We now have factual proof that there is not one teil of difference between National Socialist Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Barack Hussein Obama, as B. Hussein has graduated from Blood on his hands Obama to Butcher Obama.
This blog does not state things out of context nor stoop to George Soros smears, for Mr. Obama is a National Socialist and what he has undertaken in the Sudan with his Rudolf Hess, aka, John Kerry of Massachusetts is the stealing of lands held by others for resources and the extermination of the indigenous peoples.
The only difference is Hitler put his Jews into work to death camps, while Butcher Obama has Islamocommunists murder Christians in site.
Only this blog exclusively laid out that Barack Obama sent John Kerry into the Sudan to work a blackmail deal with the Muslim Butcher there in which Obama would not have the European World Court idict this mass murderer, in exchange for the oil in southern Sudan put under the auspices of a new free south Sudan, divided and free.........
Ah Mark Levin and you fellow Jews are you paying attention to the divided land thing and Soros in control over the resources as a deadly thing happened on the way to freedom.
See the Muslim Butcher got away with mass murder. Obama allowed the Chicoms to assist in what happened in aiding Islamic Sudan. This time it is not Darfur, but a place called Aybei which is in for the Islamic slaughter which John Kerry and Barack Obama worked out with the butcher of Sudan..........and did you notice how Obama is deadly silent through this new religious cleansing of Christians?
This little quote from the Sudanese communists in a request by the United Nations to stop butchering people was most to the point.
“Sudan does not need to be asked to pull its army out of Abyei because this is a Sudanese territory.”
That in street terms is F*CK YOU UN.
So to recap this little Obama fiasco.........no I do not mean the slaughter in Egypt, the slaughter in Yemen, the slaughter in Bahrain, the slaughter in Tunisia, the slaughter in Albania, the slaughter in Syria, the slaughter in Afghanistan, the slaughter in Iraq, the slaughter in Libya, the slaughter in......the Jewish state...........no this Christian cleansing by Obama's chosen communist Muslims repeating exactly what Adolf Hitler turned out against Jews..........and yes those Christians too, but we never hear about Christians as there is no holocaust industry in slaughtering Christians as liberals just expect and want Christians dead across the globe.
I repeat, there is now not one bit of difference between Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler. They both worked deals to divide land for their own exploitation and murder the inhabitants.
Now you know what Hitler Obama and Hess Kerry have been working out...........the slaughter of the innocents.
Never again huh? Not until Barack Obama comes along.
Did not this blog warn you that if left shattered, regathered and reformed, that Barack Obama would turn into Joseph Stalin?
Here he is children in all his blood soaked gore.