Monday, May 23, 2011

Chained Melody

When I heard that Mark Levin's dog died, by the way Tom Moore was carrying on in filling in for him, I immediately thought it was Mr. Levin's Dad who had passed when I heard it was the dog, Pepsi, I thought how luxurious it was to be able to take off from work and mourn.....then when I heard it was the week, I just concluded how much Mark Levin is going to have to grow in life before he ends up where he should be.

The inexperienced will think the above harsh, as one listener phoned in crying as she was a dog trainer. Those who are experienced though will know that life has a large difference between the children of God and animals on this planet.
It gets worse in people eulogize dogs like Mr. Levin's in having a soul and going to heaven. I know the lion will lay down with the lamb, and I hope that some of my pets are going to be around in God's Plan, but I also know there are animals who were real bastards that should be nothing but dust.

I had a runt piglet when I was three years old, named Priscilla. I raised her and our freezer for a number of years had baby pig poop stains on it from her.
I will never forget my Mom lifting me up and showing me Priscilla on her way to slaughter. Even at that age I did not appreciate it.

That is something Mark Levin is so childish in. Tom Moore, the guest head, kept saying that Mark knew this dog since she or he was 8 weeks old. I have known pets from the day they were born..............I had one calf named Buttercup, who I raised, who later in life prolapsed her womb, which means she pushed it out in calving, she laid her head in my lap to make her better, and all I could do is follow the Vets advice as I shed tears as he put a 223 in her head.
His advice was she was bled out and not to waste her. So I loaded her up in my pick up, blood stains on the side of the bed, and we butchered her.........and she was thee hardest bite I ever had to take in eating, but when you are poor or in war zones, you don't get luxuries in life about creating illusions of what things just eat your pets and sometimes you do not get the luxury of burying your dead family and friends as the pigs eat them.

Life is hell at times and it is hell most of the time for most people. I know Mark Levin hangs out with animals, because he is sensitive and can feel what jagged edged souls people are inside in the majority as most never get over being born into this cold world.
It is the secret why Mark Levin slaps people around, so he can hurt them before he can feel their hurt.......he knows they want to be abused and like it. It is his scared little child inside defense to keep from being hurt himself.

When my puppy died in December, I should have shot her three weeks before. I could not do it though as Ruby was an answer to a prayer from God. She suffered a great deal and I wrote how I cared for her in rolling her over, moving her, cleaning up her urine and feces.......and about gagged from her rotten breath as she was dying the last days.
I never got the luxury of taking off work as people depend on me and God expects more of me. I kept her in a feed bag coffin in my boat as the ground was too frozen to bury her. I would go out and talk to her when I finished chores, but was robbed even of that as the snow buried everything.

I could feel her around here though and it grieved me as I did want her in heaven, but she did not go. Several times I jerked my hand as she always used to rub her cold nose on my palm as I draped my arm over the back of the chair.............I don't feel her here as much as I did explain to her several times that I could not see her.
In that, I don't know if it was her aura imprint I was feeling or though was troubling and still bothers me, but there is nothing I can do about things like that when God is working things out as it seems in my life that satan finds always a way to rub ground glass into the Spirit in me to make me feel more anguish.

When my Mom almost died last year, all of my pets took last place as nothing comes ahead of a child of God. I never got to take off then either as everything was depending on me, even though I was sick to death at the time..........luxuries in life just are for the people with the extremely high paid salaries and apparently get invited to sodomite Rush Limbaugh, Jesus bashing wedding entertainment.

The fact is that humans for the most part, impart upon animals human qualities.....but the fact is that most animals if you feed them, pet them, and treat them decent will not remember who you were really in a few days, with only a distant association by a few months.
I have seen this happen.......have had it happen with my brother's dog which could have cared less about his family after three days........and when one of my cats were stolen she came back and while she "knew" me she was not certain just what I was.

I have had my pet cat killed on my doorstep by a horned owl, leaving a blood smear as that damned bird ate my kitty. I have had animals die this past winter which bothered me greatly as those things bother me greatly.
The thing is that even though God's Spirit is in me, so I do indeed have a deeper connection with my pets than most people will ever have, if I wasn't around, they really could not give a care as long as someone fed them and they were comfortable.

None of that is comforting to those who think their animals are living reflections of them. No animals only reflect human emotions. Some better than others. Dogs are mirror emotion. Cats absorb emotion............I have detailed all of this in studies I have completed, but the novice thinks animals they have in their lives are them........when all they are is reflecting boards at times to the human aura.

So that is why I have sympathy for Mark Levin in his chained melody. He has so very much to learn, and using animals as a barrier to the hurts of this world is a dam which breaks and it all comes flooding in.
I do understand it all, as I was saying to my Mom tonight how I would rather be around animals here than people, as I can feel all the jagged edges of people, and it is something I no longer care to deal with and shut it all out.

Those are all things though you have to learn the hard way. Sure I would save a pet over most people, because I know most people are not worth saving and would not save me as they have not............but I also know that those pets are not going to save me either in most cases as they are just animals.

I have to go now and check on my goat kids of Emma and Martha. Martha now loves me again as Mom and I switched up in feeding them bottles, so the hand which rocks the cradle rules the world........and the hand which feeds the animal is the one the animals loves.

That is the hard lesson Mark Levin has deluded himself into to not face.

The strange part is that the way Mark Levin cheered when Osama bin Laden was dead, murdered in front of his wives and children, that there were most likely liberals cheering over the death of Mr. Levin's dog.

It is something when the human side is lost in focus and the animal side is what takes over.
