Thursday, May 5, 2011

Obama Creating the American SS

Do you children not realize what this blog has been warning of and has come to fruition in the murder of Osama bin Laden?

I know baby sister got it, but did you, as this blog catalogued the degradation of American security and military starting with the 'farce hate crimes' of 2008, to Hutatree, to the smearing of the Tea Party, to this now pure murder of Osama bin Laden, which no one in America wants to admit?

It is not a matter of the Sheik deserving it. It is a matter of what even the Nazi in Germany comprehended over 75 years ago, that when the regime in charge starts ordering it's armed military to slaughter unarmed people that it starts driving your military insane in trying to deal with wanton murder.
It did not make a difference when these were Jewish communists in the east block, who were tormenting the local Slavs and the mobs cheered the Nazi's for slaughtering these Bolsheviks........the SS troops still started having severe psychological problems in shooting unarmed people, whether they were communist tormentors who deserved it or not.......with full societal approval of their actions.

This is what this blog was exclusively warning of and calling for Gates and Patraeus' firing when they were caught laughing about murdering Khadaffi. This kind of murderous authority spreads through a military.......and if you children like Mark Levin don't give a damn about bin Laden's scrambled just wait, because these same reconditioned troops of the SEALS are all coming back to America to exist in your communities and if Obama and Napolitano reckon so, will be unleashed on you.

How do you like that Mark Levin? Think long and hard about your cheering bin Laden's murder, and trying to pass it off as a heroic military operation, when it is you and other Conservatives who get the SEAL treatment.

What happened in Pakistan, is the same Chicago thuggery which slaughtered Donald Young, because he knew too much just like Osama bin Laden knew too much about B. Hussein Obama.

I sincerely ask each of you to weigh what happened in that house. Imagine having a gun. Entering a couple's bedroom. The wife not knowing who the hell you are, if you are Pakistani drug lords looking for the bounty on your husband's head or if you are facing some armed robbers, tries to defend her home.
You see she is unarmed, but you blast her in the leg. Could you do this and live with it?

This now unfolds in an unarmed husband, showing absolutely no resistance. You hear no other shots, so there is no danger, no firefight, and your orders are to assassinate the Sheik. Could you fire two rounds into this man's head, watching his brains exploded out the side of his head......hear his wife screaming in agony........hear the death throws of bin Laden..........and come away from that with feeling like a hero?

Sure you can lie to yourself that bin Laden murdered people on 9 11 and was running a terrorist operation, and your Obama SEALS can high five you as you take pictures with the dead Sheik in you think it is all a joke like Patreaus and Gates, but what happens as time passes and the details of the real facts leak out? What happens when you start realizing you were sent in to silence the Sheik, not because of 9 11, but for the Obama 2012 campaign......for shutting bin Laden's mouth in the deals he knew were worked what select American intelligence really knew about his location.....about China, about Pakistan, about Russia............what happens when your heroic Mark Levin act catches up with you in your dreams at night and turn to nightmares as you see the Sheik's eyes, smell the blood, shit and piss.......hear his garbled sounds, his choking death rattle, and you know you murdered an unarmed man, and that is not going away, because you are an Obama Chicago PD stooge graduated to BATF Hutatree stooge........on the grand scale as you are the Obama SEALS who murdered unarmed people in their home.

Do you really think you want to be any of those SEALS?

How about when this starts filtering through the other SEALS...........what happens when even former SEAL Jesse Ventura brings these things up? What happens when the SEALS are the butt of jokes in, "Hey what do you do you do when a baby is crying? Send in a SEAL with a silencer."

Really funny stuff isn't it when an American honorable organization becomes an Obama political bastard.

Do you really think this all just "happened"? Do you really think none of this is Saul Alinksy protocols in how to turn a lawful military into a Murder Inc.?

I will repeat, according to Obama, Biden, Holder and Napolitano rules of engagement, these terrorists were criminals and not combatants.
According to Asian theater protocols sanctioned by McChrystal, Obama and Patreaus, American Soldiers could not raise their weapons on terrorists unless shot at first.

Sheik bin Laden under Obama policy was murdered. Sheik bin Laden under military code was murdered for the reason the Sheik was not neutralized for national security, but for Obama and foreign government security to shut him up for what he knew, as what he knew would come out in a military trial.

I have absolute grave concerns on this as I have warned from the start of 2009 in how Barack Hussein Obama has changed the American military into a murderous machine for his personal hire.
It is beyond reprehensible to have not had John McCain not say one damn word. It is just damn foolish of Mark Levin to stand around cheering the military for doing this, as who is looking out for the Soldiers who have to deal with this bullshit?

This should make Americans sick at heart to wanting to ghetto green vomit to the bile within, because this is every American had a hand in this mass murder in Pakistan and the cover up with this Obama regime has engaged in.

I have no problem in Biblical Law of any 9 11 relative shooting bin Laden or a stand in doing it for them, as that is their right and it is a national right of retribution in Justice. This all changed though when Sheik bin Laden had his life ended under the reality of murder as murder it was.

This will not stop with Muslims. This mindset is now ingrained and will permeate to the American home front like a cancer, as once a military is taught to murder people when ordered, they become the Nazi, the Bolshevik, the Maoist, the Iranian Guard.

They start enjoying it, and it becomes rape, pulling out fingernails, filleting off eyelids as they play poker and have a beer for their entertainment.
And once a military has no more foreign enemies to deploy against, they come home and start engaging on the American Civilians.

Mr. Levin cheering this murder and Mr. Hannity praising Obama, you had better think long and hard about this damnedable situation in what Mr. Obama has transformed the US military into.

The terrorists now have the high ground, because the same murder they engage in is the same murder the Obama SEALS carried out for their beloved leader's 2012 election campaign.

Gabrielle Giffords scrambled brains in January and bin Ladens Pakistani bacon fried on the grill in May..........interesting way to run a White House re election campaign.

Every day the people cheering this are being exposed as the bigger fools as the Obama lies keep mounting up to murderous heights.
