Saturday, May 21, 2011

Puffy Lips Karl Rove

Karl Rove has one thing in common with the Tea Party, in both the Tea Party and Mr. Rove were spawned in the pearl necklace of Democrat Dirty Tricks linked to sodomy.
With the Tea Party it was Lawrence Sinclair and what David Axelrod was doing to him, and with Rove it was his sodomite kindred and the godfather of dirty tricks in Dick Tuck.

No I'm not making that name up, as Dick Tuck was a real Democratic operative who had a profound Hannah Giles poetic flair for satire in his target was Richard Nixon.
Tuck in the Nixon Kennedy debates hired this old gal with a Nixon pin to come up to Dick Nixon on camera and say, "He beat you this time, but you'll get him next time".

Even Richard Nixon had an appreciation for Dick Tuck as his political attacks were poetic, while the tactics of the people Richard Nixon employed in Donald Segretti were just crude, but effective.

The reason for bringing this up is to expose something which no one has ever written of, so this is an exclusive again only here, in while Dick Tuck turned his talents of destruction on Richard Nixon............he never turned those talents on Democrats.

Get that point children, as the genesis of Karl Rove was Dick Tuck. This spawned the Nixon Dirty Tricks group, who broke laws. It would be this group in Frederick Malek and Dwight Chapin who would go on to work for Bush41 and into this a young Karl Rove who ran for the College Republicans and beat out Terry Dolan, by the work of his campaign manager in Lee Atwater, thee perhaps most brilliant political strategist on American red meat issues.

Dolan would die of AIDS in 1986, but his loss to Rove was managed by Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charlie Black, who would team with Mike Deaver in Reagan's impressive wins.

It was Bush41 who brought in the cancer of Karl Rove along with Lee Atwater's many talents in 41's run for President in 1980 when he lost the primary to Ronald Reagan.
I desire at this point to say some things about the now dead Lee Atwater. Mr. Atwater has been smeared a great deal by Democrats, as Mr. Atwater beat them at their dirty game. It did not help in Lee Atwater having brain cancer and having to go through the guilt of what he had done in a political campaign.
I would say, thankfully Lee Atwater was there in 1988 because could you imagine Obama Dukakis screwing things up at that pivotal time in history.

Once again though, Lee Atwater was not one to go around destroying Republicans and Conservatives. This is what sets Dick Tuck and Lee Atwater above and beyond the cesspool of Karl Rove, as these two political thugs did not make a practice of destroying the people in their own parties.

That is what I desire people to comprehend about Puff Lips Karl Rove and Lubricant Head Baldy Steve Schmidt and Mata Hari Nicole Wallace. These postules have turned the dirty tricks on the Republicans in scorched earth for objectives which got Obama elected and in order to get Jeb Bush elected in the ruins of 2016.
I was first in noting this and will repeat. Karl Rove and the Boehnerites wanted Limbaugh Gridlock going into 2012, at which point they would take Congress, KEEP OBAMA's MARXIST POLICIES WHICH THEY EMBRACE, control Obama as they did Bill Clinton and bring about Bush Dynasty Jeb jr.

Karl Rove has gutted the Conservatives from George Allen and Karl Rove has held down and raped every Conservative Lady from Sarah Palin to Christine O'Donnell. Karl Rove is thee problem with the GOP in HE DOES NOT PULL DIRTY TRICKS ON DEMOCRATS, but instead submarines John McCain twice all for the Bush clique.
Franklin Roosevelt stuck Joseph Kennedy in a worthless office to get rid of him, as that is what Democrats did. Karl Rove instead puts Conservatives into cattle cars, makes Nazi propaganda about them and then puts them in the bake ovens.

In this, I do not understand for a second how someone like Mark Levin, who always states he worked for Ronald Reagan, has never once exposed any of this. Either Mr. Levin is ignorant or Mr. Levin is an enabler, as Dan Quayle to Sarah Palin have been mauled by this Rovian machine and no one comes forward and exposes what is honestly criminal libel and slander by Karl Rove for the Bush family.
I mean jeez louise there baby sister, you got Rove stoking up the firepower which led to the Gabrielle Gifford staged events in Arizona, and Rove running like the puffy lipped boy he is for the closet to hide in, as he knows damn well Sarah Palin was the target and his Bush clique do not want to be fingered for inciting murder, and no one on the right says one blessed thing about it.
Sean Hannity keeps putting that puffer on his program, Rush Limbaugh repeats Rove talking points until he gets too much heat from this blog spreading about his Limbaugh Leaners, and Mark Levin is silent.

This is Ronald Reagan we are talking about Mr. Levin. The same Reagan who this Rove clique savaged for the first months of the Bush presidency tearing down the Gipper. You know this Mr. Levin and yet you remain silent as this blog has pieced together it was Karl Rove running the Plamegate scandal, not to get to George W. Bush, but to destroy Dick Cheney in removing him for some Rockefeller RHINO.
Armitage and Powell were at this for the Rockefellers. The reason Alberto Gonzales was hung out to dry in this by Rove, is Gonzales kept Bush43 safe, meaning this was supposed to go into the White House so a scapegoat would be thrown to the wolves, and it was not Bush who would have been impeached, but Rove had his sights on Dick Cheney.

This treacherous, malevolent sociopath in Karl Rove deserves no quarter. He is part of the operation to destroy Conservatives and did so in Texas and on a national scale now for 30 years. Thee absolute harm he has caused America and the world is tantamount to the work of Joseph Goebells and that is not a stretch.
I will repeat it was Karl Rove who tried to stick Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court. Could you imagine now with those other lezbo skirts Obama put on the court in how damned bad this would be in liberals holding a 5 to 4 margin with that wiener Anthony Kennedy dry humping Marxism?

Rove intended all of this excrement, because ROVE helped elect Obama as Rove wants all the policies Obama has put into place as George W. Bush would have never gotten them through.

All of this is what Richard Nixon knew of. It was Nixon knowing that someone in Barry Goldwater's campaign was feeding Goldwater information directly to the Johnson camp.
That should sound familiar as Karl Rove was doing that same thing from the McCain camp to the Obama camp in Schmidt and Wallace.

These patricians have been at this for a generation, and they are behind the Krauthammer circle of George Will and other twerps of Rove parroting the line that Conservatives will not win, and putting out boobers like Huckabee, Romney and whatever else they can dig up and show in polls are doing so well.

If you want the facts, Obama and Rove both know that Sarah Palin will win in a landslide along with any other Conservative in 2012. That is why AP runs fraud polls for Obama and Rove has his disinformation campaign running full bore for Mitch Daniels.

I told the Bush folks here to offer up Karl Rove to save themselves. They instead have gone on the attack again. That is the problem with old man Bush in he is level two and always thought he was a full field boy. The time will come when Karl Rove is going to face the charges of all he has done to Americans, and baby sister that is going to come piping back into Bush family legacy in dragging them through the mud.
It is a different game now and the Conservatives are not going to leave stones unturned.

That though is the reality of Karl Rove. This puffy lipped closet boy should be hounded at every turn in his talking head appearances in being made to explain his rapine of the Conservatives and his hand in electing B. Hussein Obama, and, his hosts like Sean Hannity should be made to answer for having him on.

Karl Rove is the lunatic fringe, as the song states, along with Barack Hussein Obama, Val-erie Jarrett and David Axelrod. They are not going to win this time.
