You do know my children that there is audio and video of the bin Laden assassination, along with Mr. Obama having already viewed this do you not?
When will this stunning footage come to the public’s attention?
In May sweeps for ABC as they covered the Obama Twitter mob sent out to hold up flags and “Change we can believe in” signs celebrating like a third world rabble on 9 11 or will Obama just utilize this for his 2012 campaign commercials?
Does not anyone find it odd that the Birther charges were proven this week, and it is the same week, after Mr. Obama knew where Sheik bin Laden was since 2010 of August, that suddenly the regime approves this assassination?
After all folks………..Khadaffi is proving harder to murder than this regime planned on.
Does anything with Mr. Obama ever turn out good for America?
One Sheik in exchange for what? One New York City and 1 million Americans no more in a WMD terror event.
This is nothing to celebrate as the Twitter Obama’s staged this like the Gabrielle Giffords “rally”.
Did you not notice how blow fly eye Mr. Obama was again in relishing the death of another "bad" Muslim and taking all the credit for it?You think about all of this children, as there was nothing in this which was not viewed by Jarrett, Obama, Axelrod and Plouffe entirely on the 2012 campaign.
Libya is one thing with Khadaffi arming terrorists for what Obama has done. Syria is another in retaliation using terrorists on Americans............but Pakistan whose military and intelligence were protecting Sheik bin Laden for the Bolsehviks and Maoists, just got exposed.
These are the same people who ran Mumbai and Faisal Shahzad and the Condom Bomber.
In case you missed it as I know you did, Sheik bin Laden did not raise nor fire his weapon. He was shot in the head like a dog.......
Listen to this as Muslims will hear it, and not as Obama propaganda. You had a Muslim leader who was not fighting, shot in the head by American special ops...........
Tracing this back to reality......this means Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder and Mr. Panetta and Mr. Patraeus decided there would not be any apprehension of Sheik bin Laden for trial as was Mr. Obama's stated police objective in dealing with terrorists.
This regime executed a Muslim in his home who was not fighting.
OK children, who in this looks like the person who won the propaganda war? Obama capping a man in his home or bin Laden keeping his word in dying as a martyr for his cause as an apparent man of peace who was not fighting.
This is a disaster in what 1 billion Muslims will "hear" and when this spins out of control it will be America which will receive the WMD payback for Barack Hussein Obama's instigating his 2012 campaign video footage as he tries to bury the Birther charges which were proven true in the same week.
This is Bill Clinton gone insane policy meeting delusional Jimmy Carter.
nuff said.
I get the news
I need no weather report.......