Friday, April 15, 2011

Let us never Forget!

Let us not forget in this as bigger names are now focusing on the undocumented Obama, that an American Hero in Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is rotting in a federal prison as Barack Hussein Obama's first Prisoner of War, over Mr. Lakin's being made an example of by the Obama regime.

Real Americans have had their lives destroyed by Mr. Obama and his enablers. It is disgusting the way the top talkers, media and politicians have slandered Birthers and abandoned an American imprisoned by Mr. Obama inside these United States.

Ann Coulter is the worst in this as she rambles on about her investigation and how she "certified" Obama. That is most interesting as Ms. Coulter did not even know that Obama spent 2 million dollars to hide his documents from the American public and the Democratic Governor of Hawaii was trying to release a record of birth as the Governor has not seen it yet.
Yet Ms. Coulter without evidence like all these Obama apologists manufacture evidence or like Rush Limbaugh hide behind "this started with Hillary Clinton's camp".

Earth to Mr. Limbaugh, since when does it matter where a story comes from when the reality is Mr. Obama is hiding all of his documents from college, passports, medical and religious as we still do not know if Obama was ever Baptised as a Christian.

I have no idea what penance Ann Coulter or Peggy Noonan get, no more than Noel Sheppard in calling Conservatives Obama deranged, as Sean Hannity silent on Lt. Col. Terry Lakin get in not demanding Constitutional enforcement. Perhaps Coulter once mocked a black man while turning him down on a date. The reality is Terry Lakin's life is destroyed and every American's life is being wiped out by the undocumented Barack Hussein Obama, who if you research this, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Barack Sr., never called the name Bah ROCK, but the real name is Bear ICK.

The name on Mr. Obama is even a fraud, so why not have the reality come out, that Mr. Obama has no certificate of live birth or COLB in Hawaii, because Hawaii issued two types of birth certificates. One the COLB was given to Americans naturally born there, and the other was a 'recorded birth' for all the foreign labor imports to swell Hawaii's population numbers for welfare payments and House representation status in elections.

For those who were not there, 1950's Hawaii was Dole and other Republican landowners in a Republican state. Obama's mentor the sex machine Frank Marshall Davis went to Hawaii to stir up the labor unrest for union control of that state and flip it community organized Democrat which it is today.

That is the dirty big secret of what is behind the Barack Hussein Obama missing documents, as Barack jr. exposes for those who know what they are looking at is wholesale fraud and overthrowing of an American state for liberal domination by international union thugs.

Everyone connected in Hawaii knows this is what is behind all of this and it is why Mr. Obama's birth certificate is being hidden as he has a document which points out he is not native.

I have no idea if Mr. Obama was born in a pineapple patch as the Dunham's were ashamed and hoping a non hospital birth would result in a termination, if Ms. Dunham went to Canada for new free health care as she was recorded in Washington state in August 1961, or if baby Obama was born in Kenya as his Grandmother is on record stating, as her testimony matches exactly the "hot day" meteorological records prove.

I do know that the Ann Coulter enablers are Aaron Burr self servers against America and I know that Barack Hussein Obama destroyed Lt. Col. Terry Lakin's life.

I demand Obama's documents so Lt. Col. Terry Lakin will be exonerated. So Mr. Trump, how about instead of just being on Celebrity Apprentice and announcing, taking Celebrity Apprentice to Leavenworth Kansas where Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is imprisoned by Obama, and announce there, and say, "An American is imprisoned behind these walls unjustly for demanding what I demand in Obama releasing his birth certificate. Mr. Obama open these walls and let Terry Lakin free and Mr. Obama open your documents and OBEY THE LAW!"

How about that for change America?


What Donald Trump should say