Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh joy, another plague for messiah Obama's reign

I know you are just going to be so pleased about this, but there is now a West Nile type virus being spread by the deer tick called the Powassan Virus.
Named as such as the first case was identified in Powassan, Ontario in 1958. It is a lovely full spectrum disease as it inflames your brain, your spine (encephalitis and meningitis), mimics West Nile in flu symptoms, and when it is all done, is like polio in nerve damage.

Some poor Minnesotan went breast up from this and that is what caught my attention, as another old gent recovered from it, but of the 60 cases reported, more and more are cropping up in the Arrowhead Wilderness of the Al Franken election theft state.

The first deer tick I ever saw was on my dog and she was swelled. I was stunned by it, as these tics are so small compared to the common species of wood ticks. Perhaps Mark Levin will think himself fortunate that his children dogs are dead, as they might just have given him a brain explosion........but they would have inherited a fortune.

In any case, this is an exclusive report and a definite call for the return of DDT across America proper to rid this nation of the critters which slaughtered our forebearers. This blog calls for a five year program in every Mexican, aka foreigner be powdered with DDT, every bed, every Indian and every great swath of America from potatoe fields to Louisiana swamps to kill this epidemic off of bed bugs to mosquitoes before piles of Americans succumb as these ticks are infected due to a virus from some mammal they are sucking blood off of, and the deer tick sucks blood from everything from mice to wolves.

A nice 5 year program will nip this in the bud, and we can all go along without this West Nile Polio thing turning us into rationed death nature style.

I doubt if the messiah Obama is going to work a miracle on this as he has not worked one yet, except raising that dead Medal of Honor recipient from the grave.....if only by teleprompter it would vouchsafe to bring back all the nice old toys America used to play with in Warbex, DDT, 1080 and anything else to take this nation back from the vermin infecting it, both 8, 6, 4 and 2 legged varieties.

That about sums it up............but from the tick diseases in California which no one pays attention this new one, America is sure a plague center in this Age of Obama now.

DDT only works when you use it. Use it in key locations hard, and then back off again.

nuff said.


Grand Forks Herald.........that is in North Dakota Mr. Levin, and does deliver into Minnesota, as by miracle just like radio waves, they are not stopped by borders.

I love the smell of Warbex in the afternoon autumn air.