You will be hearing "something" in the next days about Project Gunrunner and it's manifestations in various forms under the Obama regime. You will hear of this perhaps in bits in a hearing held by Republican Darrell Issa. The perhaps part is Mark Levin might get the guns part and the border going bandito, but none of these front benchers who have been led by Miki Malkin have this figured out..........and as this blog has stated it does not trust Darrell Issa in the least as he worked a deal out with Val-erie Jarrett to keep Obama around, if they threw Attorney General Eric Holder out as a scapegoat...........well, that is what makes what you are about to read necessary, so the reality of what this was all about comes out.
Gunrunner started under Bush, who under Karl Rove was busy for 8 years disarming Americans in the patrician way of using the BATF gestapo to price and hound gun dealers out of existence.
It was in this period built on the Clinton years that cheap guns for Americans ceased to exist.
Into this Gunrunner was brought about in 2005. I will be frank in this assessment that I do not know what the Mexicans had on Bush43 as Neil Ponte pointed out, but one thing you can always be certain of down on the border is this.........
Nothing happens down there unless the elite get a cut out of it. If they get their cut, the banditos run rampant, if the banditos are not coming up with the cut, then the banditos get shot.
I will explain this byFARC in Colombia which is a narco communist front of terrorists. They were just fine running coke for guns, but when Iran tried selling them weapons grade uranium to blow up Los Angeles, Bush43 went down and assassinated the entire bunch.
This is what we are dealing with on the Mexican frontier, and when this blog by Inspiration starts pointing some things out to you, you will get wide eyed and say, "Holy sh*t" even if you are synagogue going type.
In not dragging this out in any more preliminary information, what Gunrunner was morphed into was the Arab Spring of the Rio Grande. You think about this for a few minutes as your light bulbs start going off in your head in Obama meddling around the world and you will start to see what you have been missing.
B. Hussein has been busy running people across the border, dope, terrorists, bombs and guns. This was a money operation of the Mexican mafia eliminating competition just like Obama was eliminating Muslim competition in Asia for his Islamocommunists.
Scratch this baby sister and this is about Mexican communists in a revolution replacing the controlling tans of Mexico with a FARC or Taliban operation recognized legitimate by Obama FOR THE PURPOSE OF HAVING A PARAMILITARY WING OPERATING INSIDE THESE UNITED STATES TO ELIMINATE OBAMA'S ENEMIES OF THE STATE.
Think of this as SEIU union thugs not using bats, but AK 47's to ensure only Obama voters vote and only Obama candidates survive to be in Congress and law enforcement.
Children why do you think Obama is playing replace the leaders in the Mideast? He is working a better deal for the central European cartels as communists plunder nations more efficiently and murder people more effectively.
Why do you think Fidel Castro stepped down after berating Obama? Castro has always been projected as invincible leader and he simply walked away. The cartel has been using Castro for a generation to launder money, run dope, do counterfeit work, all at immense profit in the skimming operations. Castro was removed for a better deal being worked out by the regime for the cartels of Eurasia.
That is what the seeming lunacy of the Obama regime running a murder mayhem in Mexico and the border states with that importation of all this slave labor. I told you children before that Obama is replacing blacks and Indians with Mexicans, because Mexicans work while the others cost money........and working Mexicans die young and you do not have to waste money caring for them.
This is the Ashkenaz cartel in genocidal race warfare against Americans of the Judeo Christian traditions and replacing them with these Catholic border busters who they can simply work to death like Hitler did Jews, all without the camps, as North America will be on big death camp in time in the tans serving the elite in the ivory towers.
Barack Obama in Gunrunner was spreading the same revolution which Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers mentored him in, in the second phase, which communist Frank Marshall Davis began. If you forgot, black liberation was imported from South America, into black communities, from latino Marxists who were educated in this right out of the Kremlin.
Just as Obama is busy assisting the Islamocommunists, he is busy assisting Latinomarxists for his FDR perpetual rule. There is no madness in this method. It is pure cut throat policy with the clearest of purpose and Americans like Germans aghast at Hitler, can not believe that leader Obama would be carrying out something so homicidal on a genocide scale, and yet look at the piles of dead Muslims from secular Islamist Obama and look at the piles of dead Americans and Mexicans from comrade Obama. This is being worked out AS THE OPERATION IS IN FULL COMPLETION MODE.
That is why this blog does not trust Darrell Issa. No one is this uninformed in not knowing Obama was creating a para military narco enforcer wing to the patricians to terrorize Mexicans and Americans to death literally. Issa knows damn well as does Robert Mueller, because the gun dealers are the ones who started raising hell about these gun dumps in they knew something extremely bad was going on.............worse than Mena, Arkansas ever was and what Oliver North was running.
So you can watch this in what Limbaugh and Schult say. Gauge what in hell the tact is they are being told to spin this as. Listen to Issa and focus on if any of the above starts leaking out, and discern if it is from pressure from this blog or if the powers have told Congress to bring Obama down.
Now you know what the Obama regime was running Project Gunrunner for. It was your Cairo, your Tripoli, your Latino Spring followed by the deadly spray of a winter of bullets.
Children they are not arming Philistines to not murder Jews of a certain sect and they are not arming Marxist narco Mexicans to not murder right wing Americans..........the real right wing Americans.
nuff said
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