Monday, May 23, 2011

The Sean Hannity Royal Foxholes

Obama Fraud

I'm personally so pleased by the arrogance of Barack Hussein Obama. No I do not mean in that entire group of FOXHOLES at FOX, led by Sean Hannity, in helping Obama submarine Jerome Corsi's new book exposing Obama as a fraud, but I'm speaking of that forever recorded, nationally broadcast presentation of that smug faced Obama striding up to the podium to announce to his White House puppy press, that he had released his long form birth certificate.

The reason this blog is so pleased is Mr. Obama, a former trained lawyer from Harvard, an expert in Constitutional Law, therefore court documents, announced that his attorney had personally gone to Hawaii and secured the released document, directly under this officer of the courts supervision, and then personally carried it directly back to the White House.

Now stay with me baby sister as in District Attorney protocols, that is called CHAIN OF EVIDENCE.

I do hope Jerome Corsi picks up on this as it is most important.

See, understand and realize, we have Alvin T. Onaka, PH.D, of Hawaii, placing is name legally to a document he personally certified as LEGAL.

We have the Obama attorney, as an officer of the court, representing his client, Barack Hussein Obama, certifying that this document was received by him as legitimate, never left his supervision, and delivered directly the Barack Hussein Obama.

We have Mr. Obama on camera, as a witness of this chain of evidence, certifying that he, his attorney and Dr. Onaka, are legally bound by this Birth Abstract.

In understanding that baby sister, you are now in a Federal Grand Jury, having been played Mr. Smug grinning, lecturing on his chain of evidence, and the document is before you.

Now pay attention as you are about to hear that in legal documents, one can not alter them or they are not legal.
You are going to hear, that in legal documents if one hides profanity in them, makes a mockery of the courts in doing something to them, as in drawing a damned smiley face in Dr. Onaka's name as a f*ck you to the world, that one is criminally in contempt of the courts.

As a DA would present this, someone deliberately altered the Obama abstract on numerous levels. The final flipping the world the bird was the smiley face in Dr. Onaka's name.

This is where it begins to hit the fan, as Mr. Obama has gone on record that the doctor, attorney and hisself were in the evidence chain of command. All these people are legally bound under state and federal law to present legal documents before the American people or IT IS FRAUD.

The doctor is a state employee who if he is responsible for this altered document is punishable by state of Hawaii and federal criminal prosecution.

The attorney is a federal employee who is responsible if he altered this document in crossing state lines making him punishable in federal criminal prosecution.

Mr. Obama is under oath as President and if he altered this document in presenting a fraud before the American people knowingly is punishable by federal criminal prosecution.

This is now a criminal case in which Dr. Onaka, the attorney of Barack Obama or Barack Obama are guilty of altering documents to make them illegal in being in contempt of the US courts and committing fraud.

See you can not draw moustaches on George Washington on the Dollar bill as it is a crime, just as you can not draw on a court document graffiti as it invalidates it.

Someone is looking at twenty years to life for this Obama abstract. WE KNOW for certain that Dr. Onaka signed this. It therefore either was done by him, or he handed it off to the Obama attorney who did this to screw with Americans or this happened on the desk of Barack Hussein Obama as he flipped the entire world the FU.

To put it simply, the doctor knows he can lose his license immediately for doing this. The attorney knows he can be disbarred immediately for doing this. In Grand Jury, this would then point to Mr. Smug appearing before the podium and saying, "THIS DOCUMENT WILL NOT SATISFY ALL".
That is an admission with that smirk, that Mr. Obama in this part altered the released document knowingly and in a Federal Grand Jury would be indicted on this for criminal fraud in knowingly releasing an invalid document.

This entire abstract is being pulled apart by Jerome Corsi and other digital experts in being bogus. This though in the Obama smiley FU could have only been counterfeited by Dr. Onaka, the attorney or Mr. Obama deliberately.

I'm thinking now in the Obama FOXHOLES led by Sean Hannity in they sure look bright now in hiding all of this now don't they.

I doubt Mark Levin will be asking his good buddy Sean Hannity what a large rectum hole he is in suppressing the biggest story of the 21st century.

nuff said.
