Monday, May 16, 2011

Ah another Obama bad Omen

This is short, but you did notice didn't you when Obama went down to see the Space Shuttle take off awhile back, that the thing was in perfect working order before he arrived and as soon as he got there the thing wouldn't start.

Pretty hard is it not to not ignite a volcano size rocket bomb with a spark, and yet with Obama there, not even Gabrielle Gifford's Elroy Jetson could get the shuttle to open her sorry that was medical torture in the quacks did that to Ms. Giffords for Obama headlines as he had somehow did it.
Good news though for those who miss sex with invalids, in Ms. Giffords has been dragged out by Elroy to "watch" the lift off of the shuttle for one more sympathy headline, so she doesn't get booted out of office as she can not do her job according to the law.

Really sick in that, that Elroy and Democrats are playing this for political reasons instead of looking out for the permanently damaged woman.

In any case, Obama is staying away, but who knows the damage he has done........look at the murder of Osama bin Laden in you go in to murder one guy, murder five instead, shoot the sexy wife in the gams and then leave the children to play in blood, sweat, tears, urine and feces.

Another Obama bad omen.......he shows up and the shuttle short circuits, but there is now so much bad Obama news that even the bad omens are lost in the blood on his hands mix.
