Ask yourself..........
The outbreak has sickened nearly 3,000 people in Germany, with 759 of them suffering from a serious complication that can cause kidney failure. Twelve other European countries have 97 cases and the United States has three.
When did the United States drift over and become a part of Europe? I must have missed this when messiah Obama performed this miracle in how do these notorious sprouts poisoning the world, all of a sudden appear to make three Americans sick in the heartland?
This must be some really amazing e coli in it crosses oceans and doesn't need sprouts from Germany to make Americans ill.
This blog was the first to expose that this was a biological attack and ask the question if this was instigated by the Barack Hussein Obama issue of murdering Osama bin Laden to cover up the release of his fraud birth abstract and the release of the best selling book by Jerome Corsi.
Put it this way on the e coli, if they are blaming some German farmer, you know the cover up has begun as you were told for certain from the first that it was cucumbers, as Europe shut down the distribution of these vegetables.
Only this blog has catalogued and exposed these biological attacks on black pepper from Asia to the murder of dogs in contaminated pet food to the infamous Minneapolis Malt O' Meal shut down of puffed grains due to "e coli".
There has been a secret government operation in spraying American grains, specifically oatmeal the past years to offset toxins which were being placed in oats specifically. I know this personally as whatever that neutralizing agent was, in my clinical tests it made me twitch worse than Obama. In other cases, what was being inducted onto rolled oats was making others quite sick.
If you did not notice, the cereal companies stopped marketing Quaker rolled oats and it is not moving off the shelves now for several years.
For the record, the world is full of toxins which will make you sick. The soil is full of them. A normal intestine though has no problem with toxins and simply deals with them. That is why you could eat carrots with dirt on them out of the garden.
Now though we are told that all of these magic toxins are just appearing making people sick and dead, because this is a dangerous world. The reality is these are biological terrorist attacks and they are being inducted into the food supply in sporadic attacks.
Without revealing anything which is not already known, the method utilized is simple in the terrorist simply fills a hardware store weed sprayer with toxins cultured and bloomed in a common yogurt incubator and sprays to murderous ends a bin of food.
It does not matter how many strains are found in Dutch lands being less deadly or the German strain, the World Health Organization stated at the start this was a new deadly strain, even if it now is hopscotched into Escherichia coli, which is nothing but the entire bacterium discovered in the 1800's.
This is a new strain and no this was not Charles Darwin's mutation by evolution. No e coli was sitting around listening to Obama speeches and said, "Shazaam, I'm going to mutate as I can't survive with all my quadrillions of other bacteria doing just fine".
No this e coli strain was engineered as it embeds itself into the intestinal wall like glue, and it is designed to kill like Asian black cholera.
If this was water borne as is being lied about now, the spread of contamination would not have peaked and then dropped. This was a batch being contaminated and when a similar strain appeared among the Dutch, it points to a human being the inseminator of this in having a like strain in a new batch being disseminated.
This would point to a Muslim activate, educated in the biological field, of German lowlands affiliation, having an apartment type laboratory, and working alone or in a group of not more than three, or there would be a greater spread.
“This E. coli is a new strain of bacteria that is highly infectious and toxic,” said the scientists at the Beijing Genomics Institute in Shenzhen city in southern China who are collaborating with colleagues in Germany.
World Health Organisation spokesperson Aphaluck Bhatiasevi said the WHO was waiting for more information from laboratories. “This strain has never been seen in an outbreak situation before,” he said.
This drama started in Spain as the Germans blamed Spanish cukes, and as the second wave started, it focused on bean sprouts and then beet sprouts, and then water, and now has shifted into Holland.The contamination process was slow. The person or persons is traveling by automobile, and it is deemed the American poisonings were carried out by a vial transported in something like bottled water by a terrorist entering the country by air.
The American poisoning reveals limited access to the toxin and an inability to reproduce it.
It also points to that American neutralizing spray they have been incorporating into the food supply starting in the Bush43 years.
In a worsening trade row prompted by the outbreak, Russia banned imports of all raw vegetables from the European Union, prompting an immediate protest by the European commission.
This quote points to Putin knows damn well this was a Muslim terror attack using biological weapons, and had foreknowledge of it, and it came from al Qaeda. It was retaliatory and planned and the event which instigated this, points to Barack Obama carrying out the murder of Osama bin Laden.
Once again why al Qaeda is not taking credit for this or any WMD attack as it would trigger a nuclear response in vaporizing their lands. Obama might have sworn off first strike, but if the American public got wind of this, the public would force the nuclear response to end this.
All these cases except two are in people who had recently visited northern Germany or in one case, had contact with a visitor from northern Germany, it said. There are many hospitalised patients, several of them requiring intensive care, including dialysis due to kidney complications.
Translation...........how did the two contract it without contacting the E Coli? Yes baby sister it is being spread............
...........and if you did not catch the reality, the report states HUMAN CONTACT HAD SPREAD ONE CASE. That is not normal E Coli, but as this blog stated at the beginning, this is cholera in type.
This came out of a bio weapons platform and no one is going to tell you that.........at least someone who is not chasing giants in Montana.
nuff said.
agtG 263
Nobody on the road
Nobody on the beach
I feel it in the air
Summer's out of reach
Empty lake
Empty streets
The sun goes down alone
I'm driving by your house
Don't know you're not home
I can see you.........
New toxic E Coli Strain
E Coli
Blame the sprouts and dumb ass farmers