Sunday, April 3, 2011

Obama boy Glenn Beck

What an incredible sight it was on FOX, For Obama eXpletative, when the triplet penises of the derrick in Obama's pants, and his twins, Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly all became erect in defending B. Hussein, the Banana Republic dictator of America, against that American, Donald Trump, as Mr. Trump's First Amendment Rights, make Glenn Beck uncomfortable.

Fox News host
Glenn Beck said Friday night that Donald Trump has been making him "a little uncomfortable recently".

The best or worst quote from Beck though reveals he is apparently Obama on teleprompter brains in this odd statement to Bill O'Reilly.

"You can say, 'I don't believe he has a birth certificate.' But then he goes into 'I do not believe he has a birth certificate' and then he releases one that's worse than Obama's. And then he comes back and he says on your program, 'He might be a Muslim too.' I'm like, come on!"

Beck somewhere lost me in saying I don't and I do not believe.............apparently Beck's command of English is Kremlin educated as he does not know an apostrophe means the same thing in DON'T and DO NOT.

For the record so this Mormon mind of Beck can comprehend, Barack Hussein Obama is a secular Muslim, like most Jews are secular Jews, like Nancy Pelosi is a secular Christian. Religion gives these butchers of humanity the same carte blanche which Mormon Beck has in judging people.
For the record, Mormonism utilizes the same rituals of the high degree Masonic orders, as in illuminated satanism. If you care to research Mormonism, of which Glenn Beck plunged into, leaving Christianity behind, it had the founder seeing visions, digging up golden tablets and other such things which left Christ behind and made Joseph Smith the voice..........the same voice which a few decades ago for those who recall, had the same Mormon elders come out with a vision that "black people could be in the leadership at Salt Lake too".

Amazing isn't it, that before that apparently blacks could...........well swing from trees as far as Mormonism judged.

Apparently Beck in his new found religion which when he talks sounds a great deal like Obama Marxism is concerned that his glass shattered world of Bearick can not stand up to his vote in 2008 for Obama. Beck's brain has fractured along Obama lines in this fraud is not functioning he does not believe America needs a showboat.

What the hell is Obama Mr. Beck?

To revisit at the gaycon meeting one year ago, Glenn Beck was advocating the division of the Republican party for a third party. A strategy which would re elect Mr. Obama easily in 2012.

Obama and O'Reill and Beck are the same OOB sound of some satanic mantra in being liars, deniers and vilifiers.

What is Beck afraid of but being exposed of selling his soul to Obama for his position at FOX as he is an Obama tool for the cartel. Beck like Ann Coulter is an Obamite. They both have verified Obama is Hawaiian without one shred of evidence. They both have mocked Birthers who are the foundation of the Tea Party while trying to hijack the Tea Party.

Donald Trump is the one American in this. He doesn't need to open this political mess as it would harm his business and would harm his media contracts. It is a sham slam for O'Reilly and Beck to keep saying Trump is doing this for publicity, because Mr. Trump has come out Pro Life and explained why he became that way.

Donald Trump is the necessary good for this American people who are fed lies non stop by Obama frauds. If Beck and O'Reilly were not traitors to America, they would be demanding Obama's Birth Records, college loans, college records, passports and asking what happened to all the Obama known associate files at the FBI which went missing.

America doesn't matter to Beck or O'Reilly as they sold their souls to the devil and are in bed with it's false messiah, B. Hussein Obama.
