from the grave of the past thee worst stereotypes of the black race and are now living the life, forever burning it into the mind of the world.

This is the Lazy N*gger Syndrome has brought about by Barack Hussein Obama. If this continues, as this blog predicted, blacks are going to find real prejudice in not being hired, advanced or considered, because the imprint of what "black" is from tan man Obama is going to be something it is going to take another generation starting from the bottom to create a correct image again.

Vernon Jordan helped Bill Clinton, certainly he, Tavis Smiley and Jesse Jackson are a start of a committee, to assist Barack Hussein and Michelle Robinson Obama to at least act respectable for the race they used to get into the White House and have done nothing for, but denigrate them since arriving.
