In listening to the jabber about Donald Trump going to whore city and using the word f*ck a few times, I really wonder how some of these people in media ever got a job..........it must be like most corporate jobs in management hires the person more stupid than they are, because they all missed with Donald Trump was up to.
........in that here am I troubled.
The reason Donald Trump was f'ing the Harry Reid landscape was for media stir. It is the Lindsey Lohan, run out of talent, showing her beaver in limo shots to get attention for the career.
Mr. Trump did the job well, but the troubling part is he exposed himself to lacking the sexy policies which the Birthers still are in driving the American psyche.
I stated that Donald Trump would most likely fade after he shot his wad. That still can be the case, and is why Mark Levin should have toned it down, as Mr. Trump is a valuable asset to the Republicans in he has taking the manly heat off of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, which gives them a breather, and people not to tire of the girls.
This is more in depth political analysis than even 20 moves Karl Rove could come up with.........as his "clown" talking points were lame before they even were done vibrating off his chubby Ann Coulter lips.
In that, I have some advice for Donald Trump which he should take.
I suggested at the start of this in Donald Trump going to Leavenworth Kansas and staging a rally for Lt. Col. Terry Lakin. The details in this are he could hook up with Joseph Farah who would whore Trump for the story, and Trump could link into Jerome Corsi's upcoming sexy Swift Bootie book which will erode the British Obama in toto.
Yes Mr. Trump, go west hair man, and visit Kansas as there is a tornado there if you blow enough which will puff Mr. Obama's house of cards down.
Mr. Trump, give Lt. Col. Lakin's wife a donation as you gave Rahm Emanuel for the Lakin's hardships which Obama has persecuted them........make them your cause celeb as causalities of Obama's war on American Truth........and sir, you will have linked yourself into the next media pulse waves for the summer as the cutting edge.
You should have listened to me Mr. Trump when I posed originally in this weeks ago, as that would have given you the leverage of humanitarian Donald against Obama cruelty in cycling the Birth charges which Attorney Mario Puzzo proved in Obama's old man is listed as British, and mum is under age, so Obama is a Brit and disqualified from office.
Mr. Trump you missed the mark in just taking credit in rolling Obama. You missed taking credit in proving Obama is British as Obama's abstract proved the entire Birther charge.
Then Mr. Trump, you need to link in Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to your celebrity apprentice next season in putting on people Obama's actions have destroyed.........that of course if you are not running.
If you are running, put Lt. Col. Terry Lakin in the CEO chair and have him do the job so this goes out in front of all Americans to get through their minds.
Mr. Trump, your next step is to have your investigators go after Mr. Obama's college loans, his passport, his mother's passport, his medical records, the Larry Sinclair limo driver, the set up of John Edwards by Obama and drill baby drill on Obama's "attending physician" to see what gold is there.
Your job Mr. Trump is not to run against Obama, but to be the National Enquirer in finding information on the criminal Obama and emblazoning it upon the entertainment news, as the sexy news is what people care about.
Then you will not have to F bomb at events.
Obama already gave you the stage in appearing with him, by his reacting to you.......keep him in that position, as he has already made you Presidential.
That is the start of this Mr. Trump, and there is more to this birth story than smug Obama is admitting.
nuff said for now