Monday, May 23, 2011

Hell the Army was already there

My beloved Uncle, was one of thee most complete men I have ever met. He was a mixture of John Wayne in every movie from True Grit, The Green Berets to North to Alaska.

I'm what would be considered a pretty good shot. I never did compare to the marksman my Uncle was though and my Grandfather was beyond even that.
As a child it was frustrating, as my Uncle could during hunting crawl faster on game than I could run. He was the quintessential American Ranger in every way of that perfection.

He was a Army PFC his entire career in two wars, because he refused promotion as he did not want to send men to their deaths on his orders.
He was requested often to join the paratroopers as he called them. You would know them as the Rangers or the 82nd and 101st Airborne, but he turned them down to.

The most telling of what this American military Gentleman was in his response one time to the phrases, "The Marines were always there storming the beaches".
My Uncle lectured back, "Hell the Marine were always there. The Army was there first."

I'm about to shatter a few things in the murder of Osama bin Laden by the Obama SEALS. There is a pride in the service ranks.............well in the combat ranks of the Army and Marines which has quite the contempt for flaps and the swabbies. It is no secret that the National Guard is good for things like moving paper, flaps are good for door stops and swabbies are good with mops.

Listen closely to the following as it is on the lips of every combat Soldier who wears a CIB.

"The Army Infantry Soldier doesn't need the term Ranger, nor does it need the term Green Berets, not does it need the term SEALS, because the Soldier is already trained for every mode of combat that will arise".

To make the point, the reason the Navy needs to train SEALS is because they are untrained mop pushers to begin with.

The Infantry doesn't need Special Forces, because they ARE THE SPECIAL FORCES.

So for all the mystique and all those secret commands on bases for all these "special ops", they do not look very special when it came to Grenada and they got drown in the water, when they went into Panama and Ortega's Panamanians kicked the hell out of them..........and baby sister when you got a million dollars invested in every SEAL blowing holes in the bin Laden home, which is filled with a bunch of damn blow hard Muslim militants who couldn't hold gas without farting...........what in the hell do you think is going to happen when Obama sends them into murder Muslims?
This was no celebrated operation. This was trained killers who nailed the pooch in losing a stealth helo while MISSING bin Laden in their first shot. They left the dead. They left the witnesses. They didn't have transport. They pooched blowing up the helo.

Your million dollar warriors there America shot a bunch of idiots in murdering them in Muslims who couldn't defend themselves as they were unarmed, and the mission was a bust as it ruined all intelligence leads.

Frankly baby sister, I would damned furious over this if I was President, but then if I was President those turban heads would be my hostages with the warning to al Qaeda the Sheik would be turned into a laughing stock of Islam and their terror group if they did not stop the damned attacked on America.

It is no secret the contempt this blog has for this cold blooded murder of these Muslims which Obama ordered, because of the damage it does to America. This blog is frankly contemptuous of these "special forces" for their arrogance to begin with as they make like they are above Soldiers, when the fact is these daisies need more training to make up for the gung ho Jesse Ventura boobers they are.

You wouldn't know it by looking at my Uncle, nor at Carlos Hathcock what these men were capable of. Yet they could have alone been sent into the bowels of any terror center and did a hell of a better job without the fancy toys of the special ops.

If you want to get things done right, get a Soldier. If you want to f*ck the pooch, get special ops as they will find a way to poodle it up from Iran to Somalia.
For those who might take affront at this, just realize a Soldier is in an open position constantly in their duty and these special ops get to hide behind bushes, get ferried out in helos and play in the dark with toys.

Who in the hell couldn't look special with that kind of hardware and hiding behind the Army doing the heavy work.

The reality of this bites and the Obama SEALS deserve one hell of a bite for their being in bed with Obama and agreeing to being turned into murderers. So for every Soldier and American slaughtered, because of their putting Osama on Obama's office trophy wall, I thank them with the tears of the families.

Not sorry in the least about popping this postule now as I don't like my American military Obama's Donald Young Silencer and I sure as hell don't like the combat Soldiers who have gotten no respect left on the Obama sidelines as he has private meetings with his SEALS.

They just call them Infantry as they don't f*ck up and need names like SEALS to do what the Infantry does without cheers.

What are you Obama SEALS going to do when that Muslim oil mafia gets the UN to haul your asses before the World Court as murderers and Obama puts you in shackles handing you over boys?

Didn't train you for that now skippy did they.

Obama has "sealed" your fate.
