While Anthony Wiener's wiener has been in grubby grey boxers sharing space with apparently a cardboard roll out of a paper towel dispenser to give it size, nowhere as of yet besides perhaps pedophilia pictures with children, as we do not know what age all these girls were Mr. Wiener was sexting and sexdigs to...........there has not been murder, political prisoners, ruined press careers and they mystery of "is that wiener attached to a real American or an illegal"?
That is the reality of Barack Hussein Obama's penis as we hear of stories of Obama putting it into Hawaiian blondes while reading porn poems to them........but then at Occidental College in California we see a photographer female taking pics of Obama, making herself available, and Obama would only suck on his own joint.
There is the urine smell on Obama from Frank Marshall Davis as highlighted in the poem boy Obama composed, including yellow stained underwear. Just what preference does Obama have in where his wiener buns itself as we have fictional dreams of blondes and one in Columbia University, but none of these women have ever surfaced.............
Instead we have boy roommates in California and Pakistani gay looking roommates off campus in New York...........the same boys he took a trip with to Pakistan to learn.............cooking with the women, even though a partridge hunt was apparently held in his honor.
Columbia is known as the sodomite interlude of the east coast university system between teachers selling grades to available boy toy students.................once again just where has Obama's wiener been?
Not only did we have urine smelling stained underwear of Sex Machine Frank Marshall Davis mentoring Obama, but when boy Obama went to Chicago to become a man.................odd phrase is it not for Obama to make, when that phrase of being made a woman or being made a man, always relates to one's cherry being picked in sex.......that his mentor in Chicago was a sex pervert control known as Bill Ayers who once again swung from rape to women to male partners.
Then there is the interludes of Lawrence Sinclair........did I not tell you that Lawrence Sinclair's story would keep coming back and be an issue? Well here it is again, in Obama's Wiener in Mr. Sinclair snorting coke off of Obama's thigh and doing it so well, that a very obedient Obama appeared on Mr. Sinclair's motel doorstep the next day, and sprawled out on Mr. Sinclair's bed, made hisself available for more Obamasexual sex.
Then there is Donald Young, the murdered Chicago gay choir director at Obama's religious gathering. The teacher who was riddled with bullets to silence him, and Chicago PD just could not find a suspect in a lover or a jealous wife...............but Lawrence Sinclair would be told by Mr. Young that he was the sex partner of Barack Hussein Obama.
Once again, we have blondes of no photos being created in Obama's Dreams, but in reality all we really have are photos of gay men who had sex with Obama's wiener.
Speaking of photos, we have the infamous Charlie Gibson open shirt interview with Barack Obama........and that glaring down his glasses lecture at Sarah Palin. After this blog exclusively outed this interview as "sodomite" in it was a calling card to the bi sexual community that Obama and Gibson had dropped soap, that amazingly Charlie Gibson like Bill Clinton's press bimbos just simply disappeared like Regina Blakely of CBS.
Do you recall Obama making a joke with the puppy press laughing in his being in bed with Brian Williams and rolling over and asking him a question..............a joke that no normal male would ever come up with, but one which flowed off of Obama's lips as if it were a common thing for two men to be in bed rolling around in pillow talk.............just where as Barack Obama's penis been?
And what of Obama's blackberry? The thing he will not be parted from........just what kind of Anthony Wiener texts are upon it?
Did not this blog mention that Obama was after Rush Limbaugh for a few rounds of the back nine in golf............
Speaking of which, what of the golfing of Obama which this blog noted, takes Obama a very, very, very long time to complete with press agents like Thomas Friedman? Just what is happening that takes so very long to accomplish on or off the golf course?
We know that Mort Zuckerman wrote speeches for Obama.......but just what did Tom Friedman do for Obama on that golf course with other reporters who were invited to play a few rounds?
Sports played a most interesting role in Mr. Obama's role playing, as even Jimmy Kimmel noted in a joke that Obama's boy toy, Reggie Love, might be showering with Obama, to which Obama absolutely glowered at Kimmel.
This is the same Reggie who Obama says he watches in bed ESPN and flosses with..........the same Reggie who is in the Oval Office alone with Obama all the time.........the same very large black man, basketball player, Reggie Love who pushed around Bill Daley in trying to intimidate him while Val-erie Jarrett was harping at Mr. Daley....................just where has Obama's wiener been?
We know that Obama' Wiener has not been in Carla Brunei Sarkozy, as he was eye raping her in public, and the First Lady of France literally had to strong arm this letch to keep him at arm's length...........we know Obama liked feeling up tan latino girls in Iraq.........but once again, while Rush Limbaugh has his blondeberry when he goes down to Elton John sodom for cover..........Barack Obama only has the disgruntled wife...........no Anthony Wiener blonde girls.......but that Reggie Love keeps popping up out of the closet.
So where has Barack Obama's wiener been? We know it appeared twice in Muchelle Obama's vacuous female parts which dwarfed it........and we know it appeared for Lawrence Sinclair three times.......we know it appeared under cover with Frank Marshall Davis........we know it soaped up well with Charlie Gibson..........we know it flosses well with Reggie Love..........we know it posed well on a couch with a Pakistani boy...........we know it likes talking blondes in dreams of his Obama, but this Obama's wiener is unlike Anthony's wiener in it seems such a happy .............gay hot dog, always looking for a bun with that masculine feel to it.
This blog asks again as Anthony Wiener's wiener is a criminal scandal..........Barack Obama's same wiener is the same criminal scandal, but in Obama's case, his penis has dead gay males, incarcerated gay males to silence them, and these dry humping mansexuals who keep the Obama propaganda lively and gay.
Once again in the bigger crimes of Barack Obama's wiener..........where has Obama's penis been, what did it know, when did it know it...........and what about it's ruined careers it caused, the political prisoners it caused and the dead it has caused.
Where has Barack Obama's wiener been?