I will be blunt. When David Patraeus and Robert Gates were caught making jokes about murdering Khadaffi, a real American President would have sacked them both..........I would have.
The American military and intelligence services have literally become murderous cabals. There is now not a moment when Mr. Obama is in a cross border Laos bombing campaign.........yes Richard Nixon was crucified for this, and Mr. Obama can not fire enough Predator missiles into Muslim Pakistan as his Patraeus policy in Afghanistan after flushing out all those terrorists to murder American Soldiers has failed.
Afnamistan is a stalemate. Obama has disrupted the Government there, and to cover it all up Mr. Obama has started civil wars in Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Tunisia and Yemen..........most certainly have al Qaeda in Yemen and Mr. Obama starts a civil war there to bring down the government.
This is B. Hussein Obama taking the sound Bush objectives for Afghanistan, dithering in all 2009, making it a slaughter pit, making it a quagmire in 2010, and in 2011, the reward of it all is to jostle things up in Leon Panetta who turned the CIA into a boobery of bunglers is going to the inept Pentagon and Patraeus for bungling Afghanistan is being rewarded with the CIA.
Panetta was a low level spook who operated with a low level IQ. This was made much worse with that snot wiper Janet Napolitano who couldn't lead with a compass, GPS, directions and a yellow brick road to follow.
Now Panetta is going to take that same boobery and turn it loose in the Pentagon in Les Aspin fashion.
Patrateus the second P in the parade with no intelligence experience is going to take over the CIA which is in a shambles becaues of Panetta.
Obama might as well picked monkeys out of the zoo for all the qualities Peter and his Pan have exhibited.
David Patraues under George W. Bush leadership actually was elevated beyond his abilities. Mr. Obama in so many of these successful Bush people has turned them into rudimentary flat liners who take situations which were not that difficult and turned the mole hill into a mountainous disaster for America.
I fully contend that Hillary Clinton would have vacated this sinking ship long ago and actually run for the primary if she was not being blackmailed by the cartels backing Obama.
If Jamie Gorelick, the instigator of 9 11 takes over FBI, what in the hell does America have really?
Napolitano is an idiot literally. Patraeus is a failure without a real President. Panetta is a disaster in intelligence..........and Gorelick is so compartmentalized that she can't find her vagina without a GPS gynecological map.
I would offer that the GOP filibuster all of this disaster as this is going to bite America with WMD attacks in certain terms with 5 years.
The WMD attacks will now come either to keep Obama and his Marxist successor in power, or they will come to destroy America if a President Palin is elected by miracle.
Look at this group hard. Obama has no trouble murdering non essential Muslims, but this group could not get bin Laden, could not get Zawahiri, could not get the Yemeni American mullah.........and has tried to murder Khadaffi three times now..............and Khadaffi remains even more on the offense.
Frankly, America has in the Oval Office, the stupid twin of Barack Obama........America would be better off if it had gotten the evil twin, because that malevolent creature would at least be making war against American enemies and not condoned the boobery which infests American security.
It is all a touch of grey
A shadow of death every day
A bite of the dragon
A bow to dagon
Where the living just dread
And the grateful are dead.
I see you've got your fist out
Say your piece and get out
Yes I get the gist of it, but
It's alright
Sorry that you feel that way
The only there is to say:
Every silver lining's got a touch of grey