hércyme sætnereas Arthur, pæs cierre and forþweard æftercyning
A Jewish leader in Mr. Landau is throwing down the gauntlet in if the undocumented Mr. Obama pushes to pay off his 2008 campaign debt of illegal contributions to Islamocommunists the "Palestinian Statehood" that the Jewish state should annex the West Bank.
Oddly, I inquire how does one annex what is already your historical land?
I have advocated for years now a Philistine state, which means Gaza, a that is their land, and those people should have their own state with provisions.
This includes every state moving their borders perhaps a half mile, so all give an area equal to Gaza to expand the Philistine state into the Sinai.
This state should be unarmed except for a militia police force and if it ever begins terrorism or military arming, the locals by unilateral means should wipe this entire state off the map with nuclear weapons.
Philistine get one opportunity to be adults and if they become Iran, then let them become Sodom in fire and brimstone.
What I really care to expand upon in this as this is Lord's New Passover is the advocacy that the entire 10 tribes, not of Judah or Levi, take back their lands. These peoples are the British, American, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, French, Holland, Dutch etc.. who when exiled by Assyrians broke out and become under new identities the western peoples who have so advanced the world.
There is method to this, and it would in fact thwart Prophecy in the anti Christ, as this Confederation or League of Israelites would start rebuilding the Israelite Kingdom of Christ. The reason it would thwart the anti Christ is with the real Israelites there, he would have a more difficult time invading and he would not be able to sacrifice to satan with this being a protected Ezekiel's Temple by real worshippers of YWH.
This Government would be Davidic, meaning it would be headed by the English Monarchs who indeed are the heirs of David's Throne which Christ will return for. While I do not trust there heirs no further than I could throw them, I instead opt for a Swiss Canton structure of Representation and Defense for the 13 Tribes.
In this way, God rules the people govern and the Confederation is extremely strong as it is backed by the very NATO nations who make up the fighting force of the West.
The Americans and British are related to the Egyptians by Joseph's wife. The Jordanians are cousins. The Turks are Esau brothers. The Arabs are Ishmaelite brothers........in Iraq is where Abraham was born, so their is a homogenous family unit here of the Shemite peoples of the west and east, all looking out for their interests.
The main interest is of course water from south Europe and northeast Africa to fuel this new Garden planted in Eden. Backed by oil for revenue and a new banking structure meant to profit all of our peoples, this builds an armed agrarian people who all adhere at least to the God of Abraham, even if most do not know the God they deny and worship.
In this, Confederation is the solution to the entire region by the return of the real inheritors and the benefiting of the Philistines who are still present in Gaza.
What is taking place is now Obama Ashkenaz, with Iranian Islamocommunist insurrection backed by Russia and Chinese communists. The net result will be the anti Christ invading from the Ashkenaz financial kingdom of central Europe.
It is obvious how this would never impede God's plans as no one could, but it would be most interesting in observing how God does bring about Armageddon and the various other situation to a lesser magnitude when His True Children possess the Holy Land and are following His Laws and His Grace.
God does not destroy His Heritage when that Heritage is Righteous.
Therefore I agree with the basis of the Jewish threat..........I just advocate tadpoling that ole Obama up the ass with a real plan which is for documented Citizens of the West and the Israelite holdings.
Nuff said.