I honestly did not cover the Anthony Wiener Wienergate, as I thought maybe it was Hillary Clinton's assistant, Tony's penis looking wife who was doing this, as wives in liberal land pretend to be husbands trolling for victims as much as husbands pretend to be wives trolling for lesbians to surpise with the enticement of the old lady.
So I took Tony Wiener at his word that he didn't sent the photo.......I figured his old lady did in internet sex play.
Problem is Andrew Brietbart.........who by the way is loads sexy as one can see from the rouge photo below he posts on his Big G site.........

Has in defending his honor, found a cache of Wiener's sex photos in Yahoo which Wiener has been sending out to young girls.
I'm most concerned about the medical condition of Anthony Wiener as his erect penis appears like a hammerhead shark in being T shaped...........you know if you are scared of being caught and you stuff a paper towel cardboard into your shorts and take a picture quick before the old lady walks in.........and to you have a T shaped dick.....which is what Anthony Wiener has.

It must be painful urination and his wife must be facing grave medical treatment if this is truly a T shaped dick, so I'm concerned about her feminine parts too as something the same of a carpenters square should not be inserted into any woman........whether she likes being punished or not in marrying a male who looks like a penis.........and this once lovely woman in not one year of marriage is looking like a penis too.
So it does not matter what Muchelle Obama or Anthony Wiener are packing.........what matters is DailyKos outed young girls in defense of Tony Wiener and it is criminal and Tony Wiener surely has a felony tucked away in this if John Edwards does.
Well anyway, I'm finally concerned about Mark Levin, as he is quite attached to Tony Wiener and his audience rather enjoys the Ted Kennedy Wiener of New York.
Guess that is it..............oh it must be George W. Bush's fault in this depraved sex age of Obama.
This time I guess it is not keep your eyes on the girl eh.
In addition, as I neglected to post Andrew Brietbart's photo, it provides an opportunity to address something serious in the criminal aspect of Anthony Wiener.
For days Anthony Wiener allowed his defenders to claim that Andrew Brietbart hacked the account of Mr. Wiener.
That odd liberal who owns DailyKos also was posting the names of innocent women to smear them the way Hillary Clinton did Bill's bimbos and those who were innocent.
For the fact in this, the accusing of Andrew Brietbart incited serious crimes. Mr. Brietbart could have already been under investigation by Eric Holder, because no one knows if a Grand Jury was summoned.
This could have cost Mr. Brietbart millions in attorney fees trying to defend himself of something he never did. As Patrick Fitzgerald proved in convicting Scooter Libby over nothing, Andrew Brietbart in an Obama kangaroo court could have faced 5 to 20 years in prison if convicted of what Anthony Wiener's backers were accusing him of.
For that reason, Anthony Wiener is part of a criminal conspiracy, a RICO Act violation of organized crime. His lies and perversion almost cost Andrew Brietbart his literal life, his reputation and his liberty.
It is not enough for Mr. Wiener to be hounded out of office. There are issues of where did these pervert photos go? Were children sent these photos as all ages are known to lie about who they are as I said I presumed this was Wiener's wife doing this from what he was saying in his non denial.
When Rod Blagojevich and John Edwards can be railroaded into the courts over things they did not do for Obama retribution, Anthony Wiener certainly should be hauled into court and serve time over this.
What was done to Andrew Brietbart is equal to what was done to sexual assault victim Kathleen Willey by the Clinton clique. It is time these liberal smear operatives who impersonate this blog to what was done to Andrew Brietbart face criminal prosecution.