Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gee Barack Obama is a Lame Cherry Fan

How utterly honored can one be in the Light of God's Daylight, sunny horizons, singing yellow headed blackbirds not sprayed to death by the Obama Interior Department and rain on the way, to know that free deep in the abyss of Obama's dungeon dreary White House that B. Hussein and the Brown Recluse are fans of the Lame Cherry Show.

I started laughing today when I heard Rush Limbaugh venting, ranting and in a stew over Obama coming out swinging at the GOP for their sacred cow of subsidized private jets for Rush Limbaugh multi millionaires.
See when this blog is stolen from by Plagiarist Limbaugh and Limbaugh lies and vilifies the American rural poor over ethanol, endangering America in his spew to Muslim oil terror attacks as that ethanol money stays in America and not al Qaeda for more 9 11's, it is not going to allow such misbehavior.

Readers will note this blog warned Rush Limbaugh to pay his debts and leave the American agrarians in peace, but this blovenous product of Operation Mockingbird just thought he was dealing with John McCain in a pissing contest...........when this girl does not take sh*t from no city kid married to his blondberry daughter.
The warning was sound in that 11 million according to Biblical restitution on Elton John pay scale was going to be cheap by the time God was through in the reckoning on this in balancing the books.

You do not steal from me on this blog, but you steal from God as the work is His and I just am honored to serve as the keyboard plinker.

So this blogs fan in B. Hussein and the Brown Recluse in knowing growing a beard was a good deal, along with all the other advice they screwed up, took note of Limbaugh's subsidies of millions and used it to bash the Republicans over the head with.

Rush Limbaugh brought this onto you John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. He had Mark Levin ranting about it too in ethanol, when ethanol was already fixed as was exclusively reported here. Yet they just in sadistic a**hole juvenile attacks could not leave the rural American poor in peace.
Now GOP you got real problems as Obama reads this blog and if I'm so moved by God, this blog in dealing with blovenous Limbaugh is going to succeed where no Obama has gone before.
Sure you give the whore's payment to Ann Coulter, but you think you can be cute in pretending this Conservative can be ignored............well Obama sure bit you in the ass on that now didn't he?

All Limbaugh had to do was play nice, but he the little bully refused and kept driving Mark Levin nuts. Now Barack Obama has his sledge and he is going to maul the hell out of you, because of debts owed this blog and this blog protecting American rural poor.

You have no idea the thoroughness of God scraping to the bone in what He will do to rectify this and I will just sit here typing innocent in a conversation with myself. You do though have an idea of the reach and influence of a real Conservative blog as God even has Barack Hussein Obama serving what goes on here.

I could not be more delighted in giving God full credit in this, as the dittoheads rant and rave about Obama attacking the airline industry...............when this is all Rush Limbaugh's fault, responsibility and the problem he caused.

Now you children know the real version of this story and how sore the GOP is going to be in Limbaugh blowing this up for them.

To be continued as God is working.

agtG 244

Barack Obama listens to the Lame Cherry Show