I was listening on the FOX new radio outlet of The Flag, AM 1100, home to Rusty Limbaugh and Mark Levin, to the virgin broadcast of Ed Schultz............on Conservative radio after he called Laura Ingraham a talk slut...........and all I could take after the endless product hawking on some bio flood clean up greener crap, was two minutes of Ed and his caller.
The caller was talking about IF Medicare was changed and this skirt was in Wisconsin and Ed let her ramble on like a doctor handing out feel good pills about all the problems she was having IF Medicare was changed.
The big scare for this Ed Schultz listener was IF Medicare was changed that she would have to pay for her autistic son's medical care, and if not her, it would fall to her 10 year old other son to pay for the bills for this autistic kid.
I sat there stunned at this, as this Obama skirt and Ed Schultz, apparently do not comprehend that Medicare comes from people and corporations and is not just appearing like a miracle to take care of autistic children or anyone else.
People who are being made to pay for this autistic kid who is not their child. Corporations who either are like GE not paying taxes or other business who are all taking tax breaks on medical costs which pass these trillion dollar bills onto Americans who can't afford a blessed thing under Obama spending, Super Depression and inflation.
This woman had sex. She enjoyed it as she did it twice in producing two children. The rest of America got no pleasure from any of this, but this Schultz listener thinks that other people should be paying for her mistake.
I place this as a mistake as this woman is assuredly a laughing member of liberal comedians like David Letterman who mandates that Sarah Palin murder her mentally retarded child, so why didn't this democrat from Wisconsin abort this kid, as what is good for Sarah is good for the liberal skirts.
As for that, this woman is part of the ilk which wanted Terri Schiavo tortured to death, so why is this autistic kid not dehydrated to death so Obama supporters can say how pretty this boy is dying as they did with Ms. Schiavo?
This is the problem with Ed the Enabler Schultz. He knows all of this, but knows he has to pacify his stupid audience, so he has one, so he can gratify his needs for attention.
All of this is so obvious and yet this is the brain of a woman in Wisconsin on Obama. She thinks others are to be responsible for her problems, when that is what mothers and siblings are for. You take care of your own, just they way I struggle to take care of my Mom. I actually enjoy it in her recovery from a life threatening condition. It was hell going through it, but I would not take back one moment with her nor any sacrifices I have made.
It is a learning experience, and I wickedly enjoy her cane as it is a "get the hell out of the way you dumb ass" with most people...........although a prick phy ed coach who tortured me in school was too busy the other day dry humping a sales girl in not figuring others were busy and Mom was with her cane for a reason, so I just sort of moved my cart to run the old bastard over some, threw my bags on the counter to shove him out of the way........and it was amazing how the self centered ass with a viagra hard on for all young girls moved the hell out of the way............
I digress.........
What I did wonder though about the Ed Schultz caller though as Ed did not figure this out......but Ed does figure out that the GOP has filibustered the Senate more under Obama than any in history.........which is some idiot George Soros fiction Schultz has gotten on talking points as filibusters are TALKING ON THE SENATE FLOOR and the GOP has not done that in the least.........so that is why I digress as Ed is just a mind on Obama nuts and you can not figure out the psychodelic experience.........and I mean psycho baby sister.
I digressed..........
What I wondered about was where this woman's husband was for this autistic tissue she is pawning off on other families who can't afford college, food and you know FOOD.
All of that though is lost on Ed the Enabler, and I'm so pleased Conservative Radio, FOX affiliated, big oil of North Dakota promoted has this fine Edward Schultz enabling the Darwin candidates for Obama all so Ed can become rich off of it all as America goes to hell.
What comes next?
Rush Limbaugh featured on GAY TV as we are all swinging and trading partners and places in all these liberals and conservatives are getting mixed up........or were they always the same just hired whores of the cartels?
Mark Levin beats up liberals as they want to be punished, Sean Hannity coddles liberals to validate them and Ed Schultz enables them.
What a psycho bunch.
You betcha.
and the days go by
like a strand in the wind
in the web that is my own
I begin again
I said to my friend,
"baby nothing else mattered".