It is perplexing at times to read all of these GOP polls coming out, and to always see that all the Conservatives are behind the Republican leaders and none of them it is stated could beat Obama.
I wonder though in all of our lives just how many people come up to you and say, "Wow that Mormon Romney is my boy!"
You never hear such a thing, and yet Romney is non stop the "front runner" in polls.
I know from a Republican insider that the state rank and file GOPers were all high on Romney, but this person admitted that the throngs of Republican voters never found anything appealing about Romney...........that in fact stumped the party chairs and they had a straw man which no one would back from the public.
So when I hear that Romney is leading, then the next poll states the Mike Huckabee is leading, and then it is Donald Trump leading.........and of course all of these polls point to no one can beat Obama.............you get an idea of what Rasmussen, that shill Zogby and all these other pollsters are about in each one is doing one Karl Rove and Val-erie Jarrett purpose and that is to keep a Conservative off the ticket for Republicans and elect Obama again, so the patrician GOP will get their Jeb Bush by treaty in 2016.
The only people I hear fired about candidates are the Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and Donald Trump voters. You never hear a thing about Romney, Barbour or Huckabee from voters........and yet by Obama miracle they are always ahead in these polls.
You know that Romney is the Karl Rove candidate to lose. You know that Barbour is being floated by the insiders in case Romney and Glenn Beck father a messiah child.........and you know Huckabee is the pulpit candidate for the "christian media".
That Judas Goat mentality the the cm have is something I do not understand, as you slap a pulpit or dogma on some Huckabee, and it doesn't matter his Obama socialism and these media heads will back them like Focus on the Family was backing Hariett Miers for Karl Rove's screwing with the Supreme Court.
Hey children, just imagine the Obama court now with the Seniora and Lezbo, joining pro gay Miers from Karl Rove.................DO NOT EVER FORGET WHAT KARL ROVE IS, as this is the same shit hole he is stirring in these polls to convince the right that none of their Conservatives are even capable of winning.
These United States have become the Kremlin gulag of Obama propaganda and Rove TASS talking points. It is the worst of situations that one can not even believe information, and for some Limbaugh reason.............you never hear any challenges on this from Sean Hannity for his favorite gay and smiling Karl Rove.
I never thought these United States would become a Banana Republic led by a self absorbed self destructive force protected by all the media left and right, and yet this is the patrician Barack Hussein Obama.........and his Obamawannabe's in Romney, Barbour and Huckabee.
These are not the best of times and worst of times, but these are the lying times of Barack Obama and Karl Rove. Mark Levin blindly speaks of taking out Obama in elections and it never dawns on him that the same Rovaian and Axelrodite election thieves which sabotaged Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell and the rest of Conservatives HAVE ALREADY STOLEN THE 2012 elections and that is why Obama is so smug.........so Jack Cashill can delude himself into thinking he knows the numbers as he keeps nattering about Obama's writing skills in Ayers keyboard plucks.........the fact is that unless this is dealt with now, Obama has stolen 2012 and it is from these straw men in Romney, Huckabee and Barbour.
Nothing like Mark Levin on Bataan, the battling bastard, who keeps looking for FDR to save him, but MacArthur is beached in Australia and Levin's troops are in Normandy.
I have the greatest respect for these leaders like Levin and Cashill, but do they ever not see the situation as they mistakenly think American goodness is going to win out in "elections".
How's that Limbaugh Gridlock treating you boys?
So those are the polls, the manipulations behind them and the people out there jousting at windmills flailing at the breeze.
You can't win an election that is already stolen. You can't trust goodness when evil has unending self serving boundaries. You can't bake a cake with rotten eggs and not get that satanic taste of sulpher out of your mouth.
Nuff said.