Monday, April 4, 2011

Never overlook


Do you remember Iran?

Do you remember how Obama used that Twitter Revolution to help Ahmadinejad round up the Iranian Patriots, you know those people who wanted a Republican form of Government to govern themselves?

Do not in this with Obama "dithering" to think dithering is dithering always in Libya, as dithering has proven to be a way to............
Get larger bribes out of Khadaffi.
Get a few planes lost, which has already blown the hell out of the protesters.
Get a few Muslims used to NATO prowling about for future European colonialism.

Lest we forget Mr. Obama has now proven America is incapable, inconsistent, and inept to accomplishing any foreign policy.
This has been handed over to the Brits and French, who have big Muslim hordes, and will be blamed for a European check to the central Europeans rise.

(If you do not get this, you make the sons of Joseph and Reuben targets and pin them down with Muslims, and you in Berlin and Rome then form your own more ancient union to clean up the spoils.)

Lest we forget that Mr. Obama will prove NATO worthless do not forget that Mr. Obama has Canucks in charge of.................looking incompetent.

So in the never overlook category of even Obama's friends in Syria, a little insurrection is a good thing, as when bribes are paid, the Islamocommunist regimes like Assad get to kill the protesters just like in Iran.

The liberty driven Patriots in Muslim lands are being slaughtered by Obama's regimes, and the regimes who were working in the war on terror, are being replaced in a bait and switch.

This is International Socialism on the march, Bana Nazi style and the hairdresser to this gay crowd is B. Hussein Obama.

Obama should really just change his name to COB, for Chairman of the Board, as Obama just orders people to be slaughtered after he bribes them to be revolutionaries, and then he stands around having all these other folks clean up his spent condoms.

There is no leadership in the world, and in that vacuum new leadership will have to take place. It can not be France as they do not have an economy nor military big enough to take care of all these troubles.
Therefore with Obama in retreat, there will have to be a new order which arises.

I'm personally bored with it all, as it has been a long winter, and we just need that iron fisted thug in the anti Christ to come around and give this all some Nazi charm in spiffy uniforms, parades, red flags with black on them and someone to take credit for destroying the world.

B. Hussein is so successful in what his benefactors are accomplishing in setting up their world order, but he just takes no credit for anything and it is lost on the talk media who need to be told of Obama triumphs.

Perhaps Obama doesn't know hisself, as Val-erie Jarrett hasn't typed it up on the teleprompter for dear leader to read and educate hisself to how very accomplished he is.

Great dictators brag on what they do. Obama doesn't brag at all for the blood on his hands. It is such a pity as the world is too dense in overlooking all of what Obama has done for the abyss and no one is taking credit for the world in a grave.

Die once, die often for the Obama colonial policy............

Never overlook.
