I rise to address, our Mr. Obama. Pardon though the titles and honorary citings, as the undocumented Mr. Obama by birth has vacated all possibilities in deigning upon his haloed head the rubric of Mr. American, Mr. Colonial, Mr. Kenya, Mr. Hawaii, Mr. Canada or Mr. British. In fact, all the world knows at large is Mr. Obama is, is an occupant in the White House, is an agent of destructive change and is a Chicago made man, although in that title, other epitaphs occur across the once fruited plains of America, as in New York the term would be crook, in Hawaii it would be recorded alien birth and in Oklahoma it would be usurper.
We know little of Mr. Obama as his existence is a work of fiction. His novels are quite novel memorabilia like the escapades of a Pharaoh carving off the names of previous leaders to chisel their name on monuments they never built. Whoever wrote Mr. Obama's life story is a prose of fairyland which he relates seeing black folks in magazines, when Diane Sawyer surprises him with the very magazine........the only one in existence which remotely matches Obama's vociferous memories of a black child, he shakes his head in the negative stating, "That is not the magazine".
Truly this is not the Obama which Americans in delusion of their racial anxieties voted for. They hoped for a shining city on the hill and a change of the dusky shadows of war and inflation, and instead received the dull plug nickle for the expense of their vote and the Emperor's taunt, "That if you thought your lives were a burden before, you will now comprehend what it is to make brick without mud, without straw and without mould."
America is a shrinking paradise, a true Middle Eastern oasis of Obama's Muslim heritage. While the desert sands produce ever higher mountains of debt for Americans, while producing ever larger piles of monuments of gold for Muslim oil and Chicom industry, Mr. Obama's oasis is a luxury mansion, luxury limousine, luxury jet, luxury helicopter, luxury vacations, luxury entertainment and even a luxurious abode for the now disappearing Bo the dog, whose lustre has worn off as the Obama's find new things to play with like the theft of Libyan oil and Egyptian lands.
The subject of Mr. Obama is one in which if he had as great of lust for protecting the American economy as he does of firing off missiles at Muslims, these United States would have recovered and dominated the entire world. Alas though, like Jack trading for the magic beans, Mr. Obama grew a mountain of debt in two years which is greater than all the debt America created in over 200 years, and in this nightmare tale, there is no golden goose of recovery, just a giant abyss in an even greater huge sucking sound pulling America into her grave.
There are no real words for Mr. Obama in the chaos and poverty he has ushered in around the world. Yes it is colonialism, yes it is feudalism, yes it is criminal, but when a Mr. Obama is undocumented, his edicts are illegal in being carried out by a US Government and Military, to the extent that Mr. Obama has his own POW in American Lt. Col. Terry Lakin.
How novel is that in the Obama saga, in terrorists are auctioned off at Gitmo for one million dollars a piece to retire to tropical oasis destinations and American find Leavenworth, Kansas their prison home.
I do not know what Mr. Obama is, for who can know what anything is without information or facts? I do know that Mr. Obama is not Martin King who had a dream, as Mr. Obama is a nightmare. I know that Mr. Obama is not Abraham Lincoln in a house united, as Mr. Obama is a house divided, and I know Mr. Obama is not the Messiah, Jesus the Christ in Divine Birth, as Mr. Obama is a political bastard not of the heavenly scene, but of the whore of this world.
Mr. Obama could not apply for any Government job in these United States as they require proof of Citizenship, yet he occupies the American House with the greatest of power in nuclear warheads of death and the economic Treasury.
He is the enigma, the riddle, the Winston Churchill Obama curtain descending first upon the Slavs of Eastern Europe and then upon the world.
It is fitting for British subject Obama without documentation, but documented by the British Nationality Act of 1948, without expiration, that he has become the quisling of the vanished Soviet evil empire as he has undone Ronald Reagan's freedom for the world, and created for his cartel benefactors a world slave state of feudalism.
Mr. Obama is his father's Marxist bastard. Mr. Obama is his globalist microfinance mother's pirate. Mr. Obama is all of these things, but we still do not know who Mr. Obama is, but we discern from his destruction, that Mr. Obama is not an American.