Saturday, May 21, 2011

Beware the Mango March

In always looking out for the welfare and safety for beloved leader, B. Hussein Obama, this blog wonders what sort of dangers will Mr. Obama be placed in when his Obama SEALS, Team Sex, conclude they were used to besmirch the memory of 9 11 by willfully going in and mass murdering terrorists in Pakistan?

These are extra trained killers infused with more conditioning to pull the trigger under greater stress. What happens when Team Sex with it's Dont' Ask Don't Yell clarion gay call comprehends they were a tool.............a literal tool in the hand of secular Islamist Obama like the Ayatollah of Iran pissing on the charred remains of a US Soldier in a hostage rescue many moon ago?

What happens when all the Muslims in the US military conclude that Mr. Obama is a greater threat to Muslims than cancer or their own suicide bombers.
Who needs a mullah or mama sending your child out with a strap on bomb, when Obama is delivering them to your home via Predator strikes.

Now granted if Hillary Clinton was Vice President, the threat would be more imminent, as we know of the lead poisoning Vince Foster found himself diseased from.....and then Adm. Jeremy Bourda somehow shooting himself several times with a long rifle in commiting metalic suicide..........yes Mr. Obama might be in more of a precarious position if Hillary Clinton was just a heartbeat away from the perhaps Joe Biden does have a most important role in the regime in being too stupid to play the role of Edward II........but in all of this, these special forces of being political officers for hired homicide, just how much danger is B. Hussein Obama in?

Certainly the same liberal threatening Team 6 to drop in on George W. Bush is of the same mindset that a mission could be run on Mr. Obama.

How long before this gay sex machine murder for hire moves from bin Laden, and Khadaffi's children to the American leadership ranks? How long before this trained murder machine decides it can decide what is best instead of a commander in chief?
How does one hopey changey the American military from an institution of honor to one of murder and it not become Venezuela, Turkey, Egypt, Venezuela or Pakistan?

How long before two taps becomes Val-erie Jarrett painting Bearick's garden figs with poison in her own Augustus palace coup of the Roman Empire to install that sexy Van Jones?

One day it is General Zia with exploding mangoes wiping out the US leadership in Pakistan, the next it is the Polish leadership flying dead in a fog of Cold Sore Wars exposed.........Benazir Bhutto outing that Sheik bin Laden was murdered years ago and eats her own Pakistan bomb......just what happens when the Obama SEALS figure out like all elites that they know how to do things better than those who order them about?

Is it a time of Et tu Brute' in not beware the Ides of March, but Beware the box of Mangoes?

Where does this all end now that it has begun?

Is there a Sadat future rushed by his own special forces?

Is there a Rabin event for the Clintons to blame on the "right wing"?

Does the mole who was handling Jared Loughner to send a message to Sarah Palin, suddenly have a Washington, DC calling card awaiting at Ford's Theater?

What does happen when the next provacteur Timothy McVeigh, who somehow was breathing after his death, and Terry Nichols is still breathing for life as the fall guy, happens to be Lee Harvey Oswald unleashed?

What happens when the game is changed and Muslim leaders with lots of Muslim oil money start paying for their own regime change as their not wanting to be the next Khadaffi?

John McCain has let America down as he never demanded protection for Soldiers when Mr. Obama sent them to be slaughtered in Afnamistan.

Mark Levin has let America down as he was cheering murder and not demanding protection for Soldiers to keep them from being ordered to murder terrorists.

Sean Hannity has let America down as he praised Mr. Obama for institutionalizing across the board murder of Muslim thug leaders.

I state the front benchers on the right have let America down, as the left has dug the hole which the Obama abyss has buried America in and a political retard like Chris Matthews or Harry Reid can not be blamed as they have no brain for thought as they thought Obama was a messiah.

America went through this with the Clintons in their using the American military for ghastly murder against Christian Serbs and others in Kosovo. The long list of murder from Waco, Ruby Ridge, the White House to Oklahoma City left a pile of Ron Brown corpses.
What is taking place now though is not police state murder, but institutionalized murder involving the entire military culture whose Gates and Patreaus Obama leadership is joking about it all.

What happens America in this abyss you allowed as you stood silent or cheered in "it was those terrorists being murdered" when that murder starts taking place in America?

Barack Hussein Obama is a homicidal maniac. He has turned Americans into cheering murderous maniacs, and worst of all, he has transformed the military into Team Sex Slayers.

Team Sex has been turned always looking out for Mr. Obama in desiring to see him tried in Federal Court for his crimes, who is going to turn off this murder machine before it starts consuming Americans and their leadership?
