One more thing children, in observing that Twitter mob outside the White House mugging for the camera..........
This was no different than Obama's mobs in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Bahrain getting their marching orders of "spontaneity".
This was Obama 2012 complete with US flags handed out, Obamaniac college children and CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN signs.
In the movie Posse, outlaw Bruce Dern told law man Kirk Douglas that is was HORSESHIT in Douglas using Dern's dead body to get elected to Washington.
This is Obama bullshit.
What kind of nation is America now when mobs go out like 3rd world trash cheering that a terrorist is dead?
Americans did not act this when Adolf Hitler was dead. There was composure and dignity in being pleased a threat was dead, but Americans did not act in such disgusting low class outburst complete with ABC covering another "Smear the Tea Party" staged event.
Using a dead terrorist and psychotic children to run on for 2012............head shot Gabrielle Giffords...........America you are now Pyongyang.
This is the change you believe in as Obama has turned you in barbarians at the sadists gate of the White House.
Reporters flushed with elation that their Obama got bin Laden.............their gangsta finally murdered someone they could hang their hat on.
I don't even recognize this America any longer...........nor do I care to.