As a further exclusive to comments published in addition to articles n World Tribune, this blog has uncovered one more industry in these United States which Barack Hussein Obama has destroyed and in that process transformed it into the bastion of an enemy of these United States.
Mr. Obama destroyed the banking industry of America, but in ridding it of pro American interests, we find that Tim Geithner created a super state of even larger banks who are now trading in the same massive debt which caused this rapine of the American investor.
The auto industry has been turned over like the railroad industry to Obama cronies in unions and Warren Buffett.
The housing industry is wiped out. It is instead held at high prices instead of deflation, all for the same financiers literally owning huge segments of the American economy.
Into this is this blog's exclusive in how B. Hussein Obama has taken thee immensely successful military industry of America and wiped it out. Obama cancelled the fine F 22 fighter which should have been a boon to American workers. On the heals of this a most bizarre smearing of the F 35 fighter has been initiated by this regime.
For those who are not intimate with the F 35, it was the product of a contest between Boeing and Lockhead Martin, as the fighter jet industry has been almost wiped out in America.
LM succeeded in it's prototype which is a joint venture in this jet is a hover jet, a naval jet and an air force jet in various forms.
In testing the F 35 performed wonderfully and literally when a pilot went throttle up it was like a rocket slamming them into their seats as this jet has so much power as it will be the last manned fighter jet produced by America in quantity for frontline battle.
I make note of the testing as this jet had minor problems, but cleared on hover tests and in all the air force tests. Yet, in this Age of Obama, all of a sudden there are cost overruns with "complaints" coming out joined with Democrat Sen. Levin threatening to cancel the project Americans already invested a trillion dollars in............because somehow now the F 35 has avionics problems, engine problems and there are problems with joining other weapons systems of foreign design like Israel's IDF.
This is most strange as the F 35 passed all tests with remarkable colors and the pilots all were completely impressed with this war machine.
The avionics are the same avionics which appear in other military hardware, so this is completely bizarre that the F 35 is reported as having avionics problems as a Predator flies, a Stealth flies so the F 35 somehow does not fly on the same computer board?
The engines are the same fine American designed fighter engines of Pratt Whitney 135's, which in turn power a massive turbine in the hover mode, but yet there is "engine problems".........so amazingly Obama benefactor, who took bailout money, pays no taxes in General Electric all of a sudden in the GE Rolls Royce 136 is being now developed as an alternative along with the British cut into American manufacturing.
As for the uplinks for foreign weapon's systems, of course Americans are not going to be handing out our codes for the F 35 systems, but this is easily remedied in a junction box, a sort of computer recognition platform which would keep the American systems separate and secure and Turkish systems operating with this "translator" as well as all of these other foreign entities.
So in shooting down all the clay pigeons the Obama regime has sent up, one starts seeing Obama is dismantling the American military sector which endangers American security and is throwing Americans out of work.
The same cronyism which got Warren Buffett the American railroad industry is the same pie Obama cut out Pratt Whitney and cut in GE and the British, all to the detriment of Americans and our economy.
The same weapons system boondoggle and avionics smears all point to another one of Obama's cronies in the Chicoms having somehow stolen the plans for the F 35 are building their own, which of course will be cheaper and spread around the world taking away the American allied markets.
What did the Chicoms get for all that debt money they signed over to Obama that Hillary Clinton went begging for? Why the US military industrial complex in they will produce the advanced fighters and Americans will flip burgers at McDonalds.
There is no doubt at all about this pattern of Obama, and the reality that he has placed the United States in jeopardy even deeper by ripping apart the F 35 and giving it to the communists of China. There is no doubt in this that Obama has rewarded his cronies and all of this endangers America as the smearing of the F 35 makes America look weak and incapable of producing a fighter, the Chicoms turned out in less time.
As I stated this is an exclusive of here in depth, which my comments on other news sites have hinted at in more of the criminal undertakings of the Obama regime.
nuff said.
F 35