Evidence for the Delayed Filing
If one is normal, and not Shep Smith, Ann Coulter nor Noel Sheppard in Obama voters, one would ask the question in why was there no evidence for the Barack Hussein Obama par dux late filing of his abstract when Hawaiian law mandated such evidence had to be presented in writing.
The Hawaiian Constitution found such a thing necessary that they put on COLB's the very mandate in line 23 demanding an explanation from the register, the parents and the doctor for a birth record not being filed immediately.
An entire line was provided to explain why a natural born Citizen of America in Hawaii was being delayed in having his or her documents filed.....one would conclude that would be a pretty important thing if an entire state was issuing such an order and that the reason for it was very much a necessary qualification if you were going to be allowed American birth right.
Yet we know, even if Ann Coulter certified Obama without evidence and Shep Smith was ranting that the Birther issue was crap, that twin girls were born in the early morning after B. Hussein II was delivered somewhere in this world on the previous evening.
These girls, the Nordyke twins, were registered on the 11th of August being born on the 5th, a Saturday.
B. Hussein par dux was born on the 4th of August and according to his abstract was registered on the 8th which was a Monday.
Why does it take twin girls to be registered 6 days, and Obama II was registered in 4?
Should not the same time, same place, same register, mean an immediate registration for all as Obama had a weekend, and was immediately registered in one day on a Monday while these American girls took almost a week in being real documented Americans as were their parents.
This is where a prosecutor finds crimes in things not matching up. What it shows in real births in Hawaii took almost a week to complete the registration process, but when it came to someone like B. Hussein II, there appears a figurative law in place, whereby the register was manufacturing the data to suit the illegal birth being recorded.
See when the real paperwork had to change hands from the hospital, doctor and parents, to the register, it appears a week was required. When it was someone showing up with a few hundred dollars to register an illegal, then the magic felt pen was able to do the work of fiction by turning back the clock in it all being done efficiently.
The fraud in this is pointed out by the reality that the register gave Obama II a later registration number WHEN HIS FILING DATE WAS THREE DAYS BEFORE THE NORDYKE TWINS.
So unless Michael J. Fox was in his back to the future car, there is not a real way in which a register could while writing their name, stamping official number sequences all of sudden stop for Obama, wait three days, and then register the Nordyke twins, and then happen to notice on their desk, "Oh my there is Barry Dunham's COLB laying there...........I took a lunch break for three days, and now I must register it".
Put it this way if the prosecutors of Rod Blagojevich had such a story before them, they would have indicted Stan Ann, the guitar named register and the dead doctor on conspiracy, fraud, forgery and for not appointing who Obama wanted to the Illinois Senate seat he stole.
The reasons are becoming clear in why Obama hid this birth document. There are flaws in it, but more importantly it is proof Obama is not a Citizen, and that his story is bogus on his birth. While it does not point to where Obama was born.........it does point to the Hawaiian birther scam fraud in registering illegals as Americans for profit, and it reveals that illegals like Obama were back registered after Americans were............and given later registration numbers to fit their birth date when they dropped out of the pineapple patch.
For the morons, dolts, idiots and Obama droolers who think the Birther issue is dead. This Obama document is just the fuel to the inferno in proving what a fraud Obama is in his entire fictionally manufactured life.
This document proves all the Birthers have stated. It is why Obama offered his caveat that this would not satisfy some Americans, because in one point Obama wants to use this document to herd blacks and Mexicans to vote for them in 2012 as they feel disenfranchised and the other reason is Obama knows this abstract is proof he is a holder of a fraudulent document proving he is not qualified to be President.
This is the case of reality against B. Hussein Obama, and once the electorate find the lies in the Obama story, it will build again, no matter what a ranter like Shep Smith is slobbering about like a rabid dog.
No evidence for the Obama delayed filing was given required under Hawaiian law when there is not in any way that the Nordyke girls could be registered on the 11th, a week almost after their birth and have an earlier number than Obama II, and Obama showing the 8th and having a later number than these American girls.
Barack Obama had to be registered sometime after the 12th of August, before the next child was registered.......or group of children were registered. Strangely this fits the timeline of Stan Ann being in Washington state with Barry.
In other words, either Madelyn Dunham registered this child or Stan Ann coming from somewhere registered this baby after the Nordyke twins were registered..............in other words Obama was not born in a Hawaiian hospital according to the evidence now presented by him.
Mr. Obama's story is so full of holes that it does not even present a story, but fiction.
As Rush Limbaugh stated a grand jury can indict a potatoe, but on evidence as this a criminal jury would convict Mr. Obama in knowingly promoting a fraud as the surrounding evidence matches not his claim, but that of his African Grandmother who stated he was born on a hot day in Kenya.
If one is normal, and not Shep Smith, Ann Coulter nor Noel Sheppard in Obama voters, one would ask the question in why was there no evidence for the Barack Hussein Obama par dux late filing of his abstract when Hawaiian law mandated such evidence had to be presented in writing.
The Hawaiian Constitution found such a thing necessary that they put on COLB's the very mandate in line 23 demanding an explanation from the register, the parents and the doctor for a birth record not being filed immediately.
An entire line was provided to explain why a natural born Citizen of America in Hawaii was being delayed in having his or her documents filed.....one would conclude that would be a pretty important thing if an entire state was issuing such an order and that the reason for it was very much a necessary qualification if you were going to be allowed American birth right.
Yet we know, even if Ann Coulter certified Obama without evidence and Shep Smith was ranting that the Birther issue was crap, that twin girls were born in the early morning after B. Hussein II was delivered somewhere in this world on the previous evening.
These girls, the Nordyke twins, were registered on the 11th of August being born on the 5th, a Saturday.
B. Hussein par dux was born on the 4th of August and according to his abstract was registered on the 8th which was a Monday.
Why does it take twin girls to be registered 6 days, and Obama II was registered in 4?
Should not the same time, same place, same register, mean an immediate registration for all as Obama had a weekend, and was immediately registered in one day on a Monday while these American girls took almost a week in being real documented Americans as were their parents.
This is where a prosecutor finds crimes in things not matching up. What it shows in real births in Hawaii took almost a week to complete the registration process, but when it came to someone like B. Hussein II, there appears a figurative law in place, whereby the register was manufacturing the data to suit the illegal birth being recorded.
See when the real paperwork had to change hands from the hospital, doctor and parents, to the register, it appears a week was required. When it was someone showing up with a few hundred dollars to register an illegal, then the magic felt pen was able to do the work of fiction by turning back the clock in it all being done efficiently.
The fraud in this is pointed out by the reality that the register gave Obama II a later registration number WHEN HIS FILING DATE WAS THREE DAYS BEFORE THE NORDYKE TWINS.
So unless Michael J. Fox was in his back to the future car, there is not a real way in which a register could while writing their name, stamping official number sequences all of sudden stop for Obama, wait three days, and then register the Nordyke twins, and then happen to notice on their desk, "Oh my there is Barry Dunham's COLB laying there...........I took a lunch break for three days, and now I must register it".
Put it this way if the prosecutors of Rod Blagojevich had such a story before them, they would have indicted Stan Ann, the guitar named register and the dead doctor on conspiracy, fraud, forgery and for not appointing who Obama wanted to the Illinois Senate seat he stole.
The reasons are becoming clear in why Obama hid this birth document. There are flaws in it, but more importantly it is proof Obama is not a Citizen, and that his story is bogus on his birth. While it does not point to where Obama was born.........it does point to the Hawaiian birther scam fraud in registering illegals as Americans for profit, and it reveals that illegals like Obama were back registered after Americans were............and given later registration numbers to fit their birth date when they dropped out of the pineapple patch.
For the morons, dolts, idiots and Obama droolers who think the Birther issue is dead. This Obama document is just the fuel to the inferno in proving what a fraud Obama is in his entire fictionally manufactured life.
This document proves all the Birthers have stated. It is why Obama offered his caveat that this would not satisfy some Americans, because in one point Obama wants to use this document to herd blacks and Mexicans to vote for them in 2012 as they feel disenfranchised and the other reason is Obama knows this abstract is proof he is a holder of a fraudulent document proving he is not qualified to be President.
This is the case of reality against B. Hussein Obama, and once the electorate find the lies in the Obama story, it will build again, no matter what a ranter like Shep Smith is slobbering about like a rabid dog.
No evidence for the Obama delayed filing was given required under Hawaiian law when there is not in any way that the Nordyke girls could be registered on the 11th, a week almost after their birth and have an earlier number than Obama II, and Obama showing the 8th and having a later number than these American girls.
Barack Obama had to be registered sometime after the 12th of August, before the next child was registered.......or group of children were registered. Strangely this fits the timeline of Stan Ann being in Washington state with Barry.
In other words, either Madelyn Dunham registered this child or Stan Ann coming from somewhere registered this baby after the Nordyke twins were registered..............in other words Obama was not born in a Hawaiian hospital according to the evidence now presented by him.
Mr. Obama's story is so full of holes that it does not even present a story, but fiction.
As Rush Limbaugh stated a grand jury can indict a potatoe, but on evidence as this a criminal jury would convict Mr. Obama in knowingly promoting a fraud as the surrounding evidence matches not his claim, but that of his African Grandmother who stated he was born on a hot day in Kenya.