That is enough, so readers will know I have not gone leftist and so Bill Clinton will know I'm and honest broker in this, when I state Bill Clinton has the opportunity to enter into his most influential and monumental legacy years, if and IF he assists in bringing down Barack Hussein Obama and sincerely quits the damn political games and places himself at the service of President Sarah Palin.
Mr. Clinton, if you bring in the Clinton voters, make blacks to comprehend that Sarah Palin is necessary to secure America, and if you rein in the puppy press who turned on your wife, your place in history will far exceed Franklin Roosevelt.
What Bill Clinton needs to do, is exactly what Bill Clinton did in reaching out to Ronald Reagan, and more importantly bringing in Richard Nixon into his kitchen cabinet, as when Mr. Nixon was advising the Clintons, their foreign policy was something which was grounded and visionary.
This is what I call upon Bill Clinton to become is the elder statesman in Richard Nixon as a confidential adviser to Sarah Palin who she can trust in his nor Mrs. Clinton stabbing her Administration in the back, just as Nixon was an honest broker.
I realize the left is puking at this in thinking Clinton as Nixon is some repulsive joke, but I do not joke about Richard Nixon, because up until B. Hussein Obama plunged America into European vassal policy, these United States have been under Richard Nixon foreign policy triumphs since President Eisenhower was at the helm.
Richard Nixon formulated the Reagan agenda, and Bill Clinton carried out that agenda as much as George W. Bush did. This is what I speak of in while I know Mr. Clinton's past to be repulsive and disrespectful, he is the answer to America's unique need of an elder statesman to a Palin Administration who can assist them in giving absolute weight and insight which only Bill Clinton can.
Yes Bill Clinton knows the crooks of the world, and he knows how to grease the skids in delivering messages which need to be delivered.
I do not have to respect Bill Clinton, to be disgusted over what Barack Hussein Obama did to him as a bag boy to North Korea in humiliating him. Former Presidents do not have that done to them and in that, Bill Clinton in serving America without fanfare as Nixon did, can cement his legacy as the mature statesman above all politics which will overcome his boyish sinfulness of twenty years ago.
Bill Clinton and Hillary do not belong in charge of that quasi foundation ruling America while funded by the government and without oversight. They belong in the American fold if they can behave, and if they keep their word, their legacy is going to be one where the Republicans will not be grousing about him being a pervert while Democrats shrug, but one where the Republicans will respect him for fixing the mistake of Obama and serving America with his insight and political talent on a world stage.
Legacies like Ronald Reagan are built by the left respecting the dead. Bill Clinton needs to build a bridge to the Conservative right and when he does that in helping to elect Sarah Palin and then watching her left flank, Bill Clinton will find a place in history beyond his dreams.
This is Bill Clinton's opportunity. He needs to do more than reach out to Paul Ryan on Medicare backstage. He needs to put the operation into full mode where they are sabotaging Obama from the inside as they did before they were warned off by the cartels and they need to start whittling away at the people who are Rovian contenders against Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin has already bridged numerous gaps to the left. Bill Clinton needs to let it be known he will do the work on the left and then provide the cover to repentant liberals for voting for Barack Obama, and as father confessor inform them their pennance for the political rape of Sarah Palin is voting for her in 2012.
I know my interests in this are America first and building a firewall on the left for President Palin.
I know that it is in Bill Clinton's interest to do this for a Palin Presidential run, as his legacy is going to be wiped out by Barack Hussein Obama as the liberals try to print more propaganda to make up for their insane mistake in installing this fraud.
Bill Clinton's legacy is a shadow cabinet adviser to the Palin Administration on the right. He will be in the loop and not out of the loop sa he is now.........and is wife is even further out being in. Bill Clinton literally needs to become Richard Nixon in astute foreign and domestic political advice to assist Sarah Palin to succeed.
He does this and there will be more Conservatives lamenting him at his funeral than the liberal backstabbers who threw him to the curb for Obama.
Bill Clinton, Obama is going to chisel your name off of everything, just the way he is taking out John Edwards. Sarah Palin will dust off your name in stone and bury Obama's name under it with federal prosecutions of this regime.
Don't you ever forget Bill Clinton that Eric Holder suckered you in that Marc Rich pardon, even though you took the Saddam bribes for 50 million for the leverage, you know damn well it was Holder who stabbed you in the back and Holder will do it again.
Your legacy years are ahead Bill Clinton to be formed in a generation not born when you were in the White House.
Do you want to be Ronald Reagan to America or do you want to be overlooked LBJ?
I'm absolutely right about this Mr. Clinton. Make the call. Put your loyalists into motion with not just bringing down Obama, but building up Mrs. Palin.
Sarah Palin holds the keys to your legacy Bill Clinton.
You damn betcha.