Ethanol, Ethanol, Ethanol, Ethanol.
I know where the hatred of American farmers and ranchers comes from in Mark Levin and his Limbaugh Leaner Bi Cons, it comes from the oil barons who are the subsidy black heart of all the Buckleyites.
See they hate biofuel subsidies, because that creates ethanol, which cuts gas consumption, which cuts their market share and leaves them less powerful to dictate which oil wars America gets dumped into.
That is why Rush Limbaugh and Roger Hedgecock were lying about biofuels in saying they cost so much, when they were factoring in absolute lies, as I have said a cookie you bake costs a billion dollars, because Limbaugh's accounting was based in the cost of drilling gas wells for your stove, mining for coal and iron for your pans......and other damn lies he knew, but didn't stop until this blog outed him.
I decided to fight fire with fact in this, and instead of challenging these cowards of Hannity, Limbaugh and Levin to a cage match to kick all their fat lying asses, here are a few facts in ethanol subsidies.
According to Slate which hates ethanol too as it empowers rural states over bi con big coast states, the average ethanol subsidy was under 5 billion dollars a year.
Now consider this is not 5 billion going to Muslim oil mafia terrorists, that is a number of 9 11 attacks which did not happen.
But let us look at this in Mark Levin's home state in Virginia in all the money that state says is set aside a year in subsidies and yet Mark Levin never harps once about any of this waste which is 20 times bigger.
Here is their list of subsidies.
* $151.5 Billion in grants for small businesses
* $186.1 Billion grants towards housing and healthcare
* $86.4 Billion towards grants for students and college graduates
* $93.4 Billion in grants for personal needs and cash awards
* $57.5 Billion in grants for minorities
* $99.7 Billion in grants for women
* $96.5 Billion towards research grants
* $38.5 Billion grants towards community developments
* $103 Billion in grants for non-profit organizations
Florida according to the site got around 8 billion and Illinois almost 7 billion........but gee Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh can not find one thing to bitch about that now can they about Obama's home state and Limbaughs home state feeding off of American taxes.
Oh and here is one for Mark Levin in his family members eat dog food........you know his children, which he takes a week off from work to recover when they go tits up.........and still finds time in his mourning to blog and post pictures as he apparently is not bed ridden..........and most people call ANIMALS, why there is a 50,000 dollar grant from the USDA to study pet food pathogens.
Got news for you dog owners. Dogs eat more rotten meat and puke up more poison than would kill a hundred humans. But here is Mark Levin's doggy pet food being tested.
Mr. Millionaire Levin, if you can't see the forest in your eye of government subsidies compared to the speck of biofuels, then how about putting your mouth where you bank account is, and fund your own damn doggie treat testing?
That is what really pisses, irks and makes this girl want a cage match to kick these fat ass Bi Cons asses legally, as these city boys sit there in their wealth, luxury, not working one bit like farmers and ranchers, and then they bitch with their cheap food policy making slaves of farmers in poisoning and working them to murderous deaths......and this Ann Coulter mob targets ethanol subsidies which do not amount to a damn..........and as this blog has proven for every dollar going into biofuels, that money turns over at least 20 times, meaning it creates others jobs as farmers and ranchers buy all those things the manufacturing states produce which employ people, and pay taxes.
Let us not forget that George W. Bush did this to get America the hell out of the Middle East, and there is subsidized Mark Levin dragging America back into those cursed oil wars along with his Barack Obama starting them for more 9 11 events.
Mark Levin like a barbarian you cheered at the murder of Osama bin Laden............how about you and your great American friend Foxhole Hannity take responsibility for the next nuclear 9 11 and not blame terrorists as you are the A HOLES who are dragging America back into the Muslim maelstrom.
So I'm fed up with tolerating these ignorant asses who get beat in their lies, and then stew in it, and then come back right to the propaganda of the barons they shill for as they impoverish Americans, ensalve rural American and endanger all Americans to WMD terrorism.
Let's sing with that Obama voter Don Henley as I have just had it with this Coulter Molotov Mob who are either pathological liars or completely bone from the shoulders up.
You drag it around like a ball and chain
You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain
You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown
Got your mind in the gutter, bringin’ everybody down
Complain about the present and blame it on the past
I’d like to find your inner child and kick it’s little ass
Get over it
Get over it
All this bitchin’ and moanin’ and pitchin’ a fit
Get over it, get over it
nuff said