Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated in Haartz..........well I will allow him do to the quote:
"No one has the power to stop the decision to recognize a Palestinian state in the UN General Assembly in September," Netanyahu said. "It can also be possible to make the decision there that the world is flat."
Frankly, the Jewish Government can do a great deal to stop the Obama push for recognition of the Neo Syrian Philistine state dead in it's "Obama kickback tracks for his 2008 campaign contributions of 300 million dollars illegally from these foreigners", and it is a simple thing.
The Kennesset simply as to pass a law that if the world creates a Philistine state, that the Israeli Government reserves the right to create a Palestinian state in California, at which point the 40 million or whatever these Muslims will be immediately deported to their new homeland in the Sacramento Valley in California and the Obama Americans there can deal with the 1967 borders of property rights as Palestinians now all own that valley.
Ships can be acquired, notices posted in the West Bank and Gaza, that Palestinians will upon the United Nations mandate have their assets and persons evacuated in September without exception.
The Israeli state will mandate this be enforced with their nuclear arsenal and any nation seeking to stop this reciprocal United Nations act will find nuclear bombs cleansing their soil, which was proven after Hiroshima to not affect soils, but to enhance plant growth due to increased nitrogent fixed, and those areas of those nations will find Palestinian settlers there to the following January.
So as the Israeli state is sovereign, I disagree with Mr. Netanyahu, in the Jewish Government can do a great deal in linking Obama globalist policy to what the Jews will implement if their internal affairs are meddled with.
If Obama is going to create a world full of Muslim refugees and the American majority will not impeach this international crook, the let the American socialists have the Obama Mexicans, Obama Libyans, Obama Egyptians, Obama Yemenis, Obama Pakistanis, Obama Tunisians, Obama Chadites, Obama Syrian........Obama Palestinians, in vast swathes of America can be truned over to these Obama displaced and the Americans can learn first hand what it is like to have the international socialist Obama policies affecting them.
nuff said.