Friday, April 15, 2011

Stop Trashing Trump

It is always interesting when you see someone like Mark Levin just go off on Donald Trump. Psychologically, it means Mark Levin views Donald Trump as a weighs whether a person is a friend or a threat.......if a threat, apprehension builds, then emotional outburst ensues which leads to attacks to neutralize the threat.

What is fascinating in how an accomplished Gentleman like Mark Levin would view Donald Trump a threat, unless he notes in Mr. Trump an upset in the apple cart which Levin and his limbs of Limbaugh and Hannity have decided who will be the Republican nominee.

I will be frank. Donald Trump is an accomplished builder of things big and extravagant. He does this immensely well in dealing with industry, union thugs, government trolls and the economy. He has had problems in marriage, has had problems in business, but that is what an American industrialist have ups and downs in taking chances in life.

I view Donald Trump not in the least as a threat. I am wary of him as he did support Obama like many did, but he is saying all the right things now. I don't care as Mr. Levin nit picks about what the Donald only speaks of on a few issues, as Ronald Reagan had his triad and that is where he focused too.
Could Donald Trump be using this as a publicity stunt? Sure he can be up to something, but in that I see the way of utilizing Donald Trump which Mark Levin should.

You know I really get excited over Mike Huckabee and Mormon you know you don't and that is why Donald Trump matters.

Obama is a fictional star on the left generated by Bush hatred and racist hysteria. The GOP stupidly runs Bob Dole and a list of real snore candidates who check their watches like old man Bush, tell their followers to shut up and go home, and then here comes Carter, Clinton or Obama outshinging them like John Kennedy did Richard Nixon.

Donald Trump has star power and the GOP needs more than one star in Sarah Palin to appeal to an electorate now tired of patting itself on it's back for voting for an almost black guy to make them feel better.
That is what is best about Donald Trump. He provides an intelligence and a charisma which exposes Obama for the teleprompter reader he is.

Mr. Trump has shown pure True Grit as when Sarah Palin was backing off the Birther issue, the Donald jumped in and rode it hard to appeal to the voters who are tired of Karl Rove talking points.
The best way to deal with an issue is to bring it up, rub Obama's nose in it, shove it down Chris Matthews' throat and make them lick up the vomit when they puke it up again.......and then start all over again.

That is how the left handles Bill Clinton rape........things disgusting like Teddy Kennedy just keep getting worse and the right whines about it, but on this menace plunges creating a callous on the American psyche.

That is what is needed in America and that is what Donald Trump is achieving. He is fleshing out issues which need to be dealt with now.
I have pointed out that the Donald is not playing this right as he should be focusing on Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to put an American destroyed by Obama in this Birther issue. So I know Donald Trump is not the end all candidate and all of these children could benefit from the Inspiration I could provide.......and tried to provide in previous cycles, but you know I got ignored by Mormon Romney, so that says it all about him.

Would I vote for Donald Trump over Sarah Palin? No I would not.

Would I vote for Donald Trump over Mike Huckabee? In an second, because I have had it with these moralist whiners like Huckabee who can't pull the hangman's gallows when it is their job.

That is the point in this, in I would back Donald Trump completely over B. Hussein Obama if he won the primary, but I would not vote for him as my primary candidate over other Conservatives like a Herman Cain.......who is equal in industry to Mr. Trump and in speaking ability, but does not have the charisma Mr. Trump carries about.

Donald Trump is good for the GOP and America. I have had it with people trashing all these Conservative minded people just because they do not fit. Donald Trump is qualified as is Sarah Palin, as are most Americans, to be President, as you have to be natural born as the main qualification.
Conservatives have common sense and do well in leadership roles as it is in their nature to mind their own damn business, stick to business and keep their hands off business. That prospers the most Americans.

Mr. Trump provides flare, flash and as much of a foreigner I want in the White House in his good wife. He is the absolute anti Obama candidate like Sarah Palin is, because they are all the things the Obama and Bidens are not.
The Donald is good in this, as he provides cover for Sarah Palin in her not being the only star on the stage now. So people need to stop trashing Mr. Trump, because on his worst day he is still an American ahead of Banana Republic on his best day.

That said, kick the hell out of the Rovians and the Obamites, but Mr. Levin observe Reagan's 11th in you like reminding people you worked for the President.

Donald Trump is not the problem. He is part of the solution, so utilize him for that solution and focus on the traitors and stop fragging he people in the company.

nuff said.