Out of the north, comes a boy toy, with a keyboard, writing his memoirs in never having accomplished anything but having an erection and a forked tongue.
Yes it is worthless Levi Johnston.........
How long will it take for Bill Ayers to type up this book as he did for Barack Obama?
My name is Levi Johnston. My family are doper criminals. I fornicated with Bristol Palin. I lied about and betrayed the Palin family. I'm a tool of Karl Rove and David Axelrod to try and destroy Sarah Palin. I'm going back home now to crawl under my rock.
The end.
Certainly this most poetic, inspired, gifted, well written, Shakespearean, surpassing the Bible, deemed Pulitzer worthy, Nobel award winning, stunning, magnificient, brilliant, witty, charming, telling, inspired...........oh that was already said......... will be featured on all the Sarah Palin hating media starting with Oprah.
This idiot can not even get his comparisons correct in it should read, Dear in the Scope: My existence in the Sarah Palin Crosshairs...........while hiding up Barack Obama's ass being a political tool assaulting Gov. Palin.Hey Levi, if you were ever in Gov. Palin's crosshairs once, you would be bear shit now as she gets what she aims at.