Saturday, April 30, 2011

Service Pack 4

Why do you suppose when the internet became worldwide, that every December before Norton required a virus update that by miracle viruses would spread all over the internet scaring people into getting anti virus programs?

Why do you suppose in 2008 that the standard free anti virus program, Grisoft which became AVG, all of a sudden developed massive problems for certain users and was soon replaced by a German software developer named Avira?

Why do you suppose that in 2010, Avira, was like all freeware developers........except AVG in not requiring any service packs from Microsoft in order to operate?

Why do you suppose in 2011, all of a sudden Avira would not install on computers which did not have the Microsoft Service packs from two through four?

Ever ask yourself what is in these Microsoft and Apple computers?

Ever hear that Google is contracted with the NSA in surveillance?

Ever hear of Windows being so porous that maybe some astute computer programs released the entire Windows protocols online exposing those holes............and all of a sudden Windows refused to update 95, 98 which they were responsible for.....and now someone who has 2K on up to Vista who does not "update" to those service packs, their computers must be turned off manually, and these anti virus software programs from around the world just will not install?

Ask yourself if there are Obama good and bad terrorists, so maybe there are good and bad virus files...........say like PROMIS was a good terrorist file to spy on banks and some herding trojan was a bad terrorist as it was some geniuses protest trying to expose what the system is really about.

See if Windows has built in protocols to spy on every computer, that is a good thing for the federal police worldwide. It allows them to grab mail, grab files, have computers process signature markers highlighting key words that traces a computer automatically and even takes pretty pictures of you and your room you are sitting in, using bounce signal infrared much as your mic is turned on listening to you.

Now this is excluse here, and it should make you think about the above questions..............with little things like my trip wires I have, which my television pops off on it's own to one station would lock up for months, and now has "fixed" itself all aligned with my computer server.

Obama miracles do occur.

The entire personal internet is a spy ring, in which Bill Gates and other cronies, have signed onto a "security" arrangement in which they gain funding...........

Oh you thought these billionaire corporations just came up with "new" things that flooded the market and everyone buys them?
It is the same system used in the 1950's in which television media was melded with print in being funded covertly by intelligence to promote the Ford Foundation line, taken over by the Rothschilds and Rockefeller globalists.
The money was converted at the advent of the Obama regime from old media to the new media in order to control people and control information flow.

I personally never update my operating system. I still have the surveillance, but if you know how to rig the system, you can monitor the monitors.......and if you know what programs to run, you do not need Microsoft in the least, even if the constrictor is getting tighter all the time.

I actually save numbers of programs and open sources just because I enjoy free things. It has amazed me in how much has disappeared from sites in the past five years, but if save things, you find things that do not run on Service Packs.

With that said, I must go as one of my firewalls just alerted me that an anti virus program is talking to it's server..........they are sneaky that way in I didn't even click on it.

If you need that translated, you can sit at your computer without any system information in bytes being shown flowing out or in, and all of a sudden up pops a warning that a program is communicating in another Obama miracle.

Oh and just as an experiment in installing a "new" system, I was amazed that in just half a minute, I had over a dozen port access requests reported.

By the way, you do too every day as that is how they are keeping tabs on all of you....probably why Obama can't find bin Laden as watching 630 million people in the west clogs things up.

No that is not the reason as a deal was worked out like in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia..........and as you don't have the cash of Islam you just get a listing on Naps Napolitano terror lists.

enjoy your freedumb.

agtG 329YY